Page 45 - SAMENA Trends - September 2023
P. 45


        digital  lesson, complete it  with video or                              used to equip the schools with computers
        audio materials, test  assignments  and                                  and the Internet. Thus, on April 28, 2020, a
        provide  it  as  a  homework  through the                                decree of the President of Uzbekistan was
        Lessons  Planning section  in  Kundalik.  If                             signed,  according  to which all  healthcare
        necessary, the  lesson  can  be  bound to                                institutions, schools, preschool educational
        a  textbook  or  an  official  syllabus  for  the                        institutions  should  be  connected  to the
        discipline.  When  submitting  a  lesson  as                             high-speed Internet network in 2020-2021.
        a  homework,  the  teacher  can set  up the                              In February 2020, to solve issues with the
        competition parameters  and  choose the                                  technical  equipment of schools, a pilot
        presentation form. Thus, the senior classes                              project of the Ministry of Public Education
        can take a lesson in the messenger format,                               of Uzbekistan was also launched to provide
        and the younger students can study in the                                the tablets and laptops to the teachers by
        form of an interactive game.                                             installments on preferential terms.

        A mobile application  Kundalik.Family                                    The  project  demonstrated  its  particular
        has  been  developed  for the  parents  and   “Despite  the  fact  that   efficiency during the pandemic.
        students.  In addition  to the  standard
        options  of a  digital  diary  and  a  learning   the  children are at home,   The Ministry of Public Education, together
        platform,  the  application  provides  very   we must  start the  4th    with  the National  Television  and Radio
        useful additional tools: a GPS tracker that                              Company of Uzbekistan,  arranged  the
        helps  determine the  child’s  location, a   academic term at schools”   broadcasting  of video  lessons  on  the  TV
        rating  in  a  class  and  detailed  analysis  of   -  H.E.  Mr.  Sherzod  Sher-  channels in accordance with the curriculum.
        performance  for various disciplines,  an   matov,   then    Minister    The video lessons were also posted on the
        average grade, etc.                                                      website  of the  Kundalik  digital  academic
                                                of Public  Education  of         platform.
        The application helps the students to use   Uzbekistan
        all the diary options, send their homework                               During  this  period  that  was  so  difficult
        and  files  with  completed  creative  tasks,   The  project is  completely funded by   for the  country  and  the  entire  world, the
        view the curriculum, and schedule their day   Kundalik's own resources.  The  state   Kundalik  platform  helped  to  provide  the
        independently. It is also possible to send the   does  not  spend  the  budget  for software
        homework  in  the application  through the   development,  operation  and  maintenance,   Benefits of digitalization of
        parent's profile that is especially useful for   introduction  of  the  system  into  the   the  education  system are
        those  families  that  have  one  smartphone   schools. Transition to the digital document
        to work  with  the platform. A motivational   management  in  the  schools  allows  the   clear: it helps to prepare
        tracker in  the  Diary tab  will  inspire  and   state to save on purchase of paper class-  a  unified  standard  in  all
        encourage  the  students  to complete  their   books, since there is no need for them.  schools  in the  country,
        tasks and assignments faster.
                                             Moreover, the  saved  public funds  can be   eliminate  the    digital
                                                                                    inequality  and  find  an
                                                                                    individual approach to each
                                                                                    child. The state can obtain
                                                                                    the  necessary data  for
                                                                                    analytics and management,
                                                                                    provide  the children  with
                                                                                    useful  content  for  their
                                                                                    development,  and  provide
                                                                                    the parents with convenient

                                                                                    services and involve them
                                                                                    in  the  education  process
                                                                                    of  their  children.  It  also
                                                                                    instills  digital  literacy  in
                                                                                    the citizens

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