Page 46 - SAMENA Trends - September 2023
P. 46


        distance  learning  services.  This  system   In  April  2021,  Kundalik  together  with  a  partner  launched
        allowed the  teachers to issue  homework
        and  learning  materials,  and  the  students   a project  to  develop  a multi-service  online platform  for
        could send their completed works for check   supplementary mastering  of  disciplines  as a part of  the
        and  verification.  As  a  result,  the  teachers   school  curriculum.  The  project  includes  a design  tool,  a
        issued  grades  in the  digital  class-book or
        gave comments on finalizing the answers.  catalogue  of  academic  applications  that  are grouped  by
                                                the disciplines, classes or contents of textbooks included
        It is noteworthy that due to the technology
        introduction  in  the  field  of  education   in the republican list. Moreover, the platform provides the
        this  industry has  recovered  faster  than   distance  learning  services,  motivation  and  gamification
        others  after the pandemic in  Uzbekistan.
        In  January-May 2021,  the  growth  rate  of   tools
        academic services  in  Uzbekistan  turned
        out  to  be  the  highest  and  amounted  to   abolition  of paper  homework  diaries  and   unified  standard  in  all  schools  in  the
        145.2%.  The  rental  and  leasing services   transition to the digital ones, 22% persons   country, eliminate the digital inequality and
        only were ahead of this indicator - 146.9%.   were against such an innovation and 12%   find  an  individual  approach  to  each  child.
        Moreover, the level of educational services   responders still found it difficult to give an   The  state can obtain  the  necessary data
        has recovered most quickly after the strict   answer.                    for  analytics  and management, provide
        quarantine measures in 2020.                                             the  children  with  useful  content  for their
                                             According  to 86% of parents,  the  most   development, and provide the parents with
        According  to the  research results,  the   convenient  thing  in  a  digital  homework   convenient services and involve them in the
        children successfully studied, demonstrated   diary is that at any time and in any place   education process of their children. It also
        more  motivation  and  independence  when   the  parents  can have  a look at the  exact   instills digital literacy in the citizens.
        doing their homework and classwork using   schedule,  grades, tasks  and  attendance
        the digital diary, even during the pandemic.   of the child.  All  parents  believe that  such   No digital transformation of the economy is
        Kundalik contributes to the improvement of   approach increases the interest of children   possible  without  the  digitalization  of
        school performance and attendance rates.   in learning.                  education. Our kids today are the future of
        The children are more actively involved in                               every country, they are the force that will be
        the educational process.             The majority of parents (61%) look through   driving  our countries  forward.  That’s  why
                                             the  grades  in  the  digital  homework diary   school  education  should  be  digitized  so
        10,  000  parents of Uzbek  schoolchildren   together  with  their children.  They believe   that hundreds of millions of people could
        took part in a survey where they told about   that the child feels more attention from the   get  all  the  benefits  that  come  with
        their attitude toward academic digitalization   parents and strives for the better results.  technology.
        and to the Kundalik digital homework diary.
        More  than  67%  interviewees  responded   Benefits  of  digitalization  of  the  education
        that they had positive emotions about the   system  are clear: it  helps  to prepare a

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