Page 44 - SAMENA Trends - September 2023
P. 44


        equal access to the  educational  content   To work with the platform, the person can   during the lesson in a couple of minutes. It
        that  contributes to the  digital  equality   use any device with an Internet connection,   is also possible to write messages to the
        and  increase  in  the  academic level  in  the   such  as  a  computer,  laptop, tablet,  or   parents relating to the student’s  behavior.
        country. The  government  authorities  have   mobile phone.  The website   There  is  no  need  to  take  a  roll  call,  carry
        quick access to up-to-date  information   is located in the TAS-IX zone, and Internet   around heavy paper class-books or wait for
        relating to the education system condition,   traffic  (including  with  the  help  of  mobile   another teacher to return the class-book.

                                                “One of the  main objectives of the  Ministry  of Public

                                                Education  is to develop  comfortable  work  conditions  for
                                                the teachers. While using up-to-date technologies, we want
                                                to significantly reduce the paperwork in schools and the
                                                related burden on the teachers. Moreover, we will create a
                                                tool for managing the educational process and generating
                                                objective reports relating to the students’ attendance and
                                                academic performance”
                                                - H.E. Mr. Sarvar Babakhodzhaev, then Deputy Minister of
                                                Public Education of Uzbekistan

        required  reporting  and  analytics  for   operators) is  not  consumed during the   With over 15 years of expe-
        informed management.                 platform operation time.
                                                                                    rience  in digital  transfor-
        The  first  platform  implementation  was   A  mobile  application  has  also  been   mation  of  education  and
        commenced in  the  schools  in  Tashkent.   developed for the teachers. This app allows
        Currently, Kundalik has been implemented   to  work without  an  Internet  connection.   government  institutions,
        in  all  regions  of Uzbekistan.  In  total,  the   Kundalik  facilitates  the  work  process and   Kundalik  International  is
        platform is used by more than 10 thousand   saves  time of the  teachers  that  can  be
        schools  in  the country. In  2022/2023   usefully spent on the creative or additional   the  operator  and private
        academic year, 244  million lessons   development  of  students,  or  personal   partner  for digitalization
        have  been  conducted  in  the  schools  in   professional  development.  The  reports   of education in several
        Uzbekistan  with  the  help  of Kundalik,  2   are  generated  in  an  automatic  mode, the
        billion grades have been issued.     grades  are  entered  into  the  class-book   CIS  countries  with  more
                                                                                    than 59 thousand schools
           “When  I  completed  the  online  training  conducted  by  the           connected  & 30  million
           Kundalik  supervisors, the  platform  operating  principle               users registered
           became  clear,  and  I  decided  to  help  all  teachers,  show
           them how to develop and import the lesson plans, issue                In April 2021,  Kundalik  together with  a

           the grades for school terms and examinations, indicate the            partner  launched  a  project  to  develop
           class attendance and absenteeism for no reason. Based                 a   multi-service  online  platform  for
                                                                                 supplementary mastering  of disciplines
           on the work experience as an administrator, I can say that            as  a part of the school curriculum.  The
           Kundalik  improves  the  quality  of  educational  process,           project includes a design tool, a catalogue
           saves time that has been previously spent on paperwork,               of academic applications that are grouped
                                                                                 by  the  disciplines,  classes  or  contents
           helps the teacher prepare video lessons, and also makes               of textbooks  included  in  the  republican
           the student assessment system transparent”                            list.  Moreover, the  platform provides  the
                                                                                 distance learning services, motivation and
           - Mr. Zhasurbek Makhmudov, a teacher of mathematics                   gamification tools. The digital profile of a
           at the State Specialized Boarding School No. 7 of the                 student demonstrates information relating
                                                                                 to the diplomas, medals, or achievements.
           Chustskiy district in the Namangan region                             At  present,  the  teacher  can develop  own

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