Page 41 - SAMENA Trends - September 2023
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        project. Growing demand for online services   customers with a seamless  experience.   digital  sales  channel  that  now contribute
        and platforms is another factor supporting   The  bank’s  early  adoption  of digital   48%  of the  bank’s total annual CDs/TDs
        Egypt’s digital economy. With around 60%   banking  products  and  services was a   booking in  terms  of volume and  44%  in
        of its  more than 100  million  population   crucial  advantage, especially  during the   terms  of value.  This  has  enabled  CIB  to
        under the age of 30, the country’s large and   pandemic when its  digitization program   reduce  branch  traffic  and  enhance  the
        youthful market offers immense potential   was accelerated.  This  led  to the  creation   customer  experience.  The  launch  of the
        for digital  adoption  and  innovation  as   of the Bank of the Future program in late   Bank of the Future program has helped CIB
        more people  use  smartphones, social   2020, the six key pillars of which are service   to encourage greater use of digital services
        media  and  e-commerce platforms to   digitization;  operations  centralization;  as  an  alternative  to traditional  banking
        access information, entertainment,  and   robotics;  branch  digital  experience;  methods. Two-thirds of its customer base
        purchases. “A dynamic start-up ecosystem   branch  classification;  and  digital  sales.   now uses online banking,  with  2.2  million
        has emerged in recent years,” adds Abaza.   The  program has  impacted  a  number of   internet  banking  transactions  valued  at
        “The  country  has  been  gearing  itself  to   customer service  areas  including  internal   approximately  EGP65.6  billion  executed
        become  a hub for  entrepreneurship  and   and external fund transfer migration rates,   last year, a 13% y-o-y increase. The online
        innovation,  attracting  local and foreign   cost synergies,  and  transaction volumes.   banking  customer base  reached 1.3
        investors, accelerators and  incubators.   Last  year the  program was extended  to   million  users  in  2022  (25%  higher  than  in
        This digital transformation offers immense   business banking customers where robotic   the  previous  year)  while  mobile  banking
        potential for economic growth, as well as   process automation (RPA) has contributed   transactions  increased  by  57%  to 11.4
        for delivering  social  and  public  services   to  productivity  enhancement,  saving  time,   million. Zaki the Bot – CBI’s AI-powered chat
        more  efficiently  and  inclusively.”  CIB   effort, and costs.  The  total number  of   bot - conducted over 488,000 interactions
        has  played  a  significant  role  in  Egypt’s   transactions  processed  via  RPA reached   on both the public website and Facebook
        digital  transformation,  investing  heavily   1.25  million  by the  end  of 2022.  Online   Messenger.
        in  technology and  innovation  to  provide   platforms  have  become a  highly  effective

        Bahrain’s Leadership Backs Digital Transformation

        Bahrain is on the path to make use of emerg-  vices to ensure the continuity of operations   is  complemented  by enhanced  participa-
        ing technologies such as Big Data, artificial   in both the public and private sectors. ICT-  tion  through  social  media,  electronic  and
        intelligence (AI) and blockchain in govern-  led growth Additionally, ICT has contributed   field surveys, blogs, and more. The forum's
        ment  services  in  line  with  the  2030  Sus-  to growth that surpasses expectations in vi-  topics also addressed  the  importance of
        tainable Development Goals (SDGs), said a   tal areas such as e-commerce and distance   building  a competent  workforce capable
        top official. Information & eGovernment Au-  learning. He highlighted the kingdom’s no-  of harnessing and adapting emerging tech-
        thority  (iGA)  Chief  Executive,  Mohammed   table experience in this area demonstrated   nologies  to improve  government  systems
        Ali Al Qaed told the ‘World Economic Forum   by the  National Suggestion  &  Complaint   and services. Al Qaed highlighted the sig-
        “GovTech Network” in Geneva, Switzerland   system - Tawasul, which allows the public   nificance of human resource development
        the unwavering support for digital transfor-  to engage with government  entities  and   in  this  field,  particularly  the Technical  De-
        mation by Bahrain’s senior leadership has   submit their complaints, inquiries, and sug-  velopment Program, which is carried out in
        led to the development of many services,   gestions interactively through digital chan-  collaboration  with  concerned government
        applications  and  government  systems.  Al   nels. Tawasul has fostered the community   entities, and aims to cultivate a skilled and
        Qaed  said  the  Covid-19  pandemic  was  a   participation by the active response to the   experienced national ICT workforce.
        key driver in  accelerating  the  adoption of   suggestions and complaints while promot-
        emerging technologies in government ser-  ing engagement across all segments. This   Cloud computing
                                                                                 During a session on ‘Government Ecosys-
                                                                                 tem’, Al Qaed discussed potential and inno-
                                                                                 vative solutions for government operations
                                                                                 offered by cloud computing. He highlighted
                                                                                 the importance of enhancing collaboration
                                                                                 with leading global players, explaining that
                                                                                 Bahrain has actively pursued this through
                                                                                 its  partnership  with  Amazon Web  Ser-
                                                                                 vices  (AWS) to provide  the  infrastructure
                                                                                 for hosting government services on cloud.
                                                                                 This partnership has strengthened the abil-
                                                                                 ity of government entities to innovate, im-
                                                                                 prove  operational  efficiency,  and  expand
                                                                                 their  storage  capacities.  He  added  that  it
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