Page 40 - SAMENA Trends - September 2023
P. 40


        Cloud’s Contribution to Kuwait Economy Could Reach US$16.8 billion by


        Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS), an, Inc. company   new opportunities for economic growth and social development."
        (NASDAQ:  AMZN),  commissioned  a  new report  quantifying   The  study demonstrates  that  the  economic  impact of cloud
        the  relationship between  cloud computing adoption, national   computing is guided by returns to scale - greater adoption of cloud
        productivity, and economic growth in the Middle East and North   computing will  lead  to  proportionally  greater  productivity  gains
        Africa  (MENA) region.  The  report  highlights  the  potential  for   and  economic impact. “The  widespread  adoption  of cloud has
        Kuwait  to  unlock  USD 16.8  billion  in  additional  economic value   already led to increased efficiency, cost savings, and job creation
        over the next  decade (2023-2033).  The  study, performed  by   in  various industries.  As  more  businesses  and  organizations
        Telecom Advisory Services LLC, and  directed  by Raul  Katz,   continue  to  migrate  to  the  cloud,  the  economic  benefits  are
        Director of Business Strategy Research at the Columbia Institute   expected to grow even further,” added Yasser. The report identifies
        for  Teleinformation  (Columbia  Business  School), provides  a   four key  advantages  of cloud  computing. First,  it  enhances
        cutting-edge econometrical method for calculating the aggregate   business efficiency and effectiveness, streamlining processes and
        productivity gains  realized  by economies that  adopt  cloud   improving outcomes. Second, it offers access to a wide range of
        computing.  It extends  previous economic  research focused on   services, enabling businesses to leverage advanced technologies.
        firm-level productivity by establishing cloud adoption as a driver   Third, it boosts productivity by facilitating collaboration, mobility,
        of national  productivity  and  economic growth. Unleashing  the   and agility within the workforce. Fourth, cloud computing promotes
        Economic  Power of Cloud Computing in  Kuwait In 2021,  public   environmental  sustainability  by  reducing  carbon emissions  per
        cloud adoption made a significant impact on Kuwait's economy.   unit of data transmitted.
        According to the report, it contributed 0.59% to the country’s GDP,
        generating an economic value of USD 798 million. The report finds
        that a 1% increase in cloud adoption by Kuwait organizations will
        result in a 0.05% (USD 63.86million) average GDP growth. Yasser
        Hassan, Managing Director, Commercial Sector (MENA and Turkey),
        at AWS, said: "The findings of our report highlight the tremendous
        opportunity for Kuwait to harness the potential cloud computing in
        line with the government's strategic initiatives. As cloud computing
        continues to gain momentum, it is imperative for Kuwait to invest
        in infrastructure and develop a skilled workforce to enhance the
        country's competitiveness on a global scale. With the support of
        AWS, Kuwait can accelerate its digital transformation and unlock

        Egypt Pushes Digital Transformation Agenda

                                                               than  70 online  services  for citizens  and  businesses  including
                                                               issuance of national IDs, renewal car licenses, paying taxes, and
                                                               applications for subsidies Developing a national broadband plan,
                                                               which  aims  to increase  internet  penetration  and  provide  high-
                                                               speed internet access to all public institutions, schools, and health
                                                               facilities  Establishing  a digital  identity  system  enabling  citizens
                                                               to  verify  their  identity  online  using  biometric  data  and  a  unique
                                                               national  number, and  access various e-government  services
                                                               Promoting  e-commerce and  supporting  small  and  medium
                                                               enterprises  to adopt  digital  solutions  and  platforms  Enhancing
                                                               digital literacy and skills - Egypt has launched several initiatives to
                                                               train students, teachers, workers and entrepreneurs in the use of
        Digital transformation is a key component of Egypt’s Vision 2030   digital technologies Supporting and enabling these achievements
        strategy.  Along  with  other  key  initiatives  (ICT  2030  and  Digital   has  been  the  government  investing  "heavily  in  upgrading  and
        Egypt) it is expected to further accelerate the development of the   expanding  telecommunications  infrastructure,  particularly  fiber
        country’s digital economy and potentially provide a blueprint for   optic networks and mobile broadband services,” explains Hussein
        other African countries. Egypt has made significant strides in digital   Abaza, CEO and managing director, Commercial International Bank
        transformation in recent years. Some of the notable achievements   (CIB). The government has also initiated projects to connect public
        include: Launching a digital services portal, which provides more   buildings to high speed internet access through the Digital Egypt

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