Page 99 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
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                         Press Release No. 133 / HM / KOMINFO / 04/2021 to   two – while Smartfren bid IDR176.5 billion to win the
                         announce  the results of the 2.3GHz  radiofrequency   other slot. As such, Telkomsel secured blocks A and
                         auction, completed between 19 and 21 April 2021. The   C, while Smart Telecom won block B. In addition to the
                         ministry’s tender was  to allocate frequencies  in the   above,  KemKominfo  confirmed  that  refarming  would
                         range 2360MHz-2390MHz with a block size of 10MHz   also involve broadband wireless access (BWA) operator
                         each. At the close of the process, MCI confirmed that   Berca Hardayaperkasa (trading as hinet), which is also
                         Telkomsel bid IDR176.9  billion (USD12.2  million) per   a user of the 2.3GHz frequency band.
                         block on the three lots of bandwidth offered – securing    (October 6, 2021)

                         Lithuanian telecoms watchdog  the Communications   (October 27, 2021)
                         Regulatory Authority (Rysiu Reguliavimo Tarnyba, RRT)
                         has published plans for the upcoming sale of spectrum   The  Ministry of Transport and Communications,  the
                         in the 700MHz band for 5G mobile services, set to take   Communications  Regulatory Authority  (RRT),  other
        Lithuania        place in early 2022. The tender comprises the sale of one   public sector institutions and telecoms operators have
                         2×10MHz block (713MHz-723MHz/768MHz-778MHz)
                                                                        agreed on strategic actions for the implementation of
                         and two lots of 2×5MHz (723MHz-728MHz/778MHz-  5G mobile  communications  throughout  the  country.
                         783MHz  and 728MHz-733MHz/783MHz-788MHz),      Under the agreement, the development  of 5G  will  be
                         with initial prices set at EUR5 million and EUR3 million   carried out in the following stages: by 2022 5G should be
                         (USD5.8 million and USD3.5 million), respectively. The   available in at least one of the major Lithuanian cities;
                         RRT notes, however, that participants will be restricting   by 2023 connectivity should be available in the cities
                         to bidding on one spectrum block during the auction.   of Vilnius, Kaunas,  Klaipeda, Siauliai  and Panevezys;
                         The concessions are valid for 20 years. Winning bidders   and by  2025  5G  coverage should be available  in  all
                         are subject to certain rollout and service provision and   cities and across major international transport routes,
                         rollout obligations, including a requirement to launch   including the Via Baltica motorway and the Rail Baltica
                         commercial 5G services in at least one of the country’s   line, as well as other national roads, railways, airports
                         five  largest  cities  (Vilnius,  Kaunas,  Klaipeda,  Siauliai   and seaports. Ultimately, Lithuania is aiming to cover
                         and  Panevezys)  within  six  months  and  to  all  five  by   95% of households with speeds of 100Mbps by 2025.
                         31 December  2023.  Interested  parties have until 25   (October 13, 2021)
                         January 2022 to submit auction documents to the RRT.

                         The  Ministry of Communications  and Multimedia   Internet services,” he said. He said this after conducting
                         (KKMM)  wants  telecommunication companies  to   a survey of the Kampung Mongkos telecommunication
                         jointly help the government  in efforts to improve the   tower site located about 110 kilometres from Kuching
                         country’s  communication  network, especially in  rural   city  today.Annuar also  said  that  his ministry  would
        Malaysia         areas.                                         continue  to monitor construction projects  as well as
                                                                        the upgrading of towers in Sarawak under Phase One
                         Communications  and Multimedia Minister  Tan  Sri
                         Annuar Musa said that apart from thinking of profits,   of the National  Digital  Network  (JENDELA) plan.  “I
                         telecommunication  companies  should  also become   will conduct spot checks from time to time to obtain
                         equal service providers in urban, rural and interior areas.   direct information in areas where the service is not very
                         “I  want more commitment  from telecommunication   satisfactory. “The people can lodge complaints on the
                         companies because I often hear the laments of rural   JENDELA  map  portal  at to  give  feedback
                         folks,  meaning there  are  still  gaps  that  need  to  be   on services in their respective areas or apply for new
                         addressed. “I  understand  that  rural areas are not   services from the service providers,” he said. For the
                         so  populated, so  generally these  companies  do not   record, the KKMM had allocated a total of RM4 billion
                         want to invest in these areas which are not profitable   to implement the JENDELA plan in Sarawak, with 749
                         but telecommunication  companies  must  look  at  the   new towers set to be built and existing towers to be
                         approachability aspect to enable rural folks to get quality   upgraded. (October 24, 2021)

                         The Malta  Communications  Authority (MCA) has   is  effective from  1  December  2021.  The provision of
                         issued  a decision which  makes the provision of a   universal services is currently undertaken by national
                         4Mbps broadband  internet  connection  part  of the   fixed and mobile operator GO.
                         country’s universal service requirements. The decision   (October 26, 2021)

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