Page 96 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
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                         the Dynamic Spectrum  Alliance. “Access  to TVWS   Uganda, Mozambique, and Kenya. In the case of Brazil,
                         will  facilitate smaller Internet  Service Providers (ISP)  the board of commissioners has adopted the general
                         s and community networks operating in underserved   rules authorizing  the operation of TVWS unlicensed
                         areas to connect remote and vulnerable communities   devices  on  a secondary basis in the  UHF  and VHF
                         to vital  services, leading  to more digital inclusion.”   bands (54-72 MHz, 174-216 MHz, 470-608 MHz, and
                         Enabling the use of White Space is  also  in  line with   614-698 MHz). Further developments will take place in
                         similar regulatory decisions that have been approved in   the coming months regarding the geolocation database
                         many other countries, such as United States, Canada,   and additional technical specifications of the devices.
                         Colombia,  United Kingdom,  South  Africa, Ghana,   (October 11, 2021)

                         Thes Federal Court has denied requests from national   in British Columbia, Alberta and Manitoba to be eligible
                         telecoms  operators Bell  and Telus to  block Quebec-  for the set-aside licenses  (reserved for companies
                         based rival  Videotron from purchasing 3500MHz  5G   other than Bell, Telus or Rogers). Videotron welcomed
        Canada           ‘set-aside’ mobile licenses in western provinces it won   the court’s decision to refuse the stay request, although
                         at auction earlier this year, IT World Canada reports. The
                                                                        the case will continue with further arguments to be put
                         court concluded that there was no basis for assertions   forward by Bell and Telus in future hearings.
                         that Videotron needed to have physical infrastructure    (October 29, 2021)

                         Telecom    regulator   the   Department    of  different productive  sectors to  be part  of  the digital
                         Telecommunications      (Subsecretaria    de   revolution  …  Furthermore, the interest of companies
                         Telecomunicaciones,  Subtel)  has granted  Starlink   such as Starlink, Amazon and other low-orbit satellite
                         – the Low  Earth  Orbit  (LEO) satellite  broadband   providers  reveals that Chile  is an attractive country
        Chile            provider backed by  Elon Musk’s  SpaceX  venture –   for investment in telecommunications.’  Starlink  is
                         approval  to  operate  five  satellite  ground  stations,   aiming to launch  commercial services  in parts of
                         enabling the operator to launch commercial services   Chile by  the end  of the year, and accepting  orders
                         on a national level. The authorization covers sites in   from interested customers. A subscription is priced at
                         Caldera,  Coquimbo,  San Clemente,  Puerto Saavedra   CLP92,600 (USD114) per month  although  no further
                         and Puerto Montt and follows ‘several months’ of pilot   details regarding the tariff,  such as  download limits
                         tests in Sotomo (Los Lagos Region) and Caleta Sierra   or connection  speeds  are currently  available. The
                         (Coquimbo Region). Commenting on the development,   company website  does note, however,  that  its  ‘Beta’
                         Undersecretary  of Telecommunications  Francisco   service provides downlink speeds of between 50Mbps
                         Moreno, was quoted as saying: ‘We are facing a true   and 150Mbps, with  ‘brief period  of  no connectivity
                         milestone in terms of digital inclusion that will provide   at  all’.  In addition  to the  monthly  price,  subscribers
                         our users with one more connectivity alternative. From   must pay setup costs totaling CLP562,500, including
                         Subtel we promote connectivity by sky, sea and land,   CLP466,700  for the equipment  an  shipping  fees of
                         bringing  high-speed  connections  to  different areas   CLP95,800.
                         of our country,  allowing students,  entrepreneurs  or   (October 21, 2021)

                         The Ministry  of Information  Technologies  and   Agency (Agencia Nacional del Espectro, ANE) reportedly
                         Communications  (Ministerio de Tecnologias  de la   assisted with the technical assessment. As part of the
                         Informacion  y las  Comunicaciones,  MinTIC) has   renewal conditions,  both companies  are  obliged  to
                         renewed the 1900MHz spectrum licenses held by Claro   update their technology and improve coverage and the
        Colombia         and Movistar via resolutions 02802 and 02803, which   quality of their services.
                         were dated 19 October 2021. The National Spectrum   (October 22, 2021)

                         The Dominican Telecommunications Institute (Instituto   meanwhile,  will pay USD20.678 million for a 70MHz
                         Dominicano  de las  Telecomunicaciones,  Indotel) has   block of 3.4GHz-3.5GHz spectrum. Claro’s license will
                         announced that its auction of 5G-suitable frequencies   run for 20 years, while Altice’s concession will only be
                         has  generated  a  total  of USD73.789  million. Claro   valid for 14 years. The 5G frequencies will be formally
        Dominican        Dominicana  submitted the largest bid, offering   awarded to the cellcos on 28 October.
                         USD53.111 million for a 70MHz block  of spectrum
                                                                        (October 14, 2021)
        Republic         in the  3.3GHz-3.4GHz  band.  Altice  Dominicana,
                                                                                                    96   OCTOBER 2021
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