Page 95 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
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                                  REGULATORY ACTIVITIES BEYOND

                                            THE SAMENA REGION

                         The Australian government  is  looking  to impose   standard telephone  service on reasonable  request  to
                         more rigorous reporting rules  on Telstra with a  view   premises anywhere in Australia. With this being both
                         to improving transparency  in the delivery  of voice   a legislative and contractual obligation, the fixed line
                         services in regional  and remote  areas.  In a  press   incumbent is obligated to provide a reliable telephone
        Australia        release  regarding  the matter, Minister for Regional   service and provide connections  and repair faults
                         Communications,  Bridget  McKenzie,  said she was   within a  reasonable time.  Under the proposed  new
                         concerned about community perceptions that services   reporting rules Telstra would need to publicly report on
                         in regional  and  remote Australia  were not being   its performance at the local exchange level against key
                         maintained, noting: ‘Regional  and remote consumers   indicators,  including  service availability,  connection
                         place a high priority on access to reliable voice services,   timeframes,  faults and outages,  repair timeframes,
                         and the  government is  now proposing  changes  so   appointment  timeframes,  complaints,  and customer
                         that more detailed and up to date information will be   contact handling. Comments on the proposals have
                         available to the community.’ As per Australia’s Universal   been invited by a deadline of 8 November 2021.
                         Service Obligation (USO), Telstra must provide a fixed   (October 13, 2021)

                         The  Minister of Telecoms,  Petra de  Sutter, has   (MNO)  has  been reduced,  allowing B2B  providers
                         announced  the  Federal Council  of Ministers has   to bid for a  share of the available frequencies.  The
                         approved the royal decrees which pave the way for an   minister believes this addresses concerns surrounding
                         auction of 5G spectrum, which is now expected to take   the impact  of  a  new entrant, such as  the effect on
        Belgium          place  in  Q2  2022.  Explaining  the  final  auction  terms   investment,  jobs and radiation levels, while also
                         take into account the concerns expressed within the   creating additional  competition  to  lower costs and
                         Concertation Committee (a multilateral body of federal   encourage innovation. The text will now be submitted to
                         and regional government ministers), a complementary   a vote in the Concertation Committee on 24 November.
                         study on  the  potential  impact of a fourth mobile   De Sutter will  then  work  with regulator  the Belgian
                         operator, a public consultation and the opinion of the   Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications
                         Council of State, Minister De Sutter said the process   (BIPT) to organize the auction planned for 2Q 2022.
                         is now ‘in the home stretch’. The spectrum previously   (October 22, 2021)
                         reserved for a potential fourth mobile network operator

                         The  National Telecommunications  Agency  (Agencia   national spectrum will be divided into regional blocks,
                         Nacional de Telecomunicacoes, ANATEL) has confirmed   however. (October 30, 2021)
                         that a total of 15 companies have submitted bids for its
                         5G auction. All relevant paperwork was filed by the 27   The national telecommunications agency ANATEL has
        Brazil           October deadline. Going forward, the ‘price proposals’   approved the framework authorizing using a TV White
                         will  be  analyzed  by the Special  Bidding  Commission
                                                                        Area (TVWS).  The brand new TVWS framework was
                         (Comissao Especial de Licitacao, CEL) on 4 November.   authorized on September 30th and can function as a
                         The  15 bidders  are as  follows: Algar Telecom,  Brasil   versatile solution to make environment-friendly use of
                         Digital Telecomunicacoes,  Brisanet, Claro Brasil,   spectrum  whereas  defending  present and incumbent
                         Cloud2u, Consorcio 5G Sul, Fly Link, Mega Net, Neko   customers from interference. As global internet usage
                         Servicos, NK  108, Sercomtel Telecomunicacoes,   continues to rise, this decision marks a significant step
                         Telefonica  Brasil,  TIM  Brasil,  VDF Tecnologia  and   towards addressing capacity demands in unserved, or
                         Winity Telecom. The 5G auction includes frequencies   underserved regions. The Dynamic Spectrum Alliance
                         in the 700MHz,  2.3GHz  and 3.5GHz  bands,  as well   (DSA) complimented ANATEL on the decision and said it
                         as  26GHz millimeter wave (mmWave)  spectrum.  All   "marks a significant step towards addressing capacity
                         spectrum  bands will  be divided into national and   demands  in  unserved,  or  underserved  regions".  “The
                         regional blocks – apart from the 2.3GHz band, which   COVID-19  crisis  has  added  additional  significance
                         will be solely available on a regional basis. Any unsold   to this decision,”  says Martha Suarez, President  of

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