Page 103 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
P. 103


                         British telecoms regulator Ofcom has issued a decision   the technical conditions set out in both the Spectrum
                         updating the technical conditions of mobile concessions   Access 700MHz licenses and the European Conference
                         in the 800MHz  band,  saying that after consulting  on   of Postal and Telecommunications  Administrations
                         the matter it had determined it was appropriate to do   (CEPT) recommendation for the 800MHz band.
        United           so. Setting out its judgment,  the regulator confirmed   (October 28, 2021)
                         the license amendment  is  available  to  all  holders
        Kingdom          of Spectrum Access 800 MHz licenses  on request.   Ofcom has published its decision on a new fiber-to-the-
                         Licensees that wish to take advantage of these changes   premises (FTTP) pricing offer that Openreach intends
                         can apply to Ofcom for a variation of their concession.   to introduce from 1 October 2021). With the regulatory
                         Among the changes  made as  part  of  the decision,   requirements designed to ensure that the regulator can
                         Ofcom has  aligned the in-block transmit  power limit   examine pricing proposals before they are introduced
                         with the 700MHz band, with the permitted base station   to  ensure competition  is  not harmed, Openreach
                         transmit power increased from 61 dBm/(5MHz) EIRP to   notified Ofcom of its planned ‘Equinox Offer’ on 1 July
                         64 dBm/(5MHz) EIRP. This is accompanied by a change   2021. It subsequently launched a consultation process
                         to  the way  in  which the power limit  is  referenced,   calling for feedback on the pricing plans, setting out a
                         moving from per radio equipment to per antenna; as   provisional view that it was not considering taking any
                         part of this change, femtocells must implement power   further action. Having now considered the responses
                         controls to minimize interference to adjacent channels.   to its consultation, Ofcom has confirmed it will indeed
                         Meanwhile, to help facilitate equipment manufacturers   not take any action  regarding  Openreach’s  pricing
                         make equipment  that can use both  the 700MHz  and   proposals, and the ‘Equinox Offer’ will now last until 30
                         800MHz  bands,  Ofcom has changed  some of the   September 2031 and be available across Openreach’s
                         out-of-band  and out-of-block  limits.  Such  changes   FTTP footprint.
                         have been made to closer align the power limits with   (October 1, 2021)

                         Auction  110, the latest  sale of 5G-suitable spectrum   launch a new 5G network in 2022 – is understood to
                         by the  Federal  Communications Commission  (FCC),   be bidding via a holding company called Weminuche.
                         commenced yesterday (5 October), generating opening   Auction  110  is  offering  bidders  new  flexible‐use
                         day bids of USD672.4 million. The 33 qualified bidders   licenses in the 3.45GHz–3.55GHz band throughout the
                         include  the likes  of AT&T  Communications  (bidding   contiguous US. The 100MHz spectrum band has been
        United           as AT&T Auction Holdings),  Verizon  Wireless  (Cellco   divided into ten 10MHz blocks and licensed by Partial
        States           Partnership)  and T-Mobile US  (T-Mobile  License).   Economic  Area (PEA), for a  total of 4,060 licenses.
                         Satellite TV giant DISH  Network  – which intends  to   (October 6, 2021)

                         The Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC)   end-September. Major operators Viettel, Mobifone and
                         outlined plans to hold a spectrum auction this quarter   Vinaphone  began testing  commercial 5G services  in
                         to enable operators to boost LTE capacity and formally   2019 in parts of the country’s two largest cities, Hanoi
                         launch 5G services next year. MIC Minister Nguyen Manh   and Ho Chi Minh City, using trial licenses. Last month,
        Vietnam          Hung said the country is determined to keep up with   Viettel, working with Ericsson and Qualcomm, recorded
                                                                        a peak transmission speed of 4.7Mb/s using 800MHz
                         other operators around the world by commercializing
                         5G, the news agency  wrote. The  minister previously   of  mmWave  spectrum  in  a  5G  trial.  In  May  2020,
                         called for the regulator  to allocate spectrum  in the   Fitch Solutions predicted the operators would quickly
                         2.6GHz band but didn’t mention any additional bands.   move to  5G because the government had prioritized
                         The Ministry also set the target for all citizens to use   the technology  and the nation  has mature handset
                         smartphones by 2023. GSMA Intelligence data showed   manufacturing capabilities.
                         smartphone penetration in Vietnam was 66 per cent at   (October 6, 2021) Vietnam News Service

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