Page 102 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
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                         confirmed  recently  that  only  1,000  subscribers  had   in July this year, Manuel had predicted that one million
                         taken advantage of the new regime – in the long term,   Filipinos would switch networks in the launch phase.
                         she is confident that users will get on board. Previously,   (October 24, 2021)

                         The National  Communications  Authority (Autoridade   Nos spearheaded the bidding, agreeing to pay EUR165.1
                         Nacional de Comunicacoes, ANACOM) has confirmed   million for a combination of 700MHz, 900MHz, 2100MHz
                         that  its  multi-band 5G  spectrum  auction – which   and 3.6GHz  spectrum. Next in line was  Vodafone
                         commenced  on  14  January  –  has  finally  concluded,   (EUR133.2  million;  700MHz/3.6GHz), followed  by
        Portugal         after 1,727 rounds of bidding. The process generated a   MEO (EUR125.2 million; 700MHz/900MHz/3.6GHz). In
                         total of EUR566.8 million (USD657.6 million). Alongside   terms of the ‘new’ bidders, Nowo bid EUR70.2 million
                         incumbent  mobile  operators  PT Portugal (MEO),  Nos   for 1800MHz,  2.6GHz  and 3.6GHz  spectrum,  while
                         and Vodafone Portugal, the auction also saw bidding   Dixarobil offered EUR67.3 million for spectrum in the
                         activity from Grupo MASMOVIL-backed cableco Nowo,   900MHz, 1800MHz, 2.6GHz and 3.6GHz bands. Finally,
                         mobile network densification specialist Dense Air and   Dense Air committed to pay EUR5.8 million for 3.6GHz
                         the previously unknown Dixarobil, which is understood   frequencies.
                         to be affiliated with Romania’s Digi Communications.   (October 28, 2021)

                         The National Authority for Management and      5 April 2029, EUR3.5 million per block; and 18 lots of
                         Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) has launched   5MHz TDD blocks in the 3.5GHz (3400MHz-3490MHz)
                         the competitive selection  procedure for the auction   band, expiry 31 December 2025, EUR700,000 per block.
                         of  short-term  spectrum  licenses for  unused  mobile   In terms of coverage  obligations,  800MHz  licensees
        Romania          frequencies  in the 800MHz,  2600MHz  and 3.5GHz   will need to cover 95% of the population of 56 specified
                         bands. The tender is expected to raise at least EUR72.5
                                                                        localities with mobile broadband download speeds of
                         million (USD83.9 million). ANCOM intends to auction a   at least 2Mbps by end-2023, while rights holders in the
                         total of 195MHz of frequencies, with user rights valid   3.5GHz band must deploy 25 base transceiver stations
                         from 1 January 2022 and expiry aligned with existing   (BTS) within a year of entry into force of the license,
                         permits in the bands, as follows: one block of 2×5MHz   rising to 50 BTS after two years and 100 after three
                         in  the 800MHz  band (791MHz-796MHz/832MHz-    years and six  months. Interested  parties are invited
                         837MHz),  valid between  1  January  2022  and 5  April   to submit applications  before 15 November.  The
                         2029 and with a starting price of EUR22 million; eight   regulator  expects  to  announce  the  qualified  bidders
                         lots of 2×5MHz in the 2600MHz  band (2530MHz-  by 17 November, enabling the auction to begin no later
                         2570MHz/2650MHz-2690MHz), valid until 5 April 2029,   than 25 November, the final results to be announced in
                         EUR4.3 million per paired block; one block of 15MHz   December and permits granted by the end of the year.
                         TDD in the 2600MHz band (2600MHz-2615MHz), expiry   (October 12, 2021)

                         The Swedish Post  and Telecom  Agency  (Post  &   2025 so that all the spectrum  can be allocated  in a
                         Telestyrelsen,  PTS) has announced  plans to auction   single process. A market consultation is being planned
                         licenses in the 900MHz, 2100MHz and 2.6GHz bands   for February-March 2022.
                         in the third quarter of 2023. The expiry dates of existing   (October 26, 2021)
        Sweden           licenses in those bands have been harmonized at end-

                         The Electronic Communications and Postal Regulatory   ‘Portability  will  offer consumers  the possibility of
                         Authority (ARCEP) of Togo  has launched  a  public   changing  operator, while keeping  their number  with
                         consultation  on plans to introduce  mobile  number   their  original  operator, in the  event  of dissatisfaction
                         portability (MNP) in the country. The consultation runs   with  the  quality  of  service  or  to  benefit  from  better
        Togo             until 3  November  2021  and forms  part  of ARCEP’s   offers and prices available from the competitor. In this
                         preparations  to increase competition  in a market   sense, it constitutes a real lever of competition to boost
                         dominated  by  two  players –  Togocom  and Moov   the market.’
                         Africa  Togo.  In  a  statement  the  regulator  confirmed:   (October 24, 2021)

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