Page 100 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
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                         Mexico’s  Federal  Telecommunications  Institute  that blocks of spectrum remain deserted in spectrum
                         (Instituto Federal  de  Telecomunicaciones,  IFT) has   tenders.’
                         confirmed that it has sent a three-pronged spectrum    (October 27, 2021)
                         proposal to the Senate as it seeks to pave the way for
        Mexico           the 5G era. The proposals are as follows:      All  1700MHz/2100MHz  AWS  and 1900MHz  PCS
                         •  A reduction in prices for bands earmarked to support   frequencies  went unsold  at  the latest auction  of
                            5G  connectivity,  in  order  to  promote  ‘the  efficient   unused  4G frequencies  in Mexico. The auction
                            allocation of radio spectrum  for these  services’;   generated  a total  of MXN1.35 billion  (about $65.6
                            5G bands listed as  600MHz,  L-band (1500MHz),   million), with AT&T Mexico and Telcel the sole winners
                            3.3GHz-3.45GHz and 3.45GHz-3.6GHz.          of selected spectrum blocks and, apparently, the sole
                         •  A  modification  of  existing  800MHz  and  850MHz   bidders. Mexican press reports say that AT&T offered
                            licensing  blocks  from nine cellular regions  to   the biggest total bidding commitment – some $52.5
                            65  basic service areas to encourage  smaller   million for 800MHz spectrum in various regions of the
                            geographical rollouts by new operators; payments   country. Telcel reportedly offered a more modest $13.1
                            to be  proportional to the  economic  level of the   million for a block of 2.5GHz  spectrum.  According
                            coverage area.                              to news site Bnamericas, the reason that  Mexico's
                         •  The introduction  of an accreditation  scheme,   spectrum tender didn't excite the market was that the
                            whereby  the provision of social coverage  (i.e.   prices  were  artificially  high.  These  spectrum  costs
                            serving towns lacking mobile broadband coverage)   are established in the federal law on rights but set a
                            will reduce payment rights.                 barrier  that may be  too high  to encourage  the entry
                         These  proposed measures follow  a  proposal sent to   of  new  participants.  Another  potentially off-putting
                         the  Ministry of Finance  and Public  Credit  (Secretaría   factor is  high fragmentation  of the blocks. However,
                         de Hacienda y  Credito  Publico, SHCP) this summer,   the  auction  process  is far from over.  The  Instituto
                         seeking  to reduce  the high  prices of radioelectric   Federal de Telecomunicaciones  (IFT)  cleared the
                         spectrum  in  Mexico.  The IFT  notes:  ‘It  is  important   600MHz band for mobile use as long ago as 2018 and
                         to  note  that  the  first  two  proposals  do  not  imply  a   many commentators have been waiting with interest
                         reduction  in  the budget  income  of the federation. In   to see when it will be offered. There’s no doubt that the
                         the  first  case,  the  reduction  of  the  amounts  of  radio   planned tender for both the 600MHz and 3.5GHz bands
                         spectrum  band rights that  are not yet  assigned for   will be greeted with more enthusiasm, most obviously
                         the provision of mobile services does not mean loss   because such an auction would have a role in enabling
                         of income, precisely because they have not yet been   5G  deployment,  making  it  a  more enticing  prosect.
                         assigned. Thus, if the amounts of the rights quotas   However, it’s not yet clear when this auction will take
                         are reduced, these bands will be much more attractive   place. It was reportedly scheduled for this year but next
                         in future bidding  processes,  which will  also result in   year now seems more likely.
                         new income from consideration and payment of rights   (October 9, 2021)
                         for the federation and will avoid, as already happens,

                         Telecoms  watchdog  the Agency  for Electronic   concessions will be valid until 1 September 2031. The
                         Communications  and Postal Services (EKIP)  has   auction will be conducted using a combined format of
                         launched a public tender to award technology neutral   a multi-round clock phase and a single round of sealed
                         licenses  for wireless  frequencies  in the  900MHz,   bids. Participation is open to companies and consortia
        Montenegro       1800MHz,  2GHz and 2.6GHz  bands  for  mobile   with at least five years of experience in public mobile
                         telephony services. The bidding is scheduled to take   electronic  communications  network  operation  and
                         place  between  1 and 24 December  2021 and the   service provision.  (October 31, 2021)

                         The Commerce Commission (ComCom) has released a   on work currently being progressed by industry body
                         draft determination proposing to continue regulation of   New Zealand Telecommunications Forum Incorporated
                         number portability for both local and mobile telephone   (TCF). The  current  determination  will expire on  19
                         numbers  for  another  five  years.  The  regulator  notes   December  2021 with the  new determination  then
        New Zealand      the proposed determination is essentially unchanged   taking effect on 20 December 2021. Submissions are
                         aside from a suggested modification to help facilitate   due by 26 October 2021 and cross submissions by 5
                         the prevention of fraud in number porting, which builds   November 2021. (October 6, 2021)

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