Page 93 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
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        State-owned Turkey Wealth Fund (TWF) is considering a majority   Garanti Bankasi (Garanti Bank) and Turkiye Is Bankasi (Isbank)
        takeover  of  fixed  and  mobile  operator  Turk  Telekom  (TT),   following a debt restructuring deal completed on 22 December
        according to unnamed people with knowledge of the matter cited   2018. The banking group acquired the controlling TT stake from
        by Bloomberg. The sources said that the sovereign fund has yet   Ojer Telekomunikasyon AS (OTAS), the local holding company of
        to make a formal offer to TT’s controlling banking consortium,   Dubai-based consortium Oger Telecom, in exchange for cancelling
        which acquired the ownership  in a  2018  debt-swap with the   debts. In September 2019 the group selected Morgan Stanley as
        intention to sell to a strategic investor. The stake could be worth   financial adviser for a planned share sale to a strategic investor.
        around USD1.6 billion based on its current market price, according   The Turkish Treasury retains a 25% TT stake plus special veto
        to data compiled  by Bloomberg,  but the  sources  said that the   power via one ‘golden share’, while 15% of shares are classed as
        two  sides  have  so  far  differed on price. Bloomberg  adds  that   free float on the Borsa Istanbul (BIST). GCD adds that TWF owns
        international strategic investors from the Gulf region and China   a controlling 26.2% direct stake in Turkey’s mobile market leader
        had previously shown interest in the TT stake but were reportedly   Turkcell (acquired in October 2020) alongside 100% ownership of
        deterred by concerns regarding the 2026 expiry date of the telco’s   satellite/telecoms group Turksat, which was the country’s third
        fixed line license. TeleGeography’s GlobalComms Database (GCD)   largest fixed broadband operator as at end-June 2021, behind TT
        says that TWF is currently allocated a 5% stake in TT, which is   and Turkcell’s Superonline division. TWF’s wider asset portfolio
        55%-owned by LYY Telekomunikasyon, a Special Purpose Vehicle   spans eight sectors, valued at USD39 billion.
        (SPV) formed  by  a  group of 29  banks  led by  Akbank, Turkiye    (October 1, 2021)

                                                                                 United Arab Emirates

        The UAE's  Telecommunications  and Digital  Government   used in terrestrial television broadcasts, the future of this band
        Regulatory Authority (TDRA) has released a public consultation   in light of the  changing  habits of viewing  terrestrial television
        to  obtain the views  of stakeholders  on its  activities  related   broadcasts in  the UAE,  and  the need  to  review  the use of  this
        to reviewing  spectrum  allocation for IMT applications. The   spectrum effectively. It also addressed long-term options for its
        Telecommunications  and Digital Government  Regulatory   use through new  wireless technologies.  The consultation  also
        Authority (TDRA) has released  a  public  consultation  to obtain   included  points  of discussion  and consultation  on  the  3800-
        the views  of stakeholders  on its  activities related to reviewing   4200 MHz band, which is mainly used in fixed satellite services
        spectrum  allocation for IMT  applications in  certain  frequency   in certain geographical areas of UAE and on certain frequencies
        bands, namely the UHF and 3.8 - 4.2 GHz bands and the 6 GHz   within the band. The consultation confirmed that based on the
        band. Based on the cooperation with stakeholders, consultation   recent  discussions in the Arab Spectrum  Management  Group
        results and response  analysis, TDRA  will update  the  part on   (ASMG) meeting, the 3.8 GHz to 4.2 GHz band is a potential band
        the current and future uses of IMT within the Spectrum Future   for possible new  innovative applications,  given the potential
        Foresight document  of 2020-2025,  and develop a  vision on   of this  range to  be used more effectively  considering  existing
        UAE’s  directions  regarding the uses of these  bands. Tariq Al   services. This consultation opened the door for stakeholders to
        Awadhi, Executive  Director of  Spectrum  Affairs  said: “In  line   discuss any
        with TDRA’s vision ‘The UAE is a global leading country in ICT’,   additional problems related to spectrum resources, by presenting
        TDRA  continues  its efforts to align spectrum  allocation  with   their views in addition to recommendations on how to solve these
        market needs on a proactive basis. “For this purpose, TDRA has   problems. (October 6, 2021) TradeArabia News Service
        prepared this consultation to invite ICT stakeholders globally in
        general, and the UAE in particular, to provide their views on the   The Telecommunications and Digital  Government  Regulatory
        allocation of some key frequency bands in light of the increasing   Authority (TDRA) announced that the 2G (GSM) shutdown process
        demand for innovative wireless services such as 5G and WiFi6e,   of in the UAE is proceeding according to the plan set by TDRA. The
        with  the aim  of facilitating obtaining  the appropriate spectrum   shutdown of 2G networks, also known as “GSM”, in the networks
        resources for wireless networks, maintaining sustainable and   of service providers (Etisalat  and du) is  scheduled  for the end
        continuous  growth and developing  the use of new wireless   of 2022. The sale of devices supporting 2G only will be stopped
        services.” Al Awadhi highlighted that this consultation falls under   in June 2022 in the UAE markets. TDRA confirmed that the aim
        TDRA’s efforts to implement  the  principles  of transparency,   of this process is to re-direct the resources allocated to 2G to
        fairness and openness in dealing with customers, partners and   support new generations of mobile networks. TDRA is currently
        other stakeholders. The consultation posed a set of specialized   working, in  cooperation  with  service providers, to  provide the
        questions about the 470-694 MHz band, which was previously   best  services  by building  modern  and advanced  networks that

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