Page 91 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
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        With  the rollout  of 5G  telecom  technology  threatening  to   recent years, the Authority noted, has necessitated the adoption
        unleash  a new wave of tower building  in the Sultanate,  the   of framework that regulate  the construction  of new towers.
        Telecommunications  Regulatory  Authority (TRA) is  weighing   Besides mandatory telecom licensees to obtain approval before
        regulation  to ensure, among other  things,  that  new towers   constructing  new towers, the proposed  regulation requires that
        are aesthetically appealing  in their  design,  particularly when   new instructions should be designed with the aesthetic standards
        constructed  in  scenic  and  culturally  significant  areas.  The   and  specifications  of  the  area  in  line  with  the  elements  of  the
        measurements are the part of guidelines set out in draft regulation   environment  surrounding  as  much as  possible,  such as  using
        on Communication towers published recently by the Authority to   color and architectural styles that minimize     the visual impact on
        click feedback from Industry stakeholders and the general public.   the public. Additionally, hardware and other equipment installed
        Before they  are  formally adopted into law.  To date there are   on the towers should be suitably concealed, it noted. Furthermore,
        estimated 3200 3G, 4G and 5G mobile network sites distributed   to reduce  the wanton construction  of new towers,  the draft
        across  the  length  and  breadth  of  the  country,  a  figure  that  is   regulations  advocate the concept  of shareable  towers with the
        set to grow when a  third operator commences  operating  likely   original licensees  encouraged  to  leave space and capacity to
        before the end of this year. The proliferation of telecom towers in   other licensees on tenancy basis. (October 16, 2021)


        The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has revoked the   no longer providing services in any of its licensed areas. As such,
        licenses of fixed wireless provider Wi-Tribe for failing to comply   the PTA determined that Wi-Tribe had violated the conditions of
        with the conditions of its concessions after a commercial dispute   its license and revoked the concessions. (October 27, 2021) commsupdate.
        with infrastructure provider edotco led to the discontinuation of   com
        its services. The tower infrastructure provider switched off Wi-
        Tribe’s network in July 2020 following a disagreement between   The  Pakistan  Telecommunication  Authority  (PTA)  has awarded
        the two companies over edotco’s services. Wi-Tribe argued that   spectrum licenses for Next Generation Mobile Services (NGMS)
        edotco had demanded ‘huge sums of money for disrupted and   in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) and Gilgit Baltistan (GB) to a
        faulty services’ and had shut down the provider’s facilities without   trio of mobile operators, following the completion of the auction
        the necessary notice ‘as an extortion and blackmail exercise to   process in  late  September.  Cellcos Zong, Telenor  Pakistan  and
        gain commercial advantage’. Wi-Tribe submitted a complaint to   Ufone were each awarded additional spectrum  for the region
        the PTA regarding the matter, but that case remains pending. In   for the provision of 3G and 4G services. As previously reported
        its submissions to the PTA, Wi-Tribe stressed that its commercial   by TeleGeography’s CommsUpdate,  the  auction  comprised
        relationship  with edotco  was  imposed  upon  it following  the   frequencies in the 1800MHz and 2100MHz bands, with the former
        acquisition  of its original  infrastructure partner  Towershare by   split into two 2×5MHz blocks and five lots of 2×1.2MHz whilst the
        edotco  and that  Towershare’s  pricing  and  services had been   latter was sold as six lots of 2×5MHz. Each of the trio claimed one
        competitive. In its decision the PTA highlighted that, regardless   of the 2×1.2MHz blocks in the 1800MHz band, whilst Zong won
        of the cause of the disruption, licensees are obligated to ensure   the remaining 2×10MHz in that band for USD14.398 million after
        provision of services to customers and that Wi-Tribe had failed to   18 rounds of bidding against rival cellco Jazz. In the 2100MHz
        do so. The watchdog went on to state that Wi-Tribe had not taken   range, meanwhile,  Telenor  was  awarded 2×15MHz  at  the base
        ‘proper, reasonable and justifiable measures’ for the continuation   price of USD13.05 million. (October 12, 2021)
        of its licensed services, noting that by January 2021 Wi-Tribe was


        Qatar  had developed  a  mature telecom  sector which has  been   on production and supply chains globally. During the coming year
        able to absorb the additional data demands made on it during the   the telecoms sector to various  degrees is  likely to experience
        pandemic. Mobile services based on LTE are universally available,   a  downturn in  mobile device production,  while it  may  also  be
        and this  has  helped  the two  operators  Ooredoo  Qatar  and   difficult  for  network  operators  to  manage  workflows  when
        Vodafone Qatar to migrate to 5G. In combination with a strong   maintaining  and upgrading  existing  infrastructure. Overall
        fiber  rollout,  the  country  is  aiming  to  provide  gigabit  services   progress towards 5G may be postponed or slowed down in some
        nationally.  5G services are largely based  on 3.5GHz  spectrum   countries. On the consumer side, spending on telecoms services
        made available following an auction in early 2019. BuddeComm   and devices is under pressure from the financial effect of large-
        notes that the pandemic continues to have a significant impact   scale job losses and the  consequent  restriction  on  disposable
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