Page 99 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
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        Malaysia Gears Up for 5G Demos across 6 States

        Malaysia  announced  eight companies committed  an  initial   various industries, Malaysian Communications  and Multimedia
        investment  of  MYR116  million  ($27.7  million)  to  run  5G  trials,   Commission (MCMC) Chairman Al-Ishsal Ishak said 32 5G sites
        which will kick off in October and run for six months. With the   across six states will demonstrate 55 use cases involving nine
        goal of accelerating the deployment of 5G for businesses across   verticals: agriculture; education; entertainment and media; digital
                                                               healthcare;  manufacturing  and  processing;  oil  and  gas;  smart
                                                               cities; smart transportation; and tourism. Ishak said the projects
                                                               will  focus  on  cultivating  the  development  of  “a  holistic  and
                                                               inclusive 5G ecosystem in pursuit of stimulating demand as well
                                                               as  adoption”  of  5G  technology  for  businesses  and  consumers.
                                                               “We  hope  to  commercialize  some  of  the  use  cases  beginning
                                                               third  quarter  of  2020,”  he  said.  Ishak  added  that  the  support
                                                               and investment from the participating companies “reiterates the
                                                               industry’s  commitment  in  establishing  a  strong  use  for  viable
                                                               5G  applications  that  will  transform  various  industries  as  well
                                                               as impact positively the living standards of Malaysians”. MCMC
                                                               aims to attract additional investment for 5G development as well
                                                               as  proposals  to  enhance  connectivity  in  the  other  states.  The
                                                               country’s largest mobile operators – Digi and Maxis – last week
                                                               detailed  plans  to  increase  infrastructure  sharing  to  prepare  for
                                                               5G, as they begin field trials and raise capex to support the new
                                                               technology. Maxis has a 27 per cent share of mobile subscribers in
                                                               the country, while Digi holds a 26 per cent share, ahead of Celcom
        Al-Ishsal Ishak, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)
        Chairman                                               Axiata’s 22 per cent, Q2 data from GSMA Intelligence showed.

        5G Will Not Be ‘the Network of Networks’ For Enterprise Verticals

        5G  is  being  positioned  as  a  “network  of   ABI Research. mMTC is positioned to unify   verticals  establish  a  critical  mass  for  5G
        networks”  that  will  encompass  public   cellular IoT technologies into one system   and,  in  turn,  economies  of  scale.”  This
        and   private  components,  licensed  and introduce connectivity for millions of   may  not  happen,  especially  in  the  first  5
        and unlicensed spectrum,  and even   different  types  of  IoT  devices.  In  theory   years of 5G, when the telco supply chain
        expand  beyond  cellular,  to  satellite   and  according  to  its  specification,  5G   adapts  to  the  requirements  of  enterprise
        communications.  But  in  reality,  5G  will   will  enable  connectivity  that  ranges  from   verticals.  This  may  also  mean  that  5G
        only  be  one  component  of  the  enterprise   low  power,  low  data  rates,  to  ultra-high   will  miss  the  enterprise  digitization  wave
        vertical  technology  stack,  states  global   bandwidth and low latency, all under one   that is currently sweeping many markets,
        tech  market  advisory  firm,  ABI  Research,   system. “From a pragmatic viewpoint, 5G   especially  if  the  telco  community  does
        in  its  new  whitepaper,  The  Five  Myths  of   will be another component in a patchwork   not act immediately. Telco operators and
        5G.    “The  telco  industry  has  somewhat   of  communication  technologies  and  will   the infrastructure supply chain must build
        designed  5G  as  a  technology  that  will   certainly  add  unique  value.  However,  it   enterprise  vertical  expertise  and  partner
        complement, or even replace, several other   will not be the “network of networks” the   with specialists when it is not necessary to
        competing  communication  technologies.   telco  industry is currently discussing,”   organically  grow  this  expertise  internally.
        This  is,  in  fact,  built  into  the  standard:   says  Carlaw.  Enterprise  verticals—just   “5G  will  only  be  one  component  of  the
        5G  includes  eMBB,  Ultra-Reliable  Low-  like  the  telco  industry—have  their  own   enterprise  vertical  technology  stack,  and
        Latency Communication  (URLLC), and   established supply chains and families of   larger  than  connectivity  only  if  the  telco
        Massive Machine  Type Communication   communication  technologies.  “Enterprise   value  chain  builds  expertise  for  each
        (mMTC)  use  cases.  The  first  use  case   vertical  end  users  prefer  “function  over   vertical  separately,”  Carlaw  concludes.
        on  this  list,  eMBB,  builds  on  previous   form,” focusing on practical requirements,   These  findings  are  from  ABI  Research’s
        cellular  generations,  while  URLLC  can   rather than insisting on standardized   The  5  Myths  Of  5G  report.  This  report  is
        enable  Time  Sensitive  Networks  (TSNs),   technologies.  It  is  true  that  5G  can   part of the company’s 5G Industry research
        and can replace  proprietary protocols   introduce  a  more  cost-effective  base   service, which includes research, data, and
        and even Industrial Ethernet,”  explains   (especially  for  chipsets  and  devices),  but   ABI Insights.
        Stuart  Carlaw,  Chief  Research  Officer  at   this  will  only  materialize  when  enterprise

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