Page 98 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 98


        Deutsche Telekom Tests 5G Uplink at Berlin Marathon

        During  the  Berlin  Marathon,  Deutsche   include pictures and videos of fans in the   what it claims the world’s first live advert
        Telekom  (DT)  successfully  tested  how   transmission,” a statement said. It added,   powered by 5G during the England versus
        high-quality TV images can be integrated   “5G’s  quality  features  also  allow  high-  Argentina match at the Rugby World Cup in
        into  worldwide  live  reporting  via  5G.  At   quality content from private smartphones   Japan. They filmed fans’ live reactions as
        selected  locations during  the marathon,   to be transmitted via the mobile network.   little as five minutes before the half-time
        5G smartphones were used as modems on   Production  companies  can  then  use  this   break during which the ad was broadcast
        professional  cameras.  They  transported   content  in  their  reporting.  This  allows   to  illustrate  how  5G  can  revolutionize
        the  camera  images  via  DT’s  5G  network   viewers to be more intensively involved in   sports coverage, among other things. The
        to  the  control  room.  DT  reports  that  the   an event and simply get closer to it.” Last   advert was intended to highlight some 5G
        test was successful as the pictures were   weekend  O2,  Telefonica’s  UK  mobil  unit   capabilities  ahead  of  O2’s  official  launch
        “absolutely smooth and of perfect quality”.   and TV company  ITN, used  5G to create   later this month.
        The  marathon’s  host  broadcaster,  Infront
        Productions, incorporated the test images
        into  its  worldwide  live  coverage.  Tiana
        Trumpa, 5G Product Manager at Deutsche
        Telekom,  said,  “We  want  to  make  such
        applications possible with our 5G network.
        5G takes data transmission to a new level.
        “The  test  in  Berlin  is  an  example  of  the
        possibilities that guaranteed uploads offer
        media  companies.  5G  offers  production
        companies high quality and low latencies
        for  live  images.”  In  future,  DT  said  TV
        production companies may be able to save
        time using 5G and avoid costs associated
        with  deploying  additional  connectivity
        infrastructure.  They  could  also  more
        easily incorporate crowd-sourced content
        into  coverage.  “Telekom’s  5G  network
        could  enable  transmissions  with  little
        effort  and  without  complex  technical
        setup  on-site through  production  in the
        cloud.  Another possible application is to

        SIM Card Shipments Set to Decline Further

        Increased  prices  of  mobile  phones  will   the  traditional  18  and  24-month  period,   SIM  card adoption  dropped  in India due
        contribute  to  the  further  decline  of  SIM   to  36  and  48  months.  The  increase  in   to operators consolidating and ending 4G
        card  shipments, more so  than  eSIM   device life and contract lengths will reduce   promotions.  SIM  card  replacement  rates
        adoption, according to ABI Research. Phil   replacement  rates and thus  SIM card   will also be hit by the increased demand of
        Sealy,  research director at  ABI  Research,   demand”. SIM card shipments dipped for   eSIMs for hybrid smartphones such as the
        said: “The greater threat for the removable   the first time in five years in 2018 when 5.53   iPhone XR, XS, 11 and Google Pixel range.
        SIM card form factor in the shorter term is   billion  SIMs  were  shipped.  ABI  predicts   Continued growth is expected in M2M and
        being  presented  by the handsets market.   the  SIM  card  market  will  contract  from   IoT due  to increasing eSIM integrations
        Mobile devices are becoming increasingly   5.2 billion this year to five billion in 2024.   into automobiles. But Sealy said any eSIM
        more  expensive,  some  of  which  are  now   This year and 2018 saw many challenges   impact on the market in the shorter term
        above  the  $1,000  mark.  “As  a  result,   for the SIM market in the APAC region. In   will  be  minimal.  “The  eSIM  should  be
        consumers are looking to spread the cost   China,  roaming  fees  were  relaxed  which   considered a longer-term market concern,
        of  a  device  over  a  longer  period.  MNOs   was  the  primary  drive  behind  multiple   with a reduction in SIM replacement rates
        have  also  taken  note  and  are  beginning   SIM  ownership.  In  Indonesia,  ID  card   driven more in the near term by increasing
        to  lengthen  subscription  contracts  from   registration  regulations  were  enforced.   smartphone prices.”

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