Page 94 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 94


        Gabon and Congo Sign Mobile Roaming MoU

        The   heads   of   Gabon’s   Regulatory
        Agency  for  Electronic  Communications
        and  Posts  (l’Agence  de  Regulation
        des Communications Electroniques  et
        des  Postes,  ARCEP)  and  the  Republic
        of   Congo’s   Regulatory   Agency   for
        Electronic  Communications  and  Post
        (L’Agence  de  Regulation  des  Postes  et
        des   Communications   Electroniques,
        ARPCE)  have  signed  a  MoU  to  introduce
        free  mobile  roaming  between  the  two
        countries  no  later  than  31  December
        2019,  reports  Under
        the  agreement  subscribers  would  pay  no
        charge  for  incoming  calls,  up  to  a  limit
        of  300  minutes  per  subscriber  a  month,
        outgoing calls would be billed at the local
        network operator’s rates, while the higher
        of the two national rates would be applied   agreement, the two regulators will both set   procedures for the exchange of tariff and
        for calls made to both countries. In order to   up a national technical committee with the   technical information.
        ensure  successful  implementation  of  the   participation of all operators and establish

        Vodafone Becomes Latest AT&T IoT Roaming Partner

        AT&T  continued  to  push  the  boundaries   makes  it  easier  for  businesses  to  use   agreement. “We want to make technology
        of its IoT service coverage, building on a   low-power  IoT  technology  NB-IoT,  with   adoption simpler for our customers to help
        recent  expansion to Canada through  a   benefits around supply chain optimization   them  achieve  their  business  outcomes”.
        roaming  deal  with  Vodafone  Business   and  multinational  access.  “More  and   The  companies announced  a  similar
        covering   five   European   countries.   more  of  our  enterprise  customers  are   arrangement  involving their LTE-M  IoT
        The  agreement  around  the  operators’   launching IoT applications across multiple   networks in the US and the Netherlands in
        respective NB-IoT networks covers AT&T’s   countries,”  explained  Chris  Penrose,   February. AT&T followed up on this in June,
        domestic  market  along  with  Vodafone   AT&T  SVP  of  advanced  mobility  and   with  a  deal  involving  Orange,  Swisscom
        operations  in Spain, Germany,  Italy, the   enterprise  solutions.  “For  the  IoT  to  live   and  KPN.  Last  month,  AT&T  secured
        UK and Netherlands. In a statement, AT&T   up  to  its  promise,  it  must  be  global,”  he   LTE-M roaming deals with the three major
        hailed  the  deal  as  creating  the  world’s   added.  Vodafone  Business  CEO  Vinod   operators  in  Canada,  enabling  it  to  offer
        largest footprint for the narrowband flavor   Kumar highlighted ease of deployment for   access throughout North America.
        of IoT technology. It added the agreement   customers as a key benefit of the roaming

        ANCOM Confirms Mobile Termination Rate Reduction

        Romania’s   National   Authority   for   European  rate  is  established  before   on their own networks. The rate will apply
        Management    and    Regulation  in  the  end  of  2020  under  Directive  (EU)   to national calls and calls from inside the
        Communications (ANCOM) has announced   2018/1972. The operators designated with   European Economic Area (EEA), as well as
        mobile  termination  rates  (MTRs)  will  be   significant  market  power  –  Lycamobile,   calls initiated outside the EEA where there
        reduced  to  EUR0.0076  (USD0.0085)  per   Orange  Romania,  Vodafone  Romania,   is  no international agreement  in place
        minute  with  effect  from  1  January  2020,   RCS&RDS  and  Telekom  Romania  Mobile   governing termination fees.
        down from the current rate of EUR0.0084,   Communications – will have the obligation
        as  a  transitional  measure until  a  single   not to exceed the maximum regulated rate

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