Page 96 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
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                                             TECHNOLOGY NEWS

        Deutsche Telekom to Launch Blockchain-As-A-Service Marketplace

        From 2020, Deutsche Telekom’s subsidiary,   ‘Internet of Values’. “Please actively come   various  types  of  assets  and  therefore
        T-Systems,  will  offer  its  new  German   forward  with  your  application  ideas  for   have an impact in many sectors, including
        Blockchain  Ecosystem  (GBE)  product   this important technological development.   land, shares, patents, contracts, art, health
        to  business  customers.  Enterprises  and   Together  we  can  pave  the  way  for  the   data,  passport  information,  financial
        SMEs will be able to map a product’s entire   Internet  of  Values,”  he  commented.  “And   transactions  and  supply  chains.  “The
        value chain, from raw materials to delivery,   best  of  all,  companies  no  longer  have  to   possibilities  are  almost  unlimited,”  he
        using  blockchain.  T-Systems  says  this   rely on central platform providers of major   said.  The  German  Blockchain  Ecosystem
        will  make  customers’  operations  faster,   marketplaces. On the contrary. Our German   supports  common  Distributed  Ledger
        and  more  cost-effective  and  transparent.   Blockchain  Ecosystem  provides  support   Technology (DLT) protocols and integrates
        Businesses  will  also  be  able  to  trade,   to  companies  who  want  to  manage  their   major cloud providers including the Open
        manage and invoice goods and  services   business  models  decentrally.”  Al  Saleh   Telekom Cloud.
        directly.  “Detours  via  countless  service   said blockchain could be used to manage
        providers will become a thing of the past,”
        T-Systems said in a statement. “Blockchain
        knits   together   otherwise   separate
        systems  for  production,  services,  trade
        and  payment.  This  significantly  reduces
        fragmentation  along  the  value  chain.”
        The  first  product  on  the  marketplace  will
        be  the  Validator-as-a-Service  solution,
        which  allows  cross-company  processes
        to  be  checked  and  processed  via  a
        blockchain  infrastructure.  Adel  Al  Saleh,
        CEO, T-Systems,  said, “The initial  hype
        around blockchain has blown over. Today,
        no  one  doubts  that  this  technology  can
        open  up  new,  decentralized  business
        models.” He added that blockchain could
        expand  the  Internet  of  Things  to  the

        Sunrise Hits 3.67Gbps Downlink Speed on C-Band

        Using  100MHz  of  C-Band  spectrum,   broadband  internet  connections,  offering   large bandwidth (80-100MHz/operator) is
        the  test  was  performed  in  Sunrise’s   more choice  and convenience  to people   the foundation of 5G commercial success,”
        live  commercial  network  with  Huawei   in  Switzerland  cities  and  villages,”  a   Xu  Weizhong,  Vice  President  of  Huawei’s
        equipment.   Achieving   the   3.67Gbps   statement  from  Huawei  said.  Huawei   Wireless  Product  Line,  said  earlier  this
        downlink  speed  broke  the  partners’   has previously called C-band (4 – 8 GHz)   year.  He  added,  “Combined  with  32T32R
        previous best of 2GBps. Sunrise provides   “the  global  golden  spectrum  of  5G”.  The   and  even  64T64R-based  Massive  MIMO
        5G coverage in more than 262 cities and   vendor says its multi-user, multiple input,   technology, it can reduce the cost per bit by
        villages  throughout  Switzerland.  “The   multiple output  (MU-MIMO)  technology   10 times, increase user experience by 10
        continuous  improvement  of  5G  network   substantially increases 5G capacity without   times, and push MBB [mobile broadband]
        quality  and  performance  will  bring  about   additional  spectrum  and  power  resource   to new heights.”
        more  and  more  service  innovations  with   requirements. “We believe that continuous

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