Page 102 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 102


        Government of Belarus Considering Various Options for 5G

        The government of Belarus is considering   of  Communications  and  Informatisation   5G  services  in  Belarus.  One  area  under
        several  options  for  building  out  a  5G   (Minsvyazi)  issued  a  license  to  joint   discussion  centered  on  boosting  mutual
        network  in  the  country,  and  to  that  end   venture  Belarusian  Cloud Technologies   cooperation  between  Belarus  and  Turkey
        has  welcomed  proposals  from  Austria-  (beCloud)  to  operate  in  the  country’s   in  the  field  of  telecommunications  and
        based  A1  Telekom  Austria  Group  –   communications  market  as  a  wholesale   IT,  as  well  as  the  prospects  for  beCloud
        owner  of  domestic  cellco  A1  Belarus   infrastructure  access  provider  –  initially   and Turkcell – which owns an 80% stake
        (formerly  VELCOM).  First  Deputy  Prime   via a communal 4G LTE network that now   in  the  country’s  third  largest  mobile
        Minister  of  Belarus  Aleksandr  Turchin   covers more than 75% of the population. In   operator  BeST  (life:))  –  to  work  together
        informed  Ambassador  Extraordinary  and   July 2018, meanwhile, Belarus’ Operational   in  future.  beCloud  went  on  to  launch  the
        Plenipotentiary  of  Austria  to  Belarus,   and Analytical Center (OAC, a body working   first  experimental  zones  for  5G  in  Minsk,
        Aloisia  Worgetter,  of  the  government’s   under the Office of the President), beCloud   in December 2018, working in partnership
        position  at  a  recent  bilateral  meeting   and  Turkish  telco  Turkcell  held  strategic   with Ericsson of Sweden.
        in  which  the  subject  of  A1  Telekom   talks  concerning  the  development  of
        was  mentioned.  According  to  Turchin:
        ‘In  my  opinion,  only  the  matter  of  the
        development  of  the  5G  network  remains
        undecided. The Belarusian government is
        looking  into  various  options  for  building
        this  network.  A  proposal  has  been  made
        by  A1.  Another  has  been  made  by  MTS
        Belarus. This is why we intend to discuss
        these  options  soon  in  order  to  work  out
        some  decision  and  understand  in  what
        direction  we  are  going  to  move.’  Further,
        the  minister  assured  Ms.  Worgetter  that
        the  Belarusian  administration  would
        consider  all  options  on  the  table,  adding
        that the government ‘would be grateful if
        A1 presented a well-reasoned explanation
        why  their  proposal  is  the  best  one’.
        TeleGeography’s  GlobalComms  Database
        writes  that  in  August  2013  the  Ministry

        FCC Chief Says 5G Security Message Resonates Abroad

        Federal  Communications  Commission   use  of  equipment  from  vendors  it  deems   presents a false dichotomy that you have
        (FCC)  Chairman  Ajit  Pai  argued  US   a security risk, most notably Huawei. “We   to  either choose  security or  you have  to
        operators’  ability  to  launch  5G  using   are not going  in and demanding anyone   choose leadership in 5G, and the argument
        equipment   supplied   exclusively   by   shares our view. In many cases we found   I use as a counterpoint is look at the US
        approved vendors  proves  other  countries   that view has been shared and [authorities   experience,”  Pai  added,  noting  domestic
        do not need to sacrifice security to achieve   overseas]  are  looking  forward  to  working   deployments  only  use  equipment  from
        strong  next  generation  networks.  During   with  us,  especially  some  of  our  closest   “trusted vendors”. He continued: “We think
        the opening keynote, Pai said messages on   security  partners.”  He  noted  the  fact  5G   we can hit the sweet spot of both security
        5G security had been “very well received”   networks are likely to be largely software   and  deployment,  and  that’s  a  message
        during  his  frequent  visits  abroad  to   defined  will  offer  a  “broader  attack   that’s resonated largely around the world
        promote the country’s stance on the issue.   surface”  with  a  need  to  “make  sure  we   as  other  countries  have  looked  to  piggy
        These  trips have come  alongside a  US   mitigate the risks on that surface as much   back on that successful model.”
        campaign  to  persuade  authorities  to  ban   as possible”. “Sometimes the conversation

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