Page 97 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 97


        Chinese Trio Launch Commercial 5G Services

        China  Mobile,  China  Telecom  and  China  Unicom  have  each   confirmed  that  they  have  launched  commercial  5G  services.
                                                               Each player has activated their network in 50 cities from launch,
                                                               including  the  likes  of  Beijing,  Shanghai,  Guangzhou,  Shenzhen,
                                                               Hangzhou, Nanjing, Tianjin, Wuhan, Jinan and Zhengzhou. China
                                                               Mobile notes that it has built more than 40,000 5G base transceiver
                                                               stations (BTS) in 50 key cities and has carried out 5G network
                                                               construction in more than 300 cities across the country. In 2020,
                                                               the mobile giant will further expand its network coverage, with a
                                                               view  to  providing  5G  services  to  all  cities  above  the  prefecture
                                                               level. China Unicom and China Telecom, meanwhile, have shared
                                                               construction of BTS in 24 cities, as per an agreement signed on
                                                               9 September. Going forward, the two parties have suggested that
                                                               the collaboration will represent the ‘world’s first and largest 5G
                                                               joint construction and sharing network’.

        Openreach Pilots New Techniques to Bring Fiber to Remote Areas

        BT’s access division, Openreach, is trialing   areas.  Openreach  said  some  homes  and   know that around 10% of the country will
        new  tools  and  techniques  to  bring  fiber   businesses could receive FTTP in time for   need to the support of public subsidy, but
        to  the  premises  (FTTP)  broadband  to   Christmas.  Once services are live, residents   these  trials  will  help  us  test  a  bunch  of
        remote  locations.  The  company  says  the   should  see  download  speeds  of  up  to  1   new techniques that could help us in other
        pilot in the Lancashire villages of Hesketh   gigabit  per  second  (1Gbps).  Clive  Selley,   rural areas. “The trials will also give us a
        Bank and Parbold will pave the way for a   Chief Executive of Openreach, commented,   much clearer picture of what the technical
        much bigger upgrade of rural homes and   “At  Openreach,  we’ll  never  be  just  a  city   challenges  in  these  kinds  of  rural  areas
        businesses  in  smaller,  less  accessible   fiber  provider.  We’ve  always  worked  hard   are. We hope they’ll go a long way towards
        locations. Approaches being tested include   to improve connections  to isolated,  less   developing the tools, skills and innovations
        a ‘diamond cutter’ trench-digging tool. The   commercially  attractive  communities  required  to  make  sure  that  nobody’s  left
        giant rotating circular blade with diamonds   through inventive engineering and effective   behind  in  the  full-fiber  future.”  The  pilot
        embedded in the metal coating on its edge   funding  partnership  models.”  He  added:   could  make  areas  eligible  that  were  less
        can slice through  pavements  and roads   “In recent years we’ve been extending our   commercially  viable  for  Openreach’s
        leaving  a  neat  channel  into  which  the   full-fibre network into rural areas – mostly   ‘Fibre  First’  investment  program,  “if  the
        machine  simultaneously  feeds  in  tubing   in  partnership  with  local  authorities  and   right investment conditions  are met,”  the
        for fiber-optic cables. The tool can install   Government - but the economics are clearly   company said.
        700 meters of cabling a day – more than   challenging and we want to do more. We
        20  times  the  amount  possible  by  a  two-
        person team using drilling and excavation.
        Openreach says this could slash the time
        taken  to  deploy  fiber  by  months.  The
        company  is  also  trialing  ‘remote  nodes’
        –  where  fiber-optic  cables  can  be  built
        out from specially adapted existing green
        roadside  cabinets.  Equipment  installed
        inside  the  cabinet  enables  full-fiber
        connections to extend their current reach
        by more than 1.5 times, with the capacity
        to connect more than 1,000 premises. By
        ‘piggy-backing’  on  the  existing  network,
        Openreach says  engineers  can avoid up
        to six months  in time and associated
        cost  involved  in  deploying  new  fiber
        cables from an exchange  to remote rural

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