Page 91 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
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        Russia Embraces New Satellite Tech for the Digital Economy

        Moving  into  a  digital  economy  with
        satellite  at  the  forefront  was  one  of  the
        key  themes  to  come  out  of  SatComRus
        2019, which was held in Saint Petersburg.
        One  of  the  morning  speakers  was  Igor
        Chursin, Deputy Head of Russia’s Federal
        Communications  Agency,  who  gave  the
        Russian government perspective on
        the  changing  environment  for  satellite
        communications  in  Russia.  Chursin  said
        Russia  stood  at  the  threshold  of  digital
        convergence  and  a  digital  economy.  He
        called it a “top priority” for the government
        and  said  the  development  of  satellite
        communications  in  IT  infrastructure  was
        seen as “very important.” He set out plans   revenues from international market, rather   of  satellites  being  provided  faster  and
        to  improve  satellite  communications   than the domestic market, which is a major   cheaper, there is no miracle. If you try to
        throughout  Russia.  “We  have  developed   change.  The  company,  which  provides   create  a  cheaper  Ferrari,  it  will  ultimately
        the  business  plan  for  highly  elliptical   more than 60 percent of TV broadcasting in   become  more  expensive  than  creating  a
        satellites. So, in the next year, we will start   Russia, has been aggressively growing its   normal Ferrari. Of course, all manufacturers
        producing and building satellites for highly   international base. The company’s highly   want to have reconfigurable satellites,” he
        elliptical  orbits  to  be  launched  in  2023.   elliptical  satellite  plans  will  be  funded  by   said. Vincent Guermonprez, Telecom Sales
        We  will  not  achieve  high  throughput  in   the government. “We have an opportunity   Director  of  Russia  and  North  America,
        places  such  as  the  Arctic  Circle  without   to provide  good  communications  to any   Airbus  Defense  and  Space,  spoke  of  the
        these kinds of satellites. In five years, the   moving  object,”  he  said.  Interestingly,   trends from a manufacturing point of view.
        sunrise  will  start  in  the  Antarctic  (new   the  way  RSCC  is  talking  to  suppliers  is   He  added,  “Digitalization  is  not  only  for
        services via satellite). We see high quality   changing.  “Normally,  (when  we  go  to   the product but for the industrial process.
        communication  needs  to  be  provided.   meetings  with  satellite  manufacturers)   I don’t know if it will be a Ferrari, but we
        We  are  seeing  the  growth  of  high-tech   we described our vision of the future, but   will  offer  cheap,  quick  products  to  get  to
        communications.  Old  technologies  are   in the last meeting with Thales, the theme   market.  We  have  presented  these  new
        gradually leaving the scene.” Chursin added   of  the  meeting  was  reversed,  we  asked   products  to  RSCC.  We  hope  what  we  are
        that over the next four years, connection to   Thales  their  vision  of  the  future,”  said   thinking will be useful for a lot of operators
        moving objects and broadband access will   Prokhorov.  However,  while  the  operator   tomorrow.” Nicolas Tenaud, Sales Director
        see a lot of growth. “We are on the verge of   has plans to develop highly elliptical orbits,   Russia and CIS, Thales Alenia Space, also
        a technological revolution as we move all   Geostationary  Orbit  (GEO)  will  remain   spoke of the need for more flexibility and
        the way to 5G. We have things like Artificial   fundamental  to  its  business  plans  with   highlighted  Thales  Alenia  Space’s  recent
        Intelligence  (AI)  and  Virtual  Reality  (VR).   Prokhorov  admitting  that  RSCC  plans  to   launch of Space Inspire product range of
        I  am  sure  satellite  communications  will   commission  12  new  spacecraft  over  the   mid-sized  satellites  as  a  way  of  getting
        find  an  important  place  in  the  future.”   next 10 years in GEO. In terms of the 5G   more business from the likes of RSCC going
        However, while this was positive, Chursin   opportunity  for  RSCC,  Prokhorov  added,   forward. With 5G on the horizon, speakers
        also struck a cautionary note adding that   “5G  will  be  the  standard  for  Internet  of   tackled the future video market in Russia.
        the  government  was  not  seeing  enough   Things (IoT). For satellite communications,   Nikolay  Orlov,  Tricolor,  one  of  Russia’s
        breakthroughs  in  terms  of  costs  of  user   the creation of new standards is important   main pay-TV providers, admitted that that
        equipment. “The satellite communications   around  5G.  The  possibility  of  providing   the modern world of communications and
        industry  will  be  on  the  rise  over  the  next   broadband  access  and  delivery  of  media   media consumption is changing before our
        seven  years.  We  believe  the  market  will   content are great products (for us).” Given   eyes.  He  added,  “A  decision  was  arrived
        change  dramatically.  Operators  such  as   that a lot of SatComRus was tackling the   that an ecosystem should be put in place,
        RSCC  and  Gazprom  are  in  the  front  line   question of Russia’s satellite future, some   and  the  user  should  be  able  to  receive
        of advances in the industry. 5G is making   were  predicting  that  the  move  to  small   as  many  possible  services  from  us.  We
        inroads  into  the  system  with  lots  of   satellites many not happen as quickly as   are losing ground to terrestrial  operators
        debates  surrounding  it,  particularly  with   some  think.  Nikolay  Testoedov,  Director   because  we  cannot  provide  access  to
        the allocation of frequencies.” One of the   General,  ISS  Reshetnev  Company  wasn’t   the internet. Our ecosystem will definitely
        other  main  speakers  was  Yuri  Prokhorov,   so sure that small satellites would be the   develop  (as  we  look  to  cater  to  different
        director  general  of  RSCC.  Significantly,   next big thing. He said, “GEO satellites are   customer needs).”
        RSCC  now  generates  over  half  of  its   in  a  difficult  situation.  However,  in  terms

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