Page 53 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
P. 53


        Nokia Signs Patent License Agreement with HP

        Nokia announced it has signed a multi-year   reached  an agreement  with HP  which   and continues  to play  a  leading  role in
        patent license agreement with HP covering   recognizes Nokia’s leadership in video   multimedia research and standardization.
        the use of Nokia’s  video technologies  in   and multimedia technologies  and our   Nokia’s expertise in multimedia and video
        HP’s  devices. Under  the agreement HP   decades-long investments in R&D.” Nokia   research is built on continuous investment
        will make royalty payments to Nokia. The   is a leader in the development of video and   to advance the industry. Nokia has invested
        agreement  resolves all patent litigation   multimedia technologies,  including video   around  €150 billion in R&D since  2000
        between the parties, in all jurisdictions. The   compression,  content  delivery, content   (including  over €4 billion in 2023 alone)
        terms of the agreement remain confidential   recommendation  and aspects related   for cutting edge technologies including
        as agreed between the parties. Arvin Patel,   to hardware. In the past 25  years, Nokia   cellular and multimedia.
        Chief  Licensing  Officer  New  Segments,   has  created almost  5,000 inventions  that
        at  Nokia  said: “We are delighted  to  have   enable multimedia products and services,

        Nokia Expands Wi-Fi 7 Portfolio with the Launch of Beacon 19 Gateway

                                                                                 offering a  marketplace  with  applications
                                                                                 -including 3rd party- that run on fiber (ONT)
                                                                                 gateways, FWA gateways and mesh Wi-Fi
                                                                                 beacons. Justin Doucette,  Head  of  Wi-Fi,
                                                                                 Fixed Networks at Nokia, said: “WiFi 7 is a
                                                                                 pivotal new technology that will power the
                                                                                 connected home of the future. The Beacon
                                                                                 19 Wi-Fi  7 gateway is designed to help
                                                                                 service providers make sure multi-gigabit
                                                                                 speeds  reach every  corner  of the house.
                                                                                 Combined  with  our Corteca software,
                                                                                 built-in TR-369 support for management,
                                                                                 and open  framework, it makes managing
                                                                                 devices in  the home much simpler.  This
                                                                                 means providers can easily optimize Wi-Fi,
                                                                                 offer new services, and ultimately give their
        Nokia launched the Beacon 19, a new Wi-Fi   Fi  7’s full capabilities, the Beacon  19   customers  a  fast, reliable,  and seamless
        7 gateway designed to provide seamless,   brings up to19Gbps of  Wi-Fi  capacity,   broadband  experience” Michael Philpott,
        high-capacity  mesh  networking enabling   reducing network congestion with its three   Research Director,  Digital  Consumer
        operators to deliver a superior broadband   radio bands to eliminate slowdowns and   Services at Omdia, said: “With the  rise
        experience. As a tri-band device, the Beacon   buffering  issues.  Moreover, The Beacon   of  XGS-PON  and  25G  PON  services, Wi-
        19 offers up to 19Gbps of Wi-Fi capacity   19 supports multi-link  operations (MLO),   Fi  upgrades are  becoming  critical  for
        – essential  for the expanding  demands   enhancing connection speeds by allowing   delivering multi-gig speeds into the home.
        of streaming, online gaming, video, smart   devices to simultaneously  send and   Since  becoming  standardized in  January
        home,  and security applications in the   receive data  across  different frequency   2024, we’ve already seen  11% of the 61
        home. With  the widespread adoption   bands and channels. Nokia’s new Beacon   telcos we benchmark launch Wi-Fi 7, and
        of XGS-PON  and the rise of 25G PON   19  is  powered by  its  Corteca  software.   with other launches  already announced,
        services, Wi-Fi  upgrades  are critical   Nokia  Corteca works  end-to-end,  from   we expect that number  to quickly grow.
        for delivering  multi-gig speeds into the   applications embedded  in the device,   Wi-Fi  7  sets the  stage for a  faster, more
        home. Nokia’s  Beacon 19  is  designed   through  the home, and into the cloud.   connected future and solutions like Nokia’s
        specifically  for  this  purpose,  allowing   Built on open industry standards (TR-369,   Beacon 19 will allow service providers to
        service providers  to offer a  best-in-class   EasyMesh), Corteca integrates advanced   offer a  best-in-class Wi-Fi  experience  to
        Wi-Fi  7 experience. By  incorporating Wi-  Wi-Fi  and device management while   its customers.”

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