Page 48 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
P. 48


        PTCL Group Launches Pakistan’s first 800G Wavelength Division

        Multiplexing System in partnership with Huawei

        PTCL Group, Pakistan’s top integrated ICT   transformation, preparing the network for   digital growth and sustainability  efforts.
        provider, has  achieved a  major  milestone   future technologies like Fixed 5.5G (F5.5G)   It will strengthen data center connections,
        by successfully launching  the country’s   and enabling  faster, smarter, and more   reduce  carbon  emissions,  and set the
        first 800 Gbps per wavelength Super C+L   efficient  connectivity.  Jafar  Khalid,  Group   stage for future advancements like F5.5G.
        Wavelength  Division Multiplexing  (WDM)   Chief Technology and Information Officer,   This technology  investment will  underpin
        system. This advanced technology enables   PTCL & Ufone 4G, commented: “Our focus   Pakistan’s digital economy  for years to
        a  data  transmission capacity of 64  Tbps   is  on advancing  cutting-edge  technology   come.”  This successful  collaboration
        per fiber, with the potential to reach up to   while maintaining sustainability.  This   between  PTCL  Group and Huawei  marks
        96 Tbps, marking a significant step forward   upgrade  will  improve service quality,   a  transformative moment for Pakistan’s
        for  Pakistan’s  digital  infrastructure.  lower  latency, and enhance  the  overall   telecommunications  landscape.
        Developed  in collaboration with Huawei,   user experience  for both consumers   By  leveraging  cutting-edge  optical
        PTCL’s  Super  C+L system supports  a   and enterprises,  while reducing  our   technology, PTCL is paving the way for
        broader optical  spectrum  of up to  12   environmental footprint. It  will  also  help   enhanced  digital services, faster internet
        THz, compared to the 4.8  THz provided   us manage the growing demand for data   speeds, and a more connected society. As
        by  traditional  systems.  It  combines   traffic across different customer segments   Pakistan moves towards a more digitized
        high-speed  800  Gbps per wavelength,   with  reliable, cost-effective  solutions.”   and sustainable future, PTCL  Group
        ultra-wide Super  C+L spectrum, and   Victor Zhou, President of Huawei’s Optical   continues to play a pivotal role in driving
        advanced  Flexible Grid optical switching.   Domain, stated: “We are proud to support   technological  innovation and expanding
        This  breakthrough  positions  PTCL  PTCL  in  building  this  high-speed optical   the nation’s digital infrastructure.
        at  the forefront of Pakistan’s  digital   network,  which  will boost  Pakistan’s

        OIC-CERT and Huawei Join Forces to Strengthen Cybersecurity for OIC
        Member States

        OIC-CERT  (Organization of The Islamic
        Cooperation  – Computer  Emergency
        Response Teams) and Huawei announced
        a   strategic  collaboration  plan  to
        strengthen cybersecurity for OIC member
        states. The announcement came during a
        high-level strategic meeting  at  Huawei's
        headquarters in Shenzhen, China, attended
        by OIC-CERT board members from Oman,
        Malaysia, the  United  Arab Emirates
        (UAE), Indonesia,  Azerbaijan, Brunei,  and
        Egypt, alongside  leaders from  Huawei's
        Global  Cyber  Security  and  Privacy  Office.
        The partnership  will  focus on building
        cybersecurity frameworks, standards, and
        best practices that are in line with global
        advances  in important sectors such  as   Director  General of the Oman  CERT said,   strategic  meeting  provided  a platform
        5G, cloud computing, artificial intelligence,   “Cybersecurity  is a shared  responsibility,   for in-depth  discussions  on global
        and post-quantum  cryptography.  These   and partnerships  with  leading global   cybersecurity  trends,  including  the
        measures will be crucial for protecting OIC   ICT  leaders like Huawei  are essential to   increasing sophistication of cyberattacks,
        members” digital transformation journeys   building  a safer and more secure digital   the evolving threat landscape  in the
        and building a  mature and trustworthy   future  for  all.  We  are  confident  that  this   face of emerging technologies,  and the
        digital economy.  These  frameworks will   collaboration with Huawei will significantly   importance of international cooperation in
        cement OIC-CERT's influence in the global   contribute  to  strengthening  the cyber   addressing these challenges. The meeting
        cybersecurity environment and establish it   resilience  of OIC  member  states  and   also  reviewed the existing collaboration
        as a reliable leader and collaborator. Eng.   fostering a more secure digital ecosystem   between OIC-CERT and Huawei in 5G and
        Badar Al Salehi, Chair of the OIC-CERT and   for our citizens and businesses.” The   cloud  security, laying the groundwork

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