Page 51 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
P. 51


        Nokia to Lead EC-Backed Sustainable 6G Project

        Nokia  was  selected  to  spearhead a
        European  Commission  (EC) supported
        project  to explore how 6G can play a
        key  role in building a  sustainable future,
        focusing  on energy smart  grids, e-health
        and agriculture. The vendor will coordinate
        the SUSTAIN-6G project after being chosen
        by the Smart Networks and Services Joint
        Undertaking; a  public-private partnership
        funded  by  the EC.  Nokia  explained  the
        initiative is designed to develop solutions to
        sustainability challenges “using the toolkit
        6G will offer”. The Finnish vendor is tasked
        with leading a consortium of “innovators”
        to look at the future role of 6G in developing
        environmentally-,  economically-  and
        societally-sustainable  technologies.  group will be tasked with generating new   Peter Merz, VP of Nokia  Standards, said
        SUSTAIN 6G will devote considerable time   ideas  around how 6G  infrastructure  can   the  UN Paris Agreement  committed  the
        to working out use cases for three targeted   be useful  for analyzing  and  transmitting   world to combatting  climate change  and
        areas: energy smart  grids; e-heath and   medical data, and also be the foundation   “every industry must do its part”. Work on
        telemedicine; and agriculture. On the first   for new home-based assessment services.   the project kicks-off in January 2025 and
        area, the consortium will explore how 6G   Last  but not least,  the consortium will   is scheduled to complete in 2027. The EC
        can be  used  to create microgrids  that   investigate how  6G can be allocated to   also selected  Nokia  to lead work  on the
        manage energy  demand,  along with  the   enable  smart  agricultural  applications   Hexa-X projects, which  are focused  on
        use of AI technologies for real-time control   requiring  high  bandwidth,  sensing,  creating a pre-standardized 6G platform.
        of the networks. In the field of e-health, the   telemetry, data analytics and automation.

        Nokia Achieves Milestone with First FIPS 140-3 Security Level 2 Certification

        for Layer 1 Optical Transport

        Nokia  has  announced  a  groundbreaking   includes  additional  NIST-mandated  President of Nokia Federal Solutions, said:
        achievement in the field of network security   requirements  to enhance  data security.   “This achievement represents a  major
        with the receipt of the Federal Information   Nokia’s  1830  Photonic  Service Switch   step forward in  securing  mission-critical
        Processing  Standards  (FIPS)  140-3  (PSS), Photonic  Services Interconnect  –   optical networks for the U.S.  federal
        Security  Level  2  Validation  certificate   Modular (PSI-M), and PSS-24x platforms,   government. Our FIPS  140-3  Security
        for its  1830  PSS, PSI-M,  and PSS-24x   including software, equipment controllers,   Level  2  certification  demonstrates  our
        products. This certification marks the first   management  interfaces and encryptors,   dedication  to providing cutting-edge
        FIPS 140-3 Security Level 2 validation for   have achieved this significant certification,   solutions that meet the highest standards
        Layer 1 (L1) optical transport systems in   underscoring the company’s commitment   of data  protection. We are proud to  be
        the industry, setting a  new benchmark   to advancing  security  standards in the   the  first  in  the  industry  to  offer  validated
        for secure network operations.  The FIPS   industry. The certification of Nokia’s 1830   layer 1 optical transport ready for the
        140-3  standard  is  a  crucial framework   Photonic  Service Switch (PSS) and 1830   quantum  age.”  The  FIPS  140-3 Security
        established  by  the National  Institute of   Photonic Services Interconnect – Modular   Level 2 certification signifies that Nokia’s
        Standards and Technology  (NIST) to   (PSI-M  includes  all  features needed  for   optical  transport products  meet rigorous
        ensure the protection  of sensitive and   use with Nokia’s  secure and trusted   security requirements and are capable
        valuable data within federal  systems. As   Quantum-Safe Optical network encryption,   of safeguarding  sensitive data  across
        an incremental advancement of FIPS 140-  featuring centralized pre-shared key   various sectors, including  U.S.  Federal
        2, FIPS 140-3 aligns with ISO 19790:2012   distribution through Nokia’s 1830 Security   data, against potential threats.
        and  ISO  24759:2017  specifications  and   Management Server (SMS). Mike Loomis,

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