Page 49 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
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        for a more impactful and comprehensive   the evolving cybersecurity landscape.” The   added Eng. Badar. By combining Huawei's
        partnership  moving forward. “As cyber   collaboration will also include cybersecurity   cutting-edge  technological  expertise
        threats  become  more sophisticated and   training programs  based on Huawei's   with OIC-CERT's regional  leadership,  the
        widespread,  collaboration  is crucial  for   extensive experiences and best practices.   collaboration  paves  the way  for  a  more
        creating a secure and resilient digital   These  programs will  be  tailored  for   secure and resilient digital future across
        world,” said  Sean  Yang, Huawei  Global   selected OIC member states, contributing   the OIC  community.  This  partnership will
        Cyber  Security  and  Privacy  Officer.  “This   to  enhanced  cybersecurity  awareness   empower OIC member states to confidently
        strategic partnership with  OIC-CERT   and capacity building  within the  region.   embrace  the opportunities of the digital
        underscores Huawei's  commitment to   “This strategic collaboration  represents   age while  effectively  mitigating  emerging
        sharing  its expertise and practice  to   a  significant  step  towards  achieving  the   cyber threats.
        empower  OIC  member states  with  the   shared vision of “Cybersecurity partnership
        tools and knowledge  needed  to navigate   to strengthen self-reliance in cyberspace’.

        AIS and Huawei Launch RAN Intelligence Pioneers Program to Expedite AN

        L4 Evolution

        AIS Thailand and Huawei have jointly   models and digital  twins.  The goal is  to   maintenance  expertise,  diagnose
        launched  the RAN Intelligence Pioneers   uncover new business opportunities and   issues, and offer expert  advice for
        Program,  a   collaborative  initiative  economic  value  in  the wireless sector.   resolution and forecasting.
        aimed at  driving wireless intelligence   As  a  vital  partner,  AIS  is  considered an   Kitti  Ngarmchatetanarom,  Chief
        innovation and building  robust, high-  important partner of this program, marking   Technology Officer AIS said: “Through our
        quality intelligent  wireless networks.  AIS   a  significant  step  towards  achieving  the   partnership with Huawei, we have achieved
        is dedicated to realizing its strategic goal   strategic vision of a Level 4 Autonomous   significant  advancements  in  the  AN  field
        of Autonomous  Networks (AN) L4  by   Network, where  the system can manage   over the past few years. By fully embracing
        2025.  In  collaboration with  Huawei, AIS   the network almost 100% on its own. AIS   the RAN  Intelligence  Pioneers  Program,
        has made substantial progress in wireless   and Huawei have announced their intention   we have poised  to further enhance  our
        intelligence  over the past two years,   to collaborate on three key subjects.  network operations,  provide a  tailored
        successfully  developing  applications  •  First, they will work together on how to   and exceptional user experience for each
        like base station outage  detection  and   leverage decision-making  intelligence   individual, accelerate  our transition to
        compensation, and intelligent traffic burst   technologies  to deliver a  reliable and   AN L4, and evolve from a  conventional
        optimization.  These innovations  have   unique  experience  for 5G and future   communications  service provider to a
        boosted  network  traffic  and  operational   5G-A users.                pioneering force in cognitive technology.”
        efficiency  while  significantly  improving   •  Second,  how to apply digital twin   Calvin Zhao, President of Huawei Wireless
        user experience  and satisfaction.  As a   technology  to improve the ability   Network MAE Product Line, stated: “Huawei
        result, AIS has achieved its strategic goal   of  making  decisions  with  multiple   has  always  been  committed  to  working
        of AN L3 in critical wireless scenarios. The   objectives in mind for intelligent energy   closely  with operators  and industry
        RAN Intelligence Pioneers Program unites   saving features, achieving optimal   partners to  improve network productivity
        Huawei, telecom  operators,  and industry   energy  saving while ensuring  more   and unlock  new business  prospects  and
        partners to develop  innovative intelligent   performance counters.      value for the industry.  Through  the RAN
        wireless  network  applications  and  •  Third,  how  to  use  generative  artificial   Intelligence Pioneers Program, Huawei will
        business models through state-of-the-art   intelligence  (GenAI)  technologies  team  up with  AIS  to  pioneer  innovations
        intelligence  technologies  like foundation   to acquire network operation and   in  foundation models and digital  twin
                                                                                 technologies. Huawei will also support AIS
                                                                                 in setting a new standard for AN L4 in 5G
                                                                                 network  deployment,  driving  the wireless
                                                                                 intelligence revolution together.” The RAN
                                                                                 Intelligence Pioneers Program has gained
                                                                                 significant  recognition  from  operators
                                                                                 since its launch at MWC Shanghai in June
                                                                                 2024. With continued operator and industry
                                                                                 partner involvement,  this program will
                                                                                 propel intelligent innovation in the industry,
                                                                                 offering a robust technical framework and
                                                                                 real-world case  studies to  accelerate  the
                                                                                 wireless  AN sector's progress toward L4

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