Page 47 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
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        innovations meet  diverse network needs,   network bandwidth needed for 4K/8K HD   of celebration activities. This cooperation
        taking  campus  network experience  to   interactive teaching in smart classrooms.   is a key milestone and practice on the road
        new levels. With the advent of the digital   It also offers application assurance (which   to smarter education and smarter campus
        era, online  exams, live classes, lectures,   automatically identifies and prioritizes key   connectivity of the future. Said Jason He:
        and ceremonies pose higher performance   teaching applications), application quality   “Looking forward, Huawei will continue
        requirements  on   modern   campus   visibility, and other compelling capabilities   our partnership with HKU to further create
        networks. Especially  in smart  classroom   to ensure superior experience with teaching   a  high-quality educational  environment,
        scenarios,  a key priority is to ensure   applications. Huawei's latest Wi-Fi 7 APs   solidifying HKU's leading position in global
        always-optimal teaching experience in the   deployed in the Loke Yew Hall (a historical   higher  education. This cooperation can
        classroom. Huawei's high-quality 10 Gbps   landmark and also important  activity   also  set  an  excellent example  for more
        campus network solution can meet these   center), libraries, and study rooms provide   Hong Kong universities to embark on their
        needs. By leveraging cutting-edge Wi-Fi 7   smooth  network connectivity during   digital education journey."
        technology, this solution greatly increases   centralized online exams and peak hours

        Huawei Releases Antenna Digitalization White Paper, Opening a New
        Chapter for the Antenna Industry

        At  the Global Mobile Broadband Forum   models to  support  intelligent  networks,
        2024  (MBBF  2024), Huawei  released  its   providing all  necessary  information  for
        Antenna  Digitalization White Paper.  The   intelligent  optimization.  Multidimensional
        white paper explores new trends and   adjustment  means   that  antenna
        key innovation directions  in antenna   parameters,  such as  signal radiation
        digitalization and envisions the key role of   directions  and radiation beam  shapes,
        the antenna industry in the mobile AI era.   can be remotely adjusted in real time. This
        AI is driving a new wave of technological   enables greater  flexibility  and expanded
        transformations in many sectors, including   possibilities  for  intelligent  network
        wireless networks. For networks to become   optimization. The Antenna  Digitalization
        more intelligent,  further innovation is   White Paper explores Huawei's latest
        needed in wireless network infrastructure.   innovations in antennas. Andy  Sun,
        Antennas  are a  crucial component  of   President  of Huawei Antenna  Business
        wireless networks, and their digitalization   Unit, remarked: “This white paper reflects
        will play a key role in the future. The white   the collective vision and insights  of our
        paper  states that network intelligence   partners, industry scholars, and Huawei's
        and automation require building digital   own experts.  It integrates  our in-depth
        capabilities for remote management and   analysis  and prospects  of the antenna
        multidimensional adjustment of antennas.   industry  in the  mobile AI  era.  Antenna
        Remote management requires antennas to   digitalization is  an  inevitable foundation
        be capable of providing real-time, accurate   for intelligent  networks. Looking  ahead,
        information to network systems, including   Huawei will continue to work with industry
        engineering parameters and beam shapes.   partners worldwide to  promote  antenna   contribute to the construction of even more
        This will help building comprehensive data   digitalization through  innovation,  and   intelligent and efficient wireless networks."

        Huawei Revenue Boosted by Device Demand

        Huawei continued  to see  momentum  for   device shipments in China grew 42 per cent   due  to US  sanctions. The company did
        its devices in Q3, as the company posted a   year-on-year  in  Q3, placing the  company   not break out figures in the statement for
        revenue rise of almost 16 per cent, although   in third spot and marking four quarters   individual business  units.  In  the opening
        net profit took a hit. In a statement to the   of year-on-year  growth.  While shipments   nine months, Huawei recorded a 13.7 per
        Shanghai Clearing House, Huawei recorded   were a bright spot, Huawei’s net profit fell   cent drop in net profit to CNY62.9 billion,
        sales of CNY168.4 billion ($23.7 billion), up   70.5 per cent to CNY7.8 billion. Bloomberg   while revenue rose from CNY452.3 billion
        15.6 per cent year-on-year, on the back of   reported the drop could be due to an outlay   to CNY585.9 billion.
        growth in handset shipments.  Research   around  manufacturing  chips,  as Huawei
        company  IDC stated last  week  Huawei   pushes  to develop its  own technologies

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