Page 29 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
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how users perceive traditional carrier accessible and efficient hotline services. definition, intelligent, and interactive
calling services. The aim is to provide voice • Remote Assistance: Providing users capabilities. As part of this collaboration,
communication and a comprehensive with real-time support through e& UAE and Huawei will utilize the
suite of interactive calling solutions that innovative calling solutions. commercial project to establish a close
improve the overall service experience. The • AIGC Avatar: Leveraging AI to create partnership, focusing on developing
New Calling initiative aims to introduce interactive and engaging user New Calling services that enhance user
several innovative services, including: experiences. experience and drive efficiency in both B2C
• Visualized Voice Calling: Users can • Real-Time Translation: Breaking lan- and B2B interactions. The implementation
display customized avatars during calls guage barriers to facilitate seamless of the New Calling framework aligns with
to convey emotions and express their communication. e& UAE's commitment to maintaining its
personalities. These innovative solutions aim to provide position as a leader in telecommunications.
• Enterprise Visible Hotline: Enhancing users with an enriched communication
business communications with experience characterized by ultra-high-
e& Enterprise and Smart Salem Partner to Deploy Region’s First Locally-
Hosted Cloud-Based (PACS)
e& enterprise, the digital transformation
arm of e& group, and Smart Salem, the
UAE’s premium visa medical and health and
wellness screening center, have announced
a three-year partnership to implement the
nation's first state-of-the-art cloud-based
Picture Archiving and Communication
System (PACS). This innovative project
for Smart Salem’s network of digital
healthcare clinics marks a first-of-its-kind
end-to-end service model in the UAE, set
to revolutionize the landscape of medical
imaging and healthcare services in the
region. The cloud-based PACS platform Smart Salem on this pioneering project and environmental goals by reducing
is designed to deliver secure storage, underscores e& enterprise’s commitment the carbon footprint associated with IT
retrieval, and sharing of medical images, to disrupting the digital healthcare sector infrastructure and minimizing the need for
providing healthcare providers with and transforming traditional healthcare patient and staff commuting, supporting a
cost-efficient, scalable, and accessible operations. By delivering the first solution more sustainable healthcare ecosystem.
solutions while adhering to regulatory in the region, the cloud-based PACS The cloud-based PACS solution offers
compliance requirements. Traditional on- platform is expected to set a precedent numerous benefits to healthcare providers
site PACS take up valuable healthcare real for future healthcare projects, opening up and stakeholders alike, starting with cost
estate and require on-site interventions new opportunities for scalable growth and efficiency by significantly reducing the
for challenges faced with hosting value-added services.” Amanda Gravitis, infrastructure costs typically associated
hardware. The solution will give Smart Chief Executive Officer, Smart Salem, with traditional on-premises medical
Salem access to guaranteed future-proof said: “At Smart Salem we are committed imaging systems. It delivers unmatched
technology that enhances operational to staying at the forefront of healthcare scalability and data accessibility,
effectiveness, improves care management, innovation so we are excited to be allowing healthcare professionals to
and maximizes return on investment (ROI) implementing the UAE’s first locally hosted scale operations effortlessly and securely
but also serves as a model for future cloud based PACS, in collaboration with access patient data remotely. With built-in
healthcare innovations. The platform e& enterprise. The solution will improve disaster recovery and robust data security
will integrate seamlessly with Smart imaging accessibility, efficiency and data measures, the system ensures compliance
Salem’s existing Hospital Information security across our network, ensuring with strict data protection regulations,
Systems (HIS) and offer comprehensive we continue to provide the UAE’s most safeguarding patient information at
support services. Deploying this cloud premium, technology-enabled medical, all times. This innovative platform is
technology is a critical first step in the visa and healthcare services.” This project also designed to support long-term IT
project, leading to the later adoption positions e& enterprise and Smart Salem as management with advanced storage
of AI technology in early identification early movers in the medical imaging sector, capabilities and analytics, empowering
of diseases based on imaging data. creating a robust foundation for growth and healthcare providers to make data-driven
Salvador Anglada, Chief Executive Officer, expansion into other healthcare services. decisions that improve patient outcomes.
e& enterprise, said: “Joining forces with It also contributes to broader societal
29 OCT-DEC 2024