Page 128 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
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across various sectors in Ghana. But here’s a thought— Minister, Hon. Mrs. Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, described the
are they a bit late to the game? When you look at policy as a landmark achievement critical to Ghana’s
5G adoption in Africa, it’s been a mixed bag. Some cybersecurity development. The policy is hinged
countries like South Africa and Kenya, have been quick across five critical pillars – Legal Measures, Technical
to roll out 5G services, while others are still catching Measures, Organizational Measures, Capacity Building,
up. The adoption has been slower in many regions due and Cooperation. It is consistent with the International
to factors like infrastructure challenges, regulatory Telecommunication Union’s Global Cybersecurity
hurdles, and the high costs associated with deploying Agenda guideline for cybersecurity development aimed
new technology. (October 10, 2024) at enhancing confidence, trust, and security in the
ICT architecture of ITU member countries including
Pomp and pageantry characterized the launch of Ghana. It further serves as an implementation tool to
Ghana's National Cybersecurity Policy and Strategy articulate the purpose of the policy statements which
(NCPS), a feat aimed to address the increasing are to Build a Resilient Digital Ecosystem, Secure
cybersecurity threats arising from the nation’s rapid Digital Infrastructure, Develop National Capacity,
digital transformation. The revised policy represents Deter Cybercrime, and Strengthen Cooperation. These
a strategic response to both existing and anticipated provide clear strategic objectives and initiatives
cyber threats that could undermine Ghana’s gains with their corresponding descriptions, timelines and
in digitalization provides clear focus and direction to relevant stakeholders required to implement the
guide the development of Ghana’s cybersecurity over strategic imperatives for a secure and resilient digital
the next five years. Unveiling the policy at the official Ghana. Addressing the invited dignitaries, the minister
opening of the 2024 National Cybersecurity Awareness underscored the fact that cyber threats were global in
Month (NCSAM) in Accra with the top brass of the nature and their manifestations localized with Ghana
Ghana Armed Forces and cybersecurity stakeholders not immune to such threats.
in attendance, the Communications and Digitalization (October 4, 2024)
The Hong Kong government recently secured HKD2.24 spectrum was sold over a seven-day auction, divided
billion ($288 million) from its latest 5G spectrum auction, into 11 separate blocks. OFCA noted that it will issue
Hong Kong’s Office of the Communications Authority licenses for a period of 15 years. Operators have the
(OFCA) said in a release. China Mobile Hong Kong flexibility to either pay the full amount upfront or opt for
Hong Kong acquired the maximum allocation of 50 megahertz in the an annual spectrum utilization fee (SUF), the regulator
2.3GHz spectrum band for HKD1.07 billion, said OFCA. added. “Each provisional successful bidder is required
Hutchison Telecom followed closely behind, securing to submit a Letter of Credit by January 13, 2025, in full
10 megahertz in the 850MHz band —the maximum amount to guarantee payment of the SUF as specified
permitted — along with an additional 20 megahertz in the table above. The provisional successful bidders
in the 2.3GHz band, for a total of HKD617 million. are also required to submit performance bonds, where
Meanwhile, HKT acquired 20 megahertz in the 2.3GHz applicable, to ensure compliance with the network and
band, paying HKD400 million and SmarTone obtained service rollout requirement before the actual frequency
10 megahertz in the 850MHz band for HKD151.5 assignments take effect,” the spokesperson added.
million. In total, 110 megahertz of repurposed mobile (November 22, 2024)
The Competition Commission of India (CCI) slapped terms and sharing of data within Meta Group without
a INR2.1 billion ($24.9 million) penalty on Meta any opt-out”. By sharing WhatsApp user data with
Platforms for abusing its dominant position in other platforms, the CCI determined Meta Platforms
messaging and advertising by requiring users to share created an entry barrier for rivals, which resulted in
India data for use across its platforms. In addition, the denial of market access in the display advertisement
agency ordered WhatsApp to stop sharing users” data
market. Other remedies require WhatsApp’s policy to
with other Meta Platforms companies for five years. include a detailed explanation of the user data shared
An investigation found WhatsApp made data sharing with other Meta Platforms companies.
with Meta Platforms mandatory when it updated its (November 19, 2024)
terms of service and privacy policy in 2021, removing
an earlier option to opt out. The CCI stated the update The 25th Meeting of the South Asian Telecommunication
constituted an imposition of an unfair condition, “as it Regulators” Council (SATRC-25) was held at New Delhi,
compels all users to accept expanded data collection India from 11th to 13thNovember, 2024, gathering
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