Page 127 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
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                         will  be allowed to engage  in online  data  processing   telecommunications  industry,”  MIIT Minister Jin
                         and transaction processing,  and will  have greater   Zhuanglong  reportedly said.  The MIIT  will  closely
                         access  to China's cloud  computing  markets. “This   monitor  the impact of the program and consider
                         is  an important  measure to  steadily push forward   expanding its scope at an appropriate time.  (October 25,
                         the institutional opening-up  …  and enhance  China's   2024)
                         competitive advantage and leading  position  in the

                         The Finnish Transport  and Communications  Agency,   Traficom’s  chief  specialist  Heidi  Himmanen,  said:
                         Traficom,  has  unveiled  its  latest  report,  “Private   “The fast and stable connection that a private network
                         Networks in Finland”,  highlighting  the rising interest   provides makes it possible to introduce technologically
                         in private mobile networks among Finnish businesses   advanced  solutions  like automation and robotics
        Finland          and organizations. The  regulator  noted  that these   in  industrial plants.” The higher  capacity of the 5G
                         networks offer tailored solutions that  promise high
                                                                        network and options such  as  network slicing make
                         performance,  security  and reliability, particularly   it possible to implement  increasingly high-quality
                         beneficial  for  sectors  like  healthcare,  manufacturing   services,  according  to the Finnish regulator.  “The
                         and  logistics.  However,  the  report  identifies  hurdles   growing  spectrum requirements of private networks
                         for the adoption of private networks in Finland, such   needs  to be  recognized  and considered  in European
                         as  high initial costs and limited awareness,  slowing   spectrum management, while also taking into account
                         widespread adoption. According to the report,  these   the new opportunities offered by  6G technology”,
                         challenges  are expected  to diminish as  technology   added  Himmanen.  At the  moment,  the  regulator
                         matures, prices drop, and promotional efforts increase.   said that the 2.3GHz and 24.25–25.1 GHz bands are
                         The regulator  also  highlighted  that  private  networks   available to local 4G/5G networks with a radio license
                         deliver stable, high-speed  connectivity, making them   from Traficom.
                         ideal for industries that require dependable operations.   (December 4, 2024)

                         The Federal Ministry for Digital Affairs and Transport   The ministry also highlighted that the consultation is
                         (BMDV) said it is launching  a consultation  process   aimed at a wide range of recipients, including network
                         for the implementation  of 5G technologies  for   operators,  network equipment  suppliers,  system
                         vertical industries, the ministry said in a release. The   integrators,  professional associations and forums,
        Germany          consultation process examines the needs of users in   relevant research  institutions  and the broad group
                         more detail and promotes dialogue on establishing a   of users in vertical industries,  such  as companies
                         5G and 6G ecosystem. The consultation further seeks   and management  consultancies.  Comprehensive
                         to establish tailored measures to make the potential   participation is crucial in order to capture the diverse
                         of private mobile networks widely usable, the BMDV   perspectives and requirements and to  build on the
                         said.  Federal  Minister  Volker  Wissing  said:  “Efficient,   successes of the 5G innovation program, it added. “5G
                         fast and reliable  telecommunications  networks are   campus networks offer decisive advantages over the
                         the nervous system of digitalization and the basis for   network technologies  that have been  predominantly
                         growth and prosperity in the digital age. In order to help   used  to date,  such  as WLAN,  Industrial Ethernet  or
                         key technologies such as 5G and 6G to break through   Bluetooth  Low  Energy applications,  such  as  high
                         in the economy, we must tackle the opportunities and   capacities, low latencies and high reliability. The future
                         challenges together. Our consultation offers a platform   6G mobile communications standard will continue this
                         for an open dialogue on how 5G can become a driver of   development  and further  increase its importance  for
                         digital innovations in the economy. In doing so, we are   competitiveness,” the ministry said.
                         implementing another measure of our Gigabit strategy.”

                         Five months after Ghana announced  its plans,  the   through  a collaboration  between  the government
                         country is all set to launch 5G services on November   and tech giants  like Ascend  Digital, K-NET,  Nokia,
                         1,  2024.  This  is  a  significant  step  for  Ghana,  as  it   Radisys, and Tech  Mahindra, all working to build  a
                         aims  to become  fully digital by 2030, providing  fast   solid digital infrastructure in the country. As the launch
        Ghana            and affordable mobile  broadband  to everyone,  no   date approaches, there’s a buzz about how 5G could
                         matter where they are. This rollout is made possible   transform daily  life and open  up new opportunities

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