Page 132 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
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Somalia is working to put in place a favorable regulatory says: “The unified fiber optic deployment policy aims
framework to strengthen its digital infrastructure. In to guide national telecommunications companies
particular, regulator the National Communications towards collaboration for the installation and expansion
Authority is preparing the introduction of new of fiber optic cables.” The country's present domestic
regulations on submarine cable landings. A unified fiber optic network is underdeveloped and fragmented,
Somalia fiber optic deployment policy covering all aspects even with the existing connection to five international
of fiber installation and rollout in the country is the submarine cables (a sixth is on the way). Thus, a fair
aim. Such an initiative, the government suggests, will distribution of available capacity seems some way
reduce the costs associated with the deployment and off. As the World Bank said in a report earlier this year:
extension of fiber optic infrastructure, while promoting “The absence of a robust backbone network prevents
the growth of the modern digital economy and the distribution of international capacity across the
national interconnection. To this end the Department country, resulting in unequal broadband access,
of Communications and Technology has organized a heterogeneous network quality, limited redundancy
public consultation to get the opinions and contributions and slowing down competition in the market.
of the various stakeholders. On its Facebook page, it (November 22, 2024)
In a significant development for South Africa’s and communications technologies are increasingly
regulatory landscape, the Information, Communication intertwined. The primary aim of the forum is
Technologies and Media Regulators Forum was. The collaboration, and it is further guided by the
Forum, formed by the Independent Communications following objectives
South Authority of South Africa (ICASA), the Film and - Strengthening cooperation in regulating the
Publication Board (FPB), the Domain Name Authority
Information and Communications Technologies and
Africa (ZADNA), and the Information Regulator, is set to Media sectors;
streamline the way these sectors are regulated. The - Identify and address duplication of effort.
Forum was established to strengthen cooperation, - Identify areas for potential synergies and areas
reduce overlapping efforts, and create more efficient of cooperation in the future, in order to optimize a
regulations to address the evolving ICT and media regime of effective information and communications
sectors. technologies and media regulation in South Africa,
- The creation of the Forum is a direct response to that is aligned with the new developments in the
the rapidly evolving digital landscape, where the digital era.
boundaries between traditional media, information, (October 10, 2024)
South Korea's largest telecom operators – SK Telecom, impose a fine of between KRW3.4 trillion ($2.5 billion)
KT Corporation and LG Uplus – could face fines of up to and KRW5.5 trillion ($4.1 billion). They also reported
5.5 trillion Korean won (US$4.1 billion) for alleged price that the FTC has already decided on the fine amount
fixing. The country's Fair-Trade Commission (FTC) for each company: between KRW1.41 trillion ($1.05
South reportedly made the preliminary decision to impose billion) and KRW2.20 trillion ($1.63 billion) for SK
Telecom, between KRW1.01 trillion ($750.7 million)
the hefty penalties after an extensive investigation
Korea into allegations that the three companies colluded and KR1.69 trillion ($1.3 billion) for KT, and between
to manipulate sales incentives paid to their mobile KRW985.1 billion ($732.2 million) and KRW1.64 trillion
phone retailers in order to control customer numbers. ($1.2 billion) for LG Uplus. If finalized, the fines could be
The telco operators are accused of sharing internal among the largest ever imposed by the FTC, in excess
information in order to keep their sales incentives at of each company's annual net income. However, the
the same level from 2015 to 2022. Citing the office of fair-trade watchdog said in a statement on Monday
Representative Choi Soo-jin of the People Power Party, that no final decision has been made regarding the
local news outlets reported that the FTC is ready to case. (October 10, 2024)
The Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority requirements and characteristics for devices that can
(TCRA) has notified the new technical specifications receive digital audio broadcasting (DAB+) signals.
for digital audio broadcasting receivers. The document The document applies to radio receivers and all other
TCRA/TS017, “Minimum Technical Specifications for products with built-in radio receivers.
Tanzania Digital Audio Broadcasting Receivers,” was published (October 21, 2024)
in mid-July 2024. It specifies the minimum technical
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