Page 133 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
P. 133


                         Uganda Communications  Commission  (UCC) has   industry  and to  establish barriers to  competition
                         commissioned a telecommunication market definition   so as to promote  a better  business  environment.
                         and assessment study to enhance competitiveness in the   The idea is  to  minimize  non-competitive  practices,
                         industry and establish possible barriers to competition   which  potentially  lead to higher  prices  and reduced
        Uganda           so as to foster a better business environment. During   choices.  The consultants  presented  to operators  a
                         a stakeholder engagement meeting organized by UCC
                                                                        framework and roadmap for implementing  the data
                         at  its  head  office  in  Bugolobi,  telecommunication   collection exercise and observed that the market has
                         operators were introduced to the team of consultants   changed  considerably, with enhanced  digitalization
                         who will undertake this assignment. Tilil Technologies   and many  newer  technologies.  She further explained
                         Limited and Acacia Economics (PTY) Limited, a joint   that the study is proactive and not reactive, meaning
                         consultancy, will conduct  the  telecommunications   that it is not addressing any specific complaints. The
                         market definition and market power assessment whose   consultants are seeking to understand the market and
                         key objective is to examine and evaluate competition   through that establish what can be done to enhance
                         in the industry, as well as identify market participants,   competitiveness. The study will  cover all  critical
                         their services and  products. World over,  regulators   elements of telecommunication, including fixed lines,
                         engage  in studies  to inform regulatory interventions,   mobile, broadband internet, tower markets, and other
                         including  enhancement  of competitiveness  in the   related services. (October 15, 2024)

                         Ukraine’s  telecoms  regulator said  it  raked in  UAH2.8   Back in April, a consortium led by telecoms mogul Xavier
                         billion (US$67.7 million) during its spectrum auction,   Niel’s NJJ Holding announced plans to purchase both
                         with  Vodafone,  Kyivstar  and  Lifecell  buying  five   Ukrainian TV and fixed broadband provider Datagroup-
                         lots  of spectrum  in  the 2100,  2300,  and 2600-MHz   Volia and mobile operator Lifecell, with the intention of
        Ukraine          bands. According to a statement  from the  National   merging the two operators. The move would create the
                         Commission  for State Regulation of Electronic
                                                                        second largest converged operator in the country, with
                         Communications,  Radio  Frequency  Spectrum,  and   10  million  mobile  customers  and  a  fixed  broadband
                         Postal  Services (NCEC), Kyivstar bought  two lots of   network covering  over 4 million homes. The promise
                         spectrum in the 1940-1945/2130-2135 MHz and 2355-  of funding from the EBRD and the IFC was crucial in
                         2395 MHz bands, while Vodafone Ukraine also bought   the  planning  of the  acquisitions,  with the  details of
                         two lots in the 1945-1950/2135-2140 MHz and 2575-  this funding still being finalized when the merger was
                         2610 MHz bands. Lifecell took the fifth lot for the 1935-  concluded last month. “That is the game changer,” said
                         1940/2125-2130 MHz bands. Under the new licenses,   Holger Muent, EBRD’s director of telecommunications,
                         which are good for 15 years, the operators will install   media and technology, told Reuters. “It will create the
                         1,500 new  base stations within two years, including   second-largest operator  of that  kind in the country
                         500 in the first year, according to Ukrainian news site   and that  leads to higher  speed,  better coverage,
                         UNN.  They are also tasked with rapid restoration  of   lower energy consumption for the network, and more
                         communications  in de-occupied territories  within six   redundancy in the network as well.” The deal is seen as
                         months,  as well as increasing  mobile  coverage  on   a major boon for the Ukrainian economy, ensuring the
                         national and international  highways.  In a  statement,   robust digital infrastructure is in place to support the
                         Kyivstar’s parent company Veon said the auction result   nation” economic  recovery.  “By  strengthening  digital
                         boosts its  total  spectrum  holding  from 152  MHz  to   connectivity and network resilience, we are delivering a
                         202 MHz. Veon also said Kyivstar will invest UAH1.43   vital service to millions of Ukrainians while reaffirming
                         billion in the Ukrainian economy through the spectrum   our commitment  to the country,” said  Makhtar  Diop,
                         acquisition.                                   IFC’s managing director. “It sends a strong message
                         (November 21, 2024)  to global investors about the resilience and significant
                                                                        potential  of Ukraine’s economy.” The  newly merged
                         The   European  Bank  for  Reconstruction  and  telco, Lifecell-Datagroup-Volia Group, is set to be led
                         Development  (EBRD) and the International  Finance   by Mykhaylo Shelemba, the current CEO of Datagroup-
                         Corporation (IFC) have confirmed they will jointly invest   Volia.
                         $435  million into Ukraine’s  newest converged telco.   (October 10, 2024)

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