Page 105 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
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FCC Proposes Expanding 6 GHz Band Use for Very Low Power Devices
FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel proposed new rules to
expand very low power (VLP) device operations in additional
spectrum in the 6 GHz band alongside other WiFi-enabled devices.
VLP devices are designed for short-range mobile applications and
can be used indoors or outdoors. They’re intended to support new
applications such as augmented reality, in-car connectivity, and
healthcare monitoring. The agency has expanded unlicensed
use between 5.925 and 7.125 GHz in recent years, noting that’s
helped usher in WiFi 6E, set the stage for WiFi 7, and support the
growth of the Internet of Things. Rosenworcel says “opening
access to the airwaves without licenses makes it possible to
innovate without permission and to develop low-power wireless
technologies that change the way we live and work. We are
making more spectrum available to bolster this growing eco-
system of cutting-edge applications like wearable technologies levels and technical/operational protections as recently approved
and augmented and virtual reality, that will help businesses, for the U-NII-5 (5.925-6.425 GHz) and U-NII-7 (6.525-6.875 GHz)
enhance learning opportunities, improve healthcare outcomes, bands. The rules would protect incumbent licensed services that
and bring new entertainment experiences.” VLP devices operate operate in the 6 GHz band, according to the Commission. VLP
at very low power across short distances and provide very devices would have no restriction on where they may operate and
high connection speeds. They’re designed to prevent external have no requirement to operate under the control of an automatic
antennas from being installed and cannot have weather resistant frequency coordination system. “To ensure the risk of interference
enclosures or operate on battery power. If adopted by a vote of remains insignificant, the devices would be required to employ a
the Commission, the proposed Report and Order would permit the contention-based protocol, implement transmit power control,
VLP class of unlicensed devices to operate across 350 MHz in and be prohibited from operating as part of a fixed outdoor
the U-NII-6 (6.425-6.525 GHz) and U-NII-8 (6.875-7.125 GHz) infrastructure,” says the FCC.
portions of the 6 GHz band. They could operate at the same power
UScellular Announces Sale of Select Spectrum Assets for $1.0 Billion
announcement.” UScellular reached an agreement with Verizon
to sell 663 million MHz POPs of its Cellular (850 MHz) spectrum
licenses as well as 11 million MHz POPs of its AWS and 19 million
MHz POPs of its PCS licenses for a total of $1.0 billion. The
purchase price is payable in cash and subject to certain potential
adjustments specified in the purchase agreement. The transaction
with Verizon is subject to the receipt of regulatory approvals
and satisfaction of customary closing conditions. In addition,
United States Cellular Corporation has entered into an agreement UScellular reached agreements to sell a total of 12 million MHz
with Verizon Communications Inc. to sell a portion of the POPs of its spectrum licenses across the CBRS, C-Band, and 700
Company's retained spectrum licenses for total consideration MHz B/C Block bands to two additional mobile network operators.
of $1.0 billion. Additionally, UScellular has entered into Buyers and terms have not been disclosed. Each transaction is
agreements with two other mobile network operators for the contingent upon the closing of the proposed sale of the UScellular
sale of other selected spectrum licenses. The transactions are wireless operations and select spectrum assets to T-Mobile. TDS,
part of the objective UScellular announced on May 28, 2024, to in its role as the 82 percent shareholder of UScellular, has delivered
opportunistically monetize the spectrum that was not included in its written consent approving the Verizon transaction. No further
the proposed sale to T-Mobile. “We are pleased that significant action by UScellular's shareholders will be needed or solicited in
value for a portion of the remaining licenses will be realized,” said connection with these transactions. Following these transactions,
Laurent C. Therivel, President and CEO, “and, importantly, that UScellular's retained spectrum will represent 3.4 billion MHz POPs
these agreements with multiple mobile network operators ensure of low and mid-band spectrum (700 MHz, 3.45GHz, CBRS and
that this spectrum will be put to work for consumers throughout C-Band) as well as 17.2 billion MHz POPs of mmWave spectrum.
the country. We are continuing the process to opportunistically UScellular is continuing the process to opportunistically monetize
monetize the remaining spectrum assets not included in today's these retained assets.
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