Page 104 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
P. 104


        FCC Launches First Review of Submarine Cable Rules Since 2001

        The Federal Communications Commission   a  major  review  of  submarine cable rules   requirement for  cable landing  licenses
        has  voted to  launch  a  major  review  of   since 2001. “Oversight of submarine cables   and, in the alternative, seeks comment
        licensing  rules surrounding  submarine   traces back even before the existence  of   on shortening the current 25-year license
        cable  rules. A new Notice  of Proposed   the commission itself,” the FCC’s  release   term.” As of Dec. 2022, the FCC reported
        Rulemaking adopted  by  the  Federal   following   vote stated. According to the   that  cable-landing licensees  had more
        Communications   Commission   (FCC)  release,  there are currently a  total  of 84   than 5.3 million Gbps of available capacity,
        will  begin a  review of the regulations   FCC-licensed  submarine  cable systems.   with  an  additional  6.8  million  Gbps in
        surrounding  submarine  cables.  The  As part of the rulemaking notice approved   planned capacity this year alone. “Today’s
        rulemaking notice, approved Nov.  21  by   Thursday, the FCC will also seek comment   action  continues  the  FCC’s recent efforts
        the FCC, will  now seek public comment   on how the  commission  can improve   to support  national security,” Thursday’s
        regarding  how the commission can    security  and protection  of submarine-  release continued.  “The commission has
        streamline  the rules around  submarine   cable infrastructure.  “This  proceeding   proposed new rules that would require, for
        cables  to  ensure  efficient  deployment.   will  look to streamline the agency’s   the first time, companies with international
        According  to the FCC’s release following   review  process,” the release stated.  “It   telecommunications authorizations to file
        the vote, the agency  has not conducted   proposes  a  three-year periodic  reporting   renewal applications with the FCC.”

        FCC Establishes New Guidelines for National 4.9 GHz Band Manager

        The Federal  Communications  Commission (FCC) voted on
        October 18 to approve new rules supporting a nationwide Band
        Manager framework for the 4.9  GHz band,  as reported by the
        International Association  of Fire Chiefs (IAFC).  The framework
        seeks to improve coordination within the 4.9 GHz band, enhancing
        public  safety operations  through  the integration  of current
        technologies, such as 5G. The FCC outlined that a chosen Band
        Manager will  be  granted  a  nationwide  overlay  license,  allowing
        for a  spectrum-sharing  agreement  with the First  Responder
        Network Authority (FirstNet). This move is designed to maximize
        the use of the 4.9  GHz  band for public  safety purposes  while
        protecting  existing licensee  operations from interference.  The   with both FCC and National Telecommunications and Information
        FCC  specified  several  key  responsibilities  for  the  national  4.9   Administration  (NTIA) regulations, ensuring  no harmful
        GHz  Band Manager.  These  include  frequency  coordination,   interference  affects current license holders. The FCC delegated
        managing interference protections, and facilitating a spectrum-  authority to its Wireless Telecommunications and Public Safety
        sharing agreement with FirstNet. The Band Manager is expected   &  Homeland Security Bureaus to manage the Band Manager
        to  encourage the  adoption of  the latest  commercially  available   selection process. This includes establishing procedures for the
        technologies to optimize public safety spectrum use. Additionally,   formation of a selection committee, setting selection criteria, and
        the Band Manager will be required to submit an annual report to   identifying representatives to participate on the committee. The
        the FCC on its activities. The FCC has mandated that any sharing   bureaus will also determine the structure and oversight for this
        agreement with FirstNet must include provisions for compliance   selection process.

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