Page 100 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
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                                             REGULATORY NEWS

        UN, ITU Launch Advisory Body to Strengthen Submarine Cable Resilience

        The   International  Telecommunication  year, requiring  around three cable repairs   “Submarine  cables are essential  to  the
        Union (ITU), in  collaboration  with  other   per week.  The primary  causes of cable   functioning  of our connected  world, but
        UN departments established  a new  body   damage are accidental human  activities,   they  face risks  that  require  coordinated,
        aimed at  strengthening  the resilience  of   such as fishing and anchoring, as well as   proactive action,”  said Tijani. “We are
        submarine  cables in response  to rising   natural hazards and equipment  failures.   therefore pleased to  host the inaugural
        outages. The  ITU, the United Nations   The Advisory  Body is  co-chaired by  H.E.   Submarine  Cable Resilience  Summit in
        Agency  for Digital  Technologies,  and the   Bosun Tijani, Minister of Communications,   Nigeria in early  2025.”  “This  initiative
        International Cable Protection  Committee   Innovation and Digital  Economy  of the   underscores the global community’s
        (ICPC) have jointly formed the International   Federal Republic of Nigeria, and Professor   commitment  to strengthening  these
        Advisory  Body  for Submarine  Cable   Sandra Maximiano, Chair of the Board   networks and advancing  international
        Resilience. The new body will explore ways   of Directors  of Portugal’s National   cooperation  for digital resilience,”  added
        to  improve cable resilience  by  promoting   Communications  Authority (ANACOM).   Maximiano.
        best practices  for governments  and
        companies. Its focus will include ensuring
        timely deployment and repair of submarine
        cables, reducing  the risk  of  damage,
        and enhancing  connectivity  continuity.
        “Submarine cables carry over 99 per cent of
        international data exchanges, making their
        resilience  a  global  imperative,” said  ITU
        Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin.
        “The Advisory Body will mobilize expertise
        from around the world to ensure this vital
        digital infrastructure remains resilient in
        the face of disasters, accidents, and other
        risks.” The ICPC estimates that an average
        of 150 to 200 faults occur  globally each

        Oman’s MTCIT Tackles 136 Cybersecurity Incidents and Advances Digital

        Authentication Services in 2024

        Oman’s    Ministry   of   Transport,  help  institutions mitigate potential  risks   were issued  for electronic  signature
        Communications,   and    Information  and prevent breaches. The  National   tools for government  and private  sector
        Technology (MTCIT), through the National   Laboratory for Digital Evidence, during the   employees. To further strengthen Oman’s
        Centre for Information  Security, has   same period,  processed  164 cases and   digital ecosystem, MTCIT completed  the
        successfully addressed 136 cybersecurity   analyzed  757 devices,  including  desktop   integration  of 14  new electronic systems
        incidents in the first nine months of 2024.   computers,  laptops, mobile phones,  and   from various institutions, expanding access
        The swift  detection and resolution of   external hard drives. MTCIT has also made   to electronic authentication services. This
        these issues underscore  the ministry’s   significant progress in enhancing Oman’s   initiative aims to streamline  operations
        commitment to safeguarding the nation’s   digital  authentication services,  issuing   and ensure secure digital interactions
        digital infrastructure against  emerging   over 2.3  million  electronic  authentication   across  sectors.  These  achievements
        cyber threats.  In addition,  MTCIT  issued   certificates  linked  to  residence  cards.   reflect MTCIT’s  ongoing  efforts  to  fortify
        25  cyber  alerts  and warnings concerning   Furthermore,  more  than  233,000  Oman’s  cybersecurity infrastructure and
        security vulnerabilities. These alerts were   certificates  were  provided  for  mobile   drive the country toward a safer and more
        accompanied  by  detailed  guidelines  to   phone authentication, and 213 certificates   efficient digital future.

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