Page 101 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
P. 101
Kingdom Launches New Framework to Standardize Digital Services
The Digital Government Authority has transformation, enhancing compliance, program, fostering an integrated digital
launched the Platform Code, a national and fostering efficient and impactful community, and the Scene Program,
framework for designing and developing services aligned with Saudi Arabia’s promoting holistic user experiences
government platform interfaces in strategic digital goals. The Platform Code, locally and globally through advanced
Saudi Arabia. Unveiled during an event an open-source design system, integrates frameworks and tools. Committed to
in Riyadh, the initiative aims to unify coding frameworks, design tools, and advancing digital governance, the authority
platform designs, ensuring a seamless community guidelines, enabling rapid aims to position Saudi Arabia as a global
and consistent digital user experience. development of unified user experiences. leader in innovative digital services. It
The event gathered dignitaries, digital It allows designers and developers to leverages cutting-edge technologies
transformation leaders from public and address specific needs using pre-built like AI and emerging tech while offering
private sectors, and key stakeholders. assets. The authority also unveiled the consultancy programs and fostering
Ahmed Al-Suwaiyan, governor of the Saudi Digital Strategy, focused on growing leadership in digital transformation. These
Digital Government Authority, said that the the digital economy and expanding efforts contribute to Vision 2030’s goals
Platform Code aligns with local and global opportunities for public and private sector of enhanced service quality and economic
digital standards. He described it as a products. Other initiatives included the growth.
critical step toward comprehensive digital Digital Transformation Ambassador
WRS-24: Global ITU Seminar Outlines Latest Radio Spectrum Regulations
The ITU World Radiocommunication Semi- strument allowing all administrations to rationally, efficiently and economically and
nar (WRS-24) was held in Geneva, Switzer- establish and use radio services free from that countries worldwide have equitable
land, from 2 to 6 December. The biennial harmful interference. “In today’s intercon- access to these limited natural resourc-
seminar equips national telecom regula- nected world, effective management of ra- es.” The week-long seminar covered top-
tors, spectrum managers, and engineers dio frequencies is more critical than ever,” ics related to radio spectrum management
with the latest knowledge and tools for said Mario Maniewicz, Director of the ITU at the global level and the implications for
effective spectrum management. Par- Radiocommunication Bureau. “Confor- subsequent regional coordination, and na-
ticipants at this latest session received mity with the provisions of the ITU Radio tional regulation.
hands-on training on the application of Regulations ensures that radio frequen-
ITU Radio Regulations, the key legal in- cies and any associated orbits are used
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