Page 73 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 73


        As a mobile operator or service integrator,   Eutelsat  ADVANCE  enables  mobile  using radio technologies, regions trunking
        reaching  remote areas requires extensive   operators  to capitalise on this growing   for carriers and service integrators in rural
        mobile  network backhaul. The  further   opportunity, with a  flexible,  scalable   or dispersed areas.
        service coverage is  needed,  the stronger   solution that offers coverage across vast
        and more reliable the connectivity solution   regions,  no matter  how remote. Satellite   With  dynamic plans  that  accommodate
        needs  to be  to ensure the backhaul   provides the ability to reach and connect   your needs,  ADVANCE’s  services and
        performs well. Mobile networks, transport   any challenging  terrain that would   solutions  can adapt to your needs  in the
        services  and IoT operations  increasingly   otherwise be impossible  for terrestrial   moment and ensure business continuity
        demand  a solid backhaul  transmission   networks to operate in.          no matter  your challenges  on the day,
        network from mobile operators.                                            season or year.

        Satellite offers a  unique  opportunity for   Eutelsat  ADVANCE  offers  vital  connectivity with  reliable
        mobile  operators  to keep  up  with the   high-speed communications to manage critical data and
        demand  for connectivity  while alleviating
        the  increasing  pressure to provide    telemetry  connectivity  across  vast  coverage  areas.  It  is
        backhaul connectivity.                  specifically  designed  to  act  as  a  complementary  service

        With  Eutelsat  ADVANCE,  you  gain     to extend your reach and access to remote markets and
        resilient  connectivity  with  satellite  challenging terrain.
        redundancy  covering all  markets  and
        regions, effectively connecting cell site air   Services such as  ADVANCE  Backhaul   Ensure connectivity for your operations
        interfaces to wireline  networks and data   embrace  the multitude  of advantages   It’s time to hybridize the terrestrial. Satellite
        centres. Satellite’s resilience and reliability   satellite offers and provides them in a way   connectivity  enables  telcos to expand
        also ensure that companies  and users   that makes sense for telecommunications   beyond their historical constraints, access
        can rely upon the connection quality of a   companies  and  their users. It  extends   entirely new markets and continue to grow
        telecommunications  company, no matter   2G, 3G and 4G, and soon 5G, via satellite   and offer their services with greater reach.
        where they may find themselves.      to rural areas to ensure connectivity  for
                                             communities  and businesses  beyond the   Eutelsat ADVANCE offers vital connectivity
        Ultra-rural backhaul                 reach of mobile networks.            with reliable high-speed communications
        Untapped, emerging markets are a future                                   to manage critical data and telemetry
        opportunity  for  telecommunications  Private networks and trunks         connectivity  across vast coverage  areas.
        organisations as  businesses,  people,  and   For many private networks, keeping up with   It  is  specifically  designed  to  act  as  a
        industries  establish themselves in more   high running costs hinders their ability to   complementary  service to  extend  your
        remote areas  of the world.  Soon  ultra-  grow and expand. Private trunks often face   reach and access to remote markets and
        rural industries  such  as agriculture and   the challenge of creating efficient network   challenging  terrain. ADVANCE is flexible
        maritime will  be  relying upon  technology   access between  separate nodes  and   and scalable with  overlapping  beams to
        that will require connectivity to function.  providing multiple signals at once.  better align with  customer  needs  and
                                                                                  provide network resiliency.
        Terrestrial  networks  face  multiple  To provide for multiple signals while
        challenges  in ultra-rural  areas  due   supplying  a  quality service,  private   Consider  Eutelsat  ADVANCE  to  connect
        to the challenging  terrain and lack  of   networks and trunks need to offer greater   your network and customers anywhere and
        development.  This often  means that   reach with  economical  solutions  for the   anytime. Only Eutelsat has a proven track
        telecommunications  companies  miss  out   long term.                     record  for supplying reliable and resilient
        on the opportunity to service these areas,                                connectivity to the far reaches of the world.
        leaving opportunities for further business   Eutelsat ADVANCE offers dynamic plans   Visit the official Eutelsat ADVANCE website
        on the table unconnected.            to accommodate seasonal volumetric   for more information.
                                             changes. It  provides for private  networks

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