Page 112 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
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        Pakistan Telecom Authority (PTA) said that it has reduced mobile   approved short code. Panel headed by Maj Gen (retd) Amir Azeem
        termination  rate (MTR)  to Rs0.50/ minute  from Rs0.70/minute   Bajwa,  Chairman  PTA, heard  the issue “spamming, unsolicited
        effective January 1, 2022. Rates will be further reduced to Rs0.40/  and fraudulent  communication”.  The licensees  are required
        minute from July 1, 20. “Reduction in the MTR has been made   to comply  with  the provisions  of prevailing regulatory  laws
        after thorough  consultation  with the telecom  industry,” the   comprising the Act, the Pakistan Telecommunication Rules, 2000
        regulator said in a statement. PTA is of the view that lowering of   (the “Rules”) the PTA (Functions and Powers) Regulations, 2006
        MTR would allow more competitive and innovative offerings such   the Numbering Allocation and Administration Regulations, 2018
        as free minute off-net bundles for the consumers. “It is expected   (the “NAAR Regulations”), the Protection from Spam, Unsolicited,
        to make market healthier and beneficial in terms of lower tariffs   Fraudulent  and Obnoxious Communication  Regulations  2009
        for making off-net  calls,”  the  statement  said. “It  would  also   (the “SPAM Regulations”) as amended from time to time and the
        benefit  smaller  operators  in  terms  of  reduced  net  payments  to   terms and conditions of the license. In accordance with license
        be made to  the  bigger  operators.”  In  July 2021,  PTA issued a   condition No 7.8.1 of the licenses, the licensee is under obligation
        consultation  paper wherein it  was  observed that  current MTR   to take all reasonable steps to track and locate and prevent the
        in Pakistan is still higher than the benchmarking results of the   source of harassing, unsolicited, offensive, fraudulent or unlawful
        MTR determination of 2018 and the MTRs prevailing in regional   communication.  More so, under  license  condition  No 7.8.2  of
        countries. Further, PTA had also received requests from telecom   the licenses,  the licensee  shall, on the directions  of the PTA,
        operators to review the existing mobile termination rates. Majority   terminate or suspend service to any customer that is the source
        of the responses received, supported PTA’s recommendation to   of harassing, offensive or illegal communication. For transmission
        lower MTR. However, there were opposing responses too. After   of any information through  numbers allocated  assigned  under
        industry hearing and thorough analysis, PTA has determined the   the NAAR Regulations, the licensee under sub-regulation (4) of
        MTR for all types of calls -- local, long distance and international   regulation 14 of the NAAR Regulations is not allowed to translate,
        incoming  calls --  terminated  on mobile  networks from other   alter  or  delete  the  telephone  number  or  other  identification
        mobile networks or fixed networks in Pakistan and AJ&K/GB, to   associated  with its subscribers.  Whereas, sub-regulation  (5) of
        be  Rs0.50/minute from January to June  2022, Rs0.40/minute   regulation 14 of the NAAR Regulations further provides that the
        from July 2022 to June 2023 and Rs0.30/minute from July 2023   licensee shall not translate, alter or delete the signaling or other
        onwards. (November 28, 2021)            data associated with all calls routed through its network. As per
                                                               sub-regulation  (6) of regulation  14 of the  NAAR  Regulations,
        The  Pakistan Telecommunication  Authority  (PTA)  has directed   each party shall program the number series in their switches in
        all of the four cellular mobile operators (CMOs) for implementing   accordance  with  number  series allocated by  the Authority and
        “Do Not Call Register  (DNCR)”  in true  letter  and spirit in the   National Numbering Plan issued by the authority and shall comply
        manner  as provided  in the  Protection  from Spam,  Unsolicited,   with the numbering provisions. Furthermore, sub-regulation (7) of
        Fraudulent,  and  Obnoxious Communication  Regulations,  2009.   regulation 14 of the NAAR Regulations provides that the parties
        The  authority has ordered  Jazz, Ufone,  Telenor, and Zong  that   shall ensure that sufficient and correct numbering information is
        since they have not come up with satisfactory replies; therefore,   sent from one network to the other for correct delivery of domestic
        the licensees  are warned  not to repeat  the same, otherwise,   and international calls. Sub-regulation (8) of regulation 14 of the
        further legal proceedings will be initiated as per law. The CMOs   NAAR Regulations provides that the parties shall convey to each
        have been directed for taking all preventive measures with regard   other, telephone numbers in the national and international formats
        to non-disseminating messages through alphanumeric sender ID   as contained in National Numbering Plan issued by the Authority.
        contrary to applicable regulatory regime, messages to non-opt in   (November 9, 2021)
        subscribers, non-PTA’s approved content and through non-PTA’s


        The  Communications   Regulatory  Authority  (CRA)  and  and applications  by users  with physical,  visual, speech,  and
        Mada  Center  launched  the Accessible  Telecommunications   hearing  disabilities and the elderly  users. Additionally, the
        International Best  Practices report,  during  a  seminar attended   report includes a plan and future recommendations directed to
        by officials from the CRA and Mada Center, and representatives   all stakeholders,  including  the  main players in the Information
        of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology   and Communications  Technology  (ICT) sector, and concerned
        (MCIT), Ooredoo Qatar Q.P.S.C. and Vodafone Qatar P.Q.S.C. The   parties and organizations, to achieve further progress towards
        report was  developed  with the aim of informing  stakeholders   inclusive access to telecommunications.  Within the framework
        about the international best practices in the field of accessible   of the strategic partnership  between  the Communications
        telecommunications,  in  addition to  the latest  systems,   Regulatory Authority and Mada Center, work was carried out for
        technologies,  equipment,  tools,  software,  and services that   two years according  to a  methodology  based on research and
        help  improve the accessibility  to telecommunications  services   study of the international best practices in the field of accessible

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