Page 107 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 107


        While 4G  deals with  connectivity, 5G's  application  is  industry-  According  to a  decision  of the Bangladesh  Telecommunication
        based. "So, the two should not be compared." Teletalk Managing   Regulatory Commission (BTRC), the ‘minimum speeds’ for mobile
        Director Shahab says the operator has urged the finance ministry   internet and fixed broadband internet will be set at 15Mbps and
        to convert  the spectrum  fee into equity as  the government  is   20Mbps respectively, increasing the official threshold guidelines
        the owner  of spectrum. Responding  to the absence  of smooth   from the existing 7Mbps (mobile) and 10Mbps (fixed). As per the
        service for its  subscribers,  he says  the number  of towers, also   latest  decision,  ISPs  and mobile operators  unable  to maintain
        known as base transceiver stations (BTS), of Teletalk is a third of   the minimum speed  standards would  not be  categorized  as
        Grameenphone's. And, it could not invest to expand BTS for a lack   broadband  or 4G  service providers.  The BTRC has  formed  a
        of investment. "The service will improve following an increase in   committee to implement the initiative, which will consult with all
        investment." In March, the GSMA called for improving affordability   operators before submitting a formal proposal. In 2018 the BTRC
        by adopting appropriate policy and regulation in areas such as   doubled its official fixed broadband speed standard to 10Mbps,
        tax,  subsidies  and business  innovation to increase mobile   but according to local reports many users across the country are
        internet adoption in Bangladesh. It urged the government to equip   still not able to access this speed.
        individuals with digital knowledge and develop an ecosystem to   (November 19, 2021) The Daily Star
        produce contents locally. (December 12, 2021)


        The National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) has obtained   a population of around 600,000 in an area of 60,000 sq km. The
        the ISO 9001 certificate in the Institutional Quality Management   NTRA money will be used for the construction of cell sites in 30
        System for regulating telecommunication services in the Egyptian   urban areas and along four roads. NTRA said: “This is in line with
        market by one of the major international accreditation bodies, JAS-  the state’s  strategy to  achieve sustainable and comprehensive
        ANZ. This comes within the framework of the agency’s orientation   growth, as  well as  to provide telecommunications  services,  in
        to  apply international standards  in institutional management   Sinai. This would in fact help to increase national income, create
        methods  for the governance  of telecommunications  services   new employment  opportunities  and  widen areas  suitable for
        with companies licensed to operate in the Egyptian market, which   housing and growth.” The Egyptian government, which has been
        contributes  to enhancing  the  investment  climate in light of a   engaged  since  last  year in a program of digital transformation
        fair and attractive competitive environment in accordance with   of the country, has made universal access to telecom services a
        international standards, in addition to raising the efficiency rates   priority. (December 14, 2021)
        of the system of governance  of telecommunications  services
        provided to users. At the international level, NTRA advanced 54   The National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) greenlit the
        positions  in the international  ranking in the performance  index   usage of higher network frequencies for Vodafone, Etisalat, and
        of  telecommunication  regulators around  the world for the year   WE and is expecting an improvement in network services by early
        2020, issued  by  the International  Telecommunication  Union   2022, according to a statement released by the NTRA. The three
        (ITU), to  become 41st  among 193  countries  compared to 95th   network providers’ services will now run at 40 MHz of 2.6 GHz
        in 2019. The NTRA also advanced 43 international centers in the   on the Time Division Duplex  Spectrum,  a  new frequency  band
        Mobile Wallet Regulation Index 2020 issued by the International   that is expected to expand the capacity of networks and improve
        Association of Mobile Networks (GSMA), becoming 36th out of 90   services. According to the statement, Minister of Communications
        countries adopting this type of service globally, compared to 79th   and Information Technology Amr Talaat explained that the step
        in 2019. (December 15, 2021)        aims to improve the quality of telecommunications services, help
                                                               keep pace with the heightened demand for network services in
        Egypt’s telecoms  regulator  is to spend  the equivalent of   the Egyptian market, and support Egypt’s digital transformation.
        US$32.6 million improving services in the Sinai peninsula. The   He added that the new frequencies will help significantly improve
        National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (NTRA) said   the quality  of voice  and data  services over the coming  period.
        it  will  spend  513  million Egyptian pounds  from the country’s   The Egyptian telecommunication regulator  signed  investment
        Universal Service Fund (USF). “This step is in line with the role   agreements estimated at $1.170 billion in 2020 allowing Vodafone
        of the NTRA  to regulate  and disseminate  telecommunications   Egypt to start operating at a frequency of 40MHz, and Etisalat and
        services throughout the Arab Republic of Egypt, with the aim of   WE at 20MHz. The statement added that the NTRA directed the
        strengthening national and social correlations and contributing   three mobile  network operators  (MNOs)  to take the necessary
        to  economic  growth”  said  the  NTRA,  according  to  the  Ecofin   measures to leverage the new frequencies as well as follow the
        agency.  This is  part  of a  continuing  program by  the Egyptian   technical procedures that will prepare the networks for the new
        government to improve people’s access to telecom services, with   frequencies and overcome the hurdles that may negatively affect
        an emphasis was placed on rural areas and roads. Sinai, east of   the  quality of services. The  NTRA  is aiming to see  remarkable
        the Suez Canal between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean, has   improvement in the quality of voice and data services by early

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