Page 108 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
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2022 to catch up with the increased rate of cellular tower provided, including fining telecommunication companies EGP 25
installations. In recent months, complaints have surfaced about billion for violating phone service quality standards in accordance
the poor network coverage and data services provided by MNOs with the licenses they have been granted. The measures also
nationwide. In a NTRA report measuring the quality of calls and include establishing 641 new mobile stations in the third quarter
data services in the third quarter of 2021 in 81 cities and districts of 2021 to provide 500 villages with 4G network services, said the
countrywide, Vodafone came in first and Orange last. The authority report.
has enforced several measures to raise the quality of services (November 22, 2021)
The RIPE Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC), in in Iraq. Minister Al-Shaibani pointed out the significance of such
collaboration with the Communications and Media Commission high-level discussions and dialogues and stated: “The topics
in Iraq (CMC), successfully organized the 5th edition of the RIPE presented for discussion today are very important to keep pace
NCC Government Roundtable dedicated to Arab ICT Ministries with the development of the Internet sector in our countries,
and Regulators in the Middle East region. The meeting was held which requires all of us to join hands and cooperate to reach
virtually under the theme, “Internet in a Changing Environment”. tangible results. Despite our different priorities, we are certain
The event was attended by Ministers, Regulators, Director General that this distinguished gathering that brings together decision-
and high-level governmental delegations from the Kingdom of makers on one hand and experts on the other hand will meet the
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, desired aspirations of our societies and achieve comprehensive
Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt. The meeting was inaugurated development for our countries.
by H.E. Arkan Shahab Al-Shaibani, Minister of Communications (December 20, 2021)
The Ministry of Interior announced that it completed the of government support in this endeavor and investment in
digitalizing of all its services, making it the first Ministry to offer all Jordanian potentials both internally and externally. He said that
services electronically to citizens and residents. Interior Minister Jordanian universities seek to build digital content in line with
Mazen Faraiah, in a ceremony marking the conclusion of the fifth the national digital transformation strategy, urging the launch of
and final phase of the ministry's digitization project, said that the e-government bodies, and adding: "digital transformation is not
total transformation to e-service platforms is a "quantum leap" in a luxury, but there is a fourth industrial revolution that we must
government work, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported. He adapt to and prepare for what comes next to build a cybersecurity
stressed that the completion of the project would not have been system." Ibrahim called for cooperation between the government,
possible without the cooperation and efforts of other stakeholders, private sector and civil society institutions to promote education
including the Ministry of Economy and Entrepreneurship and the programs and initiatives for all groups of society, including
Jordan Free and Development Zones Group. According to Faraiah, children and adults, to create an advanced state of awareness
the ministry now offers a total of 51 e-services, of which more in the face of any breaches, piracy or electronic attacks through
than 500,000 service recipients benefitted, indicating that about prevention. He also urged building digital transformation systems
325,000 applications and service requests have been processed in countries, governments and institutions with parallel integrated
so far using these channels. (December 11, 2021) cyber protection platforms and regulatory and supervisory
legislation and electronic security centers, along with effective
Arab Cyber Security Sector Chairman Wael Ibrahim said that bodies to build educated, qualified and trained human resources,
Jordan is taking positive steps in the field of cybersecurity, starting with schools, institutes and specialized training centers,
and has advanced in the global cybersecurity index from the and even universities. Ibrahim outlined such cyber breaches,
eighties to the seventies among more than 170 countries. In a including cryptovirology attacks, like ransomware, and their aim
lecture organized by the Jordan Society for Scientific Research, of fraud, theft, sabotage, privacy breach, character assassination
Entrepreneurship and Creativity on challenges facing digital and defamation, as well as "electronic flies" on digital media
transformation and cybersecurity, he stressed the importance platforms. (November 17, 2021)
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