Page 97 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
P. 97


        ACM To Be Given Increased Powers To Monitor Fixed Telecoms Competition

        The  Netherlands’  Authority  for  Consumers  &  Markets  (ACM)
        welcomed  a  new legislative bill passed by  the House of
        Representatives designed to expand the regulator’s capabilities
        in  monitoring  fixed  telecoms  network  competition.  Proposed
        amendments  to  the Telecommunications  Act will  give the
        watchdog new regulatory instruments which ACM said will help
        to ‘ensure that parties wishing to become active in the telecom
        market  have  access  to  a  fixed  telecom  network’,  adding  that
        the  development  ‘contributes  to  better  functioning  markets,
        lower prices,  more innovation and better  services for people
        and companies’. ACM board member Manon Leijten stated that
        ‘the  new  legislation  will  give  [ACM]  more  opportunities  to  give
        telecom  providers  without  their  own  network  access  to  a  fixed
        network, if this is necessary for the market to function properly’’
        On 17 March 2020 the Netherlands’  apex administrative law
        court the Trade & Industry Appeals Tribunal (College van Beroep
        voor  het  bedrijfsleven,  CBb)  overturned  ACM’s  2018  Wholesale
        Fixed Access market  analysis  which had mandated incumbent
        PSTN  operator KPN  and cableco VodafoneZiggo  to  provide
        wholesale access to their fixed networks. Due to the CBb’s ruling
        VodafoneZiggo withdrew its wholesale network access offer, while
        KPN continued to provide a range of wholesale fibre and copper
        access options but has discontinued certain additional wholesale
        offers imposed in the annulled ACM decision. Consequently, ACM
        says  it  is  examining  ‘whether  the  position  of  providers  without
        their own network is sufficiently secured’. ACM’s latest statement
        added that it ‘sees risks to competition in the fixed telecom market
        if telecom providers without their own network do not gain access
        to  the KPN  and  VodafoneZiggo  networks on reasonable  terms
        [and it] therefore closely follows the developments in the market
        and explores the various options in the Telecommunications Act
        and the Competition Act to intervene if services for consumers   and companies deteriorate due to a lack of competition.’

        GSMA Warns on Grave Impact of Reserving Spectrum

        Authorities  which  set  aside  core  5G   spectrum.  Privately-licensed  allocations,   for effective collaboration.  Other viable
        spectrum  assets  for private  use by   it added,  risked  being  underused  and   options  highlighted  include  carefully
        vertical industries  risk  slowing operator   compromised  fair  spectrum  allocation   planned  spectrum-sharing  policies for
        deployments, reducing  coverage and   processes.  Instead,  the  GSMA  urged   those  wanting  to build  private networks,
        hampering  performance  of the new   authorities to allow  mobile operators   or spectrum leasing.  It  also  cited the
        technology  across  their countries, the   to  meet  the growing needs  of  industry.    importance of using unlicensed spectrum
        GSMA  warned.  In  a  paper  outlining  the   “Mobile  operators  already  support  for numerous  verticals. The  process  of
        mobile  industry’s  position  on  use  of  4G   verticals and can deliver private networks   allocating spectrum  to industries varies
        and 5G spectrum for vertical industries, the   with dedicated  spectrum  where  needed,”   from market to market. France, for example,
        association noted in the 5G era regulators   it  argued.  “Regulators can also  tailor   is  set  to  exclusively  allocate to  mobile
        faced pressure  for access to  spectrum   their normal award approach to meet the   operators,  while  German  authorities  were
        in  key  bands  from  a  range of  business   needs  of verticals  without undermining   heavily  criticized by  incumbent  Deutsche
        sectors. It  cautioned  setting aside these   5G more widely.” As an example, it cited a   Telekom for creating an artificial shortage
        assets would  have wider  consequences   recent  move in Finland where authorities   of  5G  spectrum  by  reserving  allocations
        for national access, noting  the situation   assigned  the  whole  of  the  3.5GHz  band   for private business.
        would be “especially grave” in  countries   to mobile operators, with a regulatory
        with a  shortage of accessible  mid-band   framework  in  place providing the base

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