Page 95 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
P. 95


                                             REGULATORY NEWS

        ITU Launches Innovation Challenges 2020

        The International  Telecoms  Union (ITU,   due to COVID-19.                 sectors,  including  agriculture, fashion,
        the UN  agency  for information and   •  The Ecosystem Best Practice Challenge   and health.
        communication  technology)  has released   looks for ecosystem builders to identify   Applicants should submit their ideas and
        details of its Innovation Challenges 2020,   best practices that  allow  innovators   innovations via the Co-Create Portal by 31
        an  open  global competition  platform   to develop sustainable and resilient   July 2020.
        for innovators and ecosystem  builders   solutions to  navigate technological   The winners will  be invited to an  ITU
        to present their  ideas and  projects,   change and bridge the digital divide.  event to  pitch their proposals, connect
        empowering  them to transform their   •  The  Women  in Tech  Challenge,  in   with mentors and expert to scale-up their
        communities into thriving digital societies.   cooperation  with  the  EQUALS  Global   project and become member of a network
        Adopting a COVID-19 theme for 2020, this   Partnership,  invites tech  innovators to   of past winners.
        year’s competition seeks entries designed   help  and empower  women  in various
        to nurture an inclusive digital world. The
        completion  supports  the ITU’s  drive  for
        countries  to have policies  and strategies
        for ICT-centric  innovation and calls on
        innovators, entrepreneurs,  policy-makers,
        leaders and change makers to bridge the
        innovation divide
        There are three challenges to choose from:
        •  The  Digital Change-maker Challenge
          covers a wide range  of topics  from
          Cybersecurity and regulation, to digital
          inclusion and climate change, and calls
          for participants to provide innovative
          solutions to  real-life  problems faced
          by stakeholders in their  communities,
          especially considering  value chain
          competitiveness  and global disruption

        Ethiopian Government to Sell Off 40% Stake in Ethio Telecom to International

        The Ethiopian government is set to sell off a 40 per cent stake in   country begins opening up its telecoms market. The government
        state owned Ethio Telecom to private, international investors, as the   will  also  make  5  per cent of  shares  in  the company available
                                                               for purchase by  the general  public Ethiopia’s  State Minister of
                                                               Finance, Eyob Tekalign Tolina, told journalists from the Reuters
                                                               news agency. The Ethiopian government will retain ownership of
                                                               the remaining 60 per cent of Ethio Telecom. In addition to selling
                                                               off the stake in Ethio Telecom, the Ethiopian government is also
                                                               set to auction  off two 15 year  licenses  to prospective mobile
                                                               network operators to provide services across the country.  The
                                                               licenses are expected to raise over $1 billion in revenues for the
                                                               government. The opening up of the country’s telecoms market is
                                                               an enticing prospect for telcos around the world looking to secure
                                                               a foothold in Africa’s second most populous nation, and the wider
                                                               region of East Africa. Vodacom Group, MTN Group Ltd, Orange SA
                                                               and Helios Towers have all expressed an interest in acquiring a
                                                               license in the country.
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