Page 93 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
P. 93


          improve  your own network security   investment to your customers.     participating in the MANRS initiative with
          posture and make it more resilient to   As more networks adopt the MANRS   Bangladesh  having  the  highest  number
          routing incidents.                 Actions,  it  will  become  easier to  identify   of MANRS conformant  networks with
        2.  Leverage Market Power: Organizations   these  bad actors, and ultimately restrict   6.  Nevertheless,  networks in the  region
          can encourage - or even demand - their   or even completely drop traffic from those   already show high levels of conformance
          Internet Service Providers (ISPs) follow   networks. Downtime costs money, and   with  the  MANRS  Actions  and we  would
          the best practices  outlined  in MANRS.   users  need  confidence  that  their  data  is   therefore  encourage  them to  lead by
          Including  MANRS participation  in RFP,   safe and secure.             example  by publicly demonstrating their
          tender, and purchasing  processes                                      commitment to routing security.
          can help  establish a  security-forward   There’s  over 3,500  networks in  the
          posture and communicate  a  security   SAMENA region, but just 17 are currently

        Types of Routing Incidents
         Issue            Explanation                          Repercussions          Example
         Prefix/Route/BGP   A network advertises IP addresses it   Packets are forwarded   A Bitcoin thief redirected a portion
         Hijacking        doesn’t hold, masquerades as another   to the wrong place,   of online traffic from multiple
                          network by announcing a fake AS number,   potentially causing Denial   ISPs to steal at least $83,000 in
                          or falsely announces that it’s able to   of Service (DoS) attacks or  cryptocurrency. [1]
                          forward traffic to another network.  traffic interception.
         Route Leak       Similar to hijacks, but often the result of   Packets are forwarded   A small company in Pennsylvania
                          accidental misconfiguration by a network   to the wrong place,   became a preferred path of many
                          operator.                            potentially causing Denial   Internet routes through Verizon,
                                                               of Service (DoS) attacks or  causing web traffic outages at
                                                               traffic interception.  Cloudflare, Facebook, Amazon, and
                                                                                      others for three hours. [2]
         IP Address       A network generates traffic with false   A root cause of reflection   1.35 Terabits per second of
         Spoofing         source IP addresses to hide the identity   DDoS attacks, where a   traffic hit the developer platform
                          of the sender or to impersonate another   victim receives a large   GitHub all at once. It was the most
                          computing system.                    volume of response     powerful DDoS attack recorded to
                                                               packets it never requested. date. [3]


        About the Author
        Aftab Siddiqui joined the Internet Society (ISOC) as a Technical Engagement Manager in November 2016. Siddiqui has been a key contributor to the
        global, regional, and local efforts in the APNIC community and has been an active participant in SANOG, APNIC/APRICOT and MENOG for many years.

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