Page 92 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
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        Routing  Incidents Have Real World   threats.  Network  operators  are taking   Because BGP has no built-
        Consequences                         collective responsibility for  the resilience
        Unfortunately, today’s Internet is constantly   and security of a critical part of the Internet   in security mechanisms, it
        under attack from criminals, activists, and   infrastructure by  agreeing  to implement   is both easy and common
        state-level actors seeking opportunities to   four simple actions:          for ASes to announce
        steal data, impose censorship,  undertake   1. Filtering  prevents  propagation
        espionage,  conduct  cyberwarfare, and   of  incorrect  routing  information.  incorrect      information
        otherwise cause disruption.            Ensure the  correctness  of your own   (whether  accidentally or
                                               announcements  and announcements
        Because  BGP  has  no  built-in  security   from your  customers  to adjacent   maliciously), and/or to
        mechanisms, it is both easy and common   networks.                          send  packets  with  forged
        for ASes to announce incorrect information   2. Anti-spoofing prevents traffic with false
        (whether  accidentally or maliciously),   source  IP  addresses. Enable source   (or  "spoofed")  IP source
        and/or  to  send  packets  with  forged  (or   address  validation  for at  least  single-  addresses.  This can lead
        "spoofed") IP source addresses. This can   homed  stub customer  networks, your   to  large-scale  Distributed
        lead to large-scale Distributed Denial-of-  own end-users, and infrastructure.
        Service (DDoS) attacks, service disruption,   3. Coordination  facilitates  global  Denial-of-Service (DDoS)
        and  traffic  interception,  redirection,  or   operational  communication  between   attacks, service disruption,
        modification,  which  all  pose  significant   network operators. Maintain  globally
        and substantial security risks.        accessible   up-to-date   contact    and  traffic  interception,
                                               information  in  common   routing    redirection, or modification,
        Routing incidents are increasing as more   databases, and respond  in a timely
        networks have joined  the  Internet,  often   fashion if incidents occur.   which  all  pose  significant
        with inexperienced staff, and as bad actors   4. Global  Validation   verifies   routing   and substantial  security
        have learned to exploit BGP’s limitations.   information  on a  global scale. Publish   risks.
                                               your routing  policy so others can
        See  the  [SIDEBAR]  to  learn  more  about   validate what information is correct.  the need  to  demand enhanced  routing
        types of  routing  incidents  and real-world                             security. You can help in two ways:
        examples.                            How You Can Help                    1.  Lead  By  Example:  Implement  the
                                             The  MANRS Actions are well-established   MANRS  Actions  and  do  your  part for
        How MANRS Can Help                   industry best practices, and are designed   the security of the Internet. Network
        Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security   to  be low-cost  and non-controversial.   operators -  including  all  organizations
        (MANRS) is a global initiative, supported by   However, many  network operators  still   with  ASes -  can help make routing
        the Internet Society, that provides crucial   have not implemented  them,  and most   security a new norm and a baseline for
        fixes to reduce the most common routing   enterprises  have not yet fully realized   other networks to follow. That will also
        Following data from the MANRS Observatory shows the State of Routing Security in all the SAMENA member countries.

        Learn more about MANRS by visiting the website at
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