Page 96 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
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        Prices  for Telecommunication  Services  Continue  to Decline  But Do Not

        Translate Into Rapidly Increasing Internet Penetration Rates

        On average,  prices for mobile-voice,  mobile-data and   basket of 1.5 GB shrank from 8.4 per cent of GNI per capita in 2013
        fixed-broadband  services  are  decreasing  steadily  around   to 3.2 per cent in 2019, at a compound annual growth rate of almost
        the world, and in  some countries even dramatically.   -15 per cent. When expressed in USD, the global average price of
        The  reduction  in price  relative to income  is even  more   a mobile-data basket of at least 1.5 GB dropped by 7 per cent on
        dramatic, suggesting that, globally, telecommunication and   average annually between 2013 and 2019.
        information  and communication technology  services are   •  Good progress has been made towards the Broadband Commission
        becoming  more  affordable. However,  both trends do not   for Sustainable Development's target  of achieving affordable
        translate into rapidly increasing Internet penetration rates   broadband costing 2-5 per cent of GNI per capita by 2025, but still
        which suggests  that there are other  barriers to Internet   more remains to be done. There are still nine developing countries
        use, concludes ITU in its new statistical report, Measuring   and 31 LDCs that have yet to reach the 2 per cent target by 2025.
        Digital Development:  ICT Price Trends  2019.  "Keeping   •  Fixed-broadband packages remain generally more expensive than
        telecommunication  and digital  services as  affordable as   mobile-data packages (although data  allowances are not always
        possible has  always  been  important  to  ensure broader   directly comparable). Over the past four years, the affordability of
        Internet uptake, especially for lower-income  households   fixed  broadband  has  not  changed  substantially,  but  advertised
        and consumers," said Houlin Zhao, ITU Secretary-General.   download speeds continue to increase.
        "In the face of COVID-19, this is more vital than ever. People
        who do not have access to the Internet may not be able to
        access information about how to protect themselves from
        coronavirus, telework, learn remotely and connect  with
        families and friends during quarantine." The latest statistics
        from  ITU  confirm  that  affordability  may  not  be  the  only
        barrier to Internet uptake, and that other factors such as low
        level of education, lack of relevant content, lack of content
        in local languages, lack of digital skills, and a low-quality
        Internet connection  may  also  prevent effective use.  "The
        COVID-19 crisis has clearly shown us that nobody is safe
        until we are all safe. By the same token, we will not be able
        to use the full potential of digital technologies until we are
        all  connected,"  said  Doreen  Bogdan-Martin,  Director,  ITU
        Telecommunication Development Bureau. "To connect all,
        we need to address all factors that may prevent meaningful
        Key results
        •  An entry-level mobile-voice  basket remains broadly
          affordable in most countries.  In  70  countries,  a  low-
          usage mobile-voice plan was  available  for less  than
          1  per  cent  of  gross  national  income  (GNI)  per  capita,
          and in a further 37 countries it stood below 2 per cent.
          Although causality is difficult to prove, price reductions
          have undoubtedly helped contribute to the rapid rise in
          the mobile-voice penetration  rate, alongside  growing
          competition and better price monitoring and evaluation
          by regulators.
        •  The expansion of bundled services has further reduced
          prices, as combined data-and-voice baskets are generally
          less expensive than the sum of the two separate baskets
          in most markets.
        •  Prices have decreased from 2013 to 2019 relative to GNI
          per capita  The global average price of a  mobile-data

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