Page 123 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
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                         of existing physical  infrastructure suitable for the   NOK197,000. Meanwhile, there are two spectrum caps
                         transmission of  broadband. This portal,  which is   that will apply, with the first setting a 370MHz limit on
                         expected to become available by the start of 2021, will   the amount of spectrum that each operator may hold
                         also contain information on planned construction work   across the low 10GHz, high 10GHz and 13GHz bands.
                         by geographical area. (May 12, 2020)  A second cap means each operator may hold no more
                                                                        than 2,545MHz across all eight of the bands in which
                         The National Communications  Authority (Nasjonal   frequencies are being made available. In March 2020
                         kommunikasjonsmyndighet,  Nkom)  has  confirmed   the regulator publicly identified the six companies that
                         that  a  multi-band spectrum  auction,  in which it  is   had qualified to bid, namely: Ceragon Networks, Funn,
                         offering a total of 4,379MHz, kicked off on 6 May. With   GlobalConnect,  Ice  Communication  Norge,  Telenor
                         the regulator claiming that the frequencies on offer will   Norge and Telia Norge. According to the Nkom, it has
                         ‘contribute to further development of 5G and make …   continuously  assessed whether  to  proceed  with  the
                         mobile networks more robust’, the available spectrum   auction,  given the ongoing  COVID-19  pandemic,  but
                         has been split into a total of 65 blocks across several   decided to do so in part after considering input from
                         bands – low, 10GHz and high, 10GHz, 13GHz, 18GHz,   the companies that had registered to take part.
                         23GHz,  28GHz,  32GHz  and  38GHz  –  with  pre-block    (May 6, 2020)
                         reserve prices ranging from NOK14,000 (USD1,361) to

                         Poland’s Minister of Digitisation Marek Zagorski says   made available to winning bidders to enable them to
                         he still expects 5G spectrum to be auctioned this year,   launch commercial services this year. Some operators
                         despite the recent postponement of the sale of licenses   are pushing ahead with 5G rollouts in other bands, with
                         in  the  3.4GHz-3.8GHz  range.  The  government  began   Polkomtel (Plus) having recently launched services in
        Poland           the auction process in March but halted it last month,   seven cities using 2.6GHz frequencies.
                         saying that it would be re-run once the COVID-19 crisis
                                                                        (May 13, 2020)
                         has  passed.  The Minister  says  that  licenses will  be

                         The telecom regulator has confirmed that it will open a   Management  Strategy forced  the regulator  to revise
                         consultation on the country’s delayed auction of new   this plan, and it is now targeting an auction before the
                         spectrum frequencies. The Agency for Communications   end of the year. The consultation meanwhile will open
                         Networks & Services originally planned to hold bidding   by July or August, with the regulator also set to publish
                         for  frequencies  in  the  700MHz,  1400/1500MHz,   documents  covering the use and sale  of 700MHz
        Slovenia         2100MHz,  2300MHz,  3600MHz  and  26GHz  bands   spectrum  for M2M  services. A separate  consultation
                         before the end of June this year. However, issues with   covering Slovenia’s spectrum management strategy for
                         implementing an updated Radio Frequency Spectrum   2021-2023 is also planned. (May 27, 2020)

                         South Korea’s three mobile network operators (MNOs)   cellular providers are understood to be pressing for a
                         – SK Telecom, KT Corp and LG Uplus – are reportedly   more concrete calculation standard, arguing that it is
                         calling on the government to revise the methodology   difficult for them to estimate total sales figures for a
                         for calculating the cost of extending  their respective   license  period  that  can  run  for  between  five  and  ten
        South Korea      2G/3G/4G  concessions.  The  three  cellcos  are  set  to   years. Regarding  this matter, KT CEO  Ku Hyeon-mo
                                                                        was cited as saying to ICT Minister Choi Ki-young at a
                         clash with the authorities over the costs of renewing
                         concessions that are set to expire in June 2021, with   meeting last month: ‘We are investing heavily in the 5G
                         a  renegotiation for an  extension of  these licenses   network to revitalize the economy from COVID-19, but
                         expected  to get underway next month. The  report   if the frequency band reassignment cost is excessive
                         claims that a conflict has arisen over the government’s   it  would become  a  heavier burden  …  Please revise
                         price  assessment procedures, which sets the cost   price-setting  procedures so it  would become  more
                         of spectrum  license  renewals in  consideration  of   reasonable.’
                         operator’s  expected  total  sales.  However,  the trio  of   (May 11, 2020) The Korea Times

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