Page 126 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
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                         investments to focus on increasing capacity of their 4G   claims be developing its own 5G gear, is partnering with
                         networks, but added  the government could  pressure   Ericsson and Nokia, Mobifone is working with Samsung
                         the state-owned  companies  to accelerate  next-  and Vinaphone  is  using Nokia  gear.  Conglomerate
                         generation  deployments. To cope  with rising usage   Vingroup  signed  a  deal with Fujitsu and Qualcomm
                         during  a lockdown, Viettel,  Vinaphone  and Mobifone   in June 2019 to manufacture 5G smartphones in the
                         introduced  larger  mobile data  allocations.  While  the   country.  The  group  started  making  4G  handsets  in
                         government hasn’t assigned 5G spectrum or licenses,   December  2018,  after  acquiring  a  majority  stake  in
                         Fitch Solutions noted it could convert the trial licenses.   Spain-based device maker BQ. Fitch Solutions believes
                         Viettel, which received its trial license in January 2019,   the impact of 5G deployments will be greatest in the
                         demonstrated  the  first  5G  connection  in  Vietnam  in   enterprise segment, particularly in the manufacturing
                         May 2019. In March, Mobifone said it completed tests   sector, with government initiatives supporting industry
                         on a pilot 5G network in four cities and was prepared to   uptake. (May 15, 2020)
                         launch commercial service. Market leader Viettel, which

                         Dark Fiber Africa (DFA) has become the first company   providers. DFA Group CEO Thinus Mulder commented:
                         in ten years to be awarded a new telecoms operating   ‘From  the  beginning,  we  have  favored  a  measured
                         concession in Zimbabwe. The firm has been granted   approach in our expansion to nations outside of South
                         an  Internet  Access  Provider  Class  B  license  by  the   Africa. We believe in the potential  of Zimbabwe’s
                         Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority   telecommunications  industry, and therefore, we have
        Zambia           of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ). The firm is looking to deploy   identified it as a good place to invest in.’
                         a  nationwide  fiber  backbone  network  which  will  be   (May 6, 2020) ITWebAfrica
                         used to provide capacity to third-party access service

                         Disclaimer: Information contained in Member News updates, Regional News updates, Policy & Regulatory updates, Satellite News updates, Tech-
                         nology News updates, Snapshot of Regulatory News SAMENA Countries, Regulatory News beyond SAMENA region and Wholesale News updates
                         have been obtained from sources, which we deem reliable. SAMENA Telecommunications Council is not liable for any misinformed decisions that the
                         reader may reach by being solely reliant on information contained herein. Expert advice should be sought.

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