Page 120 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
P. 120


                         Telecoms  watchdog  the  Public Utilities Commission   systems  for the provision of mobile communication
                         (Sabiedrisko Pakalpojumu Regulesanas  Komisija,   services.  As  previously  reported  by  TeleGeography’s
                         SPRK),  has revoked  spectrum  rights held  by state-  CommsUpdate, the SPRK had issued a decision on the
                         owned  fixed  operator  Tet  (previously  known  as   matter in January 2019, adding at the time that it could:
        Latvia           Lattelecom)  at  1427MHz-1452MHz  and 1492MHz-  ‘now  start  to  plan  the  granting  of  rights  of  use  and
                                                                        redistribute  the entire range  so  that, from 1  January
                         1517MHz  ahead of schedule.  In  a  statement from
                         the  watchdog,  the  SPRK explained  that rights  were   2021 onwards, operators who have received the rights
                         previously set  to be released  by  31  December  2020,   of use can fully utilize the range’. Tet has not issued a
                         so that the band could be re-planned from fixed radio   statement on the matter. (May 28, 2020)

                         The government  has  approved a  draft  plan for the   main transport routes and hubs, such as motorways,
                         development  of  5G  mobile  communications  services   rail routes and airports, by 2025. Rollout is expected to
                         across  the  country,  LRT  cites  a  report  by  BNS  as   begin next year, following a 5G spectrum auction carried
                         saying. Under the provisional guidelines, a 5G network   out by the Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT)
        Lithuania        should  be  launched  in at  least one  of Lithuania’s   later this year, although this depends on the outcome of
                         largest cities – Vilnius,  Kaunas, Klaipeda, Siauliai or
                                                                       talks with Russia about spectrum interference issues
                         Panevezys – by 2022 and should be available in all five   in border areas. (May 29, 2020)
                         by 2023. 5G services should cover all urban areas and

                         The Malta  Communications  Authority (MCA) has   have  had  difficulty  entering  the  sector  and  it  is
                         opened  a  consultation  on the provision of wholesale   proposing a number of regulatory obligations relating
                         fixed  broadband  access  based  on  its  preliminary   to access,  non-discrimination, transparency, price
                         findings.  The  regulator  has  ruled  that  the  island’s   control and accounting  separation. Responses  to its
        Malta            two main fixed network operators – GO and Melita –   proposals are being accepted until 24 July.
                         have  significant  market  power  in  both  the  retail  and
                                                                        (May 26, 2020)
                         wholesale broadband markets. It says other providers

                         The Senate,  the upper  house  (Eerste Kamer) of the   thus:  ‘This  bill  provides  for  a  new  chapter  (14a)  in
                         Netherlands’  parliament,  has passed  without vote a   the Telecommunications Act. This chapter prevents a
                         bill amending telecoms legislation to allow the govern-  party acting on the basis of geopolitical motives from
                         ment  to  block  ‘undesirable’  investors  from  acquiring   gaining control of the telecommunications infrastruc-
        The              stakes in Dutch operators. The Senate website notes   ture and services that can be abused. The Minister of
                                                                        Economic Affairs and Climate (EZK) is empowered to
                         that the bill was passed on 19 May as a ‘hamerstuk’
        Netherlands      (‘hammer  document’)  which  does  not  require  further   prohibit  the acquisition  or retention  of predominant
                         debate or voting. The lower House of Representatives   control in a telecommunications party if, in his opinion,
                         had unanimously adopted the bill – ‘Undesirable Con-  obtaining or retaining such control threatens the public
                         trols Telecommunications Act, 35153’ – on 7 May. The   interest. In order to maintain an overview of relevant
                         amendments will enter into force via Royal Decree, giv-  acquisitions  in the telecommunications  sector, a  re-
                         ing powers to the Ministry of Economic Affairs to ac-  porting obligation is provided. The person who intends
                         tively monitor and intervene in ownership relationships   to acquire predominant  control in a telecommunica-
                         in the telecoms sector. (May 21, 2020)  tions party must report this intention  to the Minister
                                                                        of EZK if this control leads to relevant influence in the
                         The Netherlands’  House of Representatives has  ad-  telecommunications sector. After receiving notification
                         opted  a bill amending  telecoms  legislation  to allow   of an intended acquisition of predominant control, the
                         the government to block ‘undesirable’ investors from   minister will start an investigation. This investigation
                         acquiring  stakes in Dutch  operators. Following the   aims to determine whether there are grounds for a ban.
                         unanimous vote on 7 May, the Senate Committee for   In  addition,  the Minister of EZK  will  actively monitor
                         Economic Affairs will discuss the bill – ‘Amendments   the control relationships in the  telecommunications
                         to the Telecommunications Act with regard to Unde-  sector.’ The bill was submitted to parliament back in
                         sirable Control in Telecommunications Parties’ (Unde-  March 2019 by State Secretary for EZK Mona Keijzer
                         sirable Controls Telecommunications Act, 35153). The   following original government proposals in April 2018
                         Dutch  Senate  website summarizes the amendments   to enforce takeover controls applicable to fixed/mobile

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