Page 118 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
P. 118


                         The Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) in   entities/bodies are welcome to submit applications for
                         Hong Kong has launched a subsidy scheme aimed at   projects which are able to bring substantive benefits to
                         promoting new 5G projects across the territory. Under   the business/sector concerned through the deployment
                         the scheme, the government will subsidies 50% of the   of  5G  as  well  as  demonstrate  innovation  or  cross-
        Hong Kong        actual cost directly relevant to the deployment of 5G   sectoral  synergy.’  TeleGeography’s  GlobalComms
                         technology  in an approved  project,  subject  to a cap
                                                                        Database notes that three of Hong Kong’s four mobile
                         of  HKD500,000  (USD64,500).  Around  100  qualified   network  operators  (MNOs)  launched  commercial  5G
                         projects will be subsidized, with the scheme aiming to   services on 1 April, with the fourth – SmarTone – still
                         promote projects such as smart city applications. An   pushing ahead with its own 5G network rollout.
                         OFCA  spokesperson  commented:  ‘Public  and  private   (May 11, 2020)

                         Iceland’s telecoms  watchdog  the Post and Telecom   and  the  supply  of  5G  services  in  the  near-term.  The
                         Administration  (PTA, or Post-og Fjarskiptastofnun   PTA said that the renewal  of the three  concessions
                         [PFS])  has  awarded  5G  spectrum  to  three  operators   will depend on whether the companies have used the
                         – Siminn, Nova  and Vodafone  Iceland (Syn) – with   assigned frequencies  in  accordance  with  the PTA’s
        Iceland          the concessions  valid  until 31  December  2021.  The   criteria. According to PTA’s terms and conditions, 5G
                                                                        services should be available to 25% of the population
                         allocations in the 3.6GHz band are as follows:
                         • Siminn: block B3600 (3500MHz-3600MHz)        (via  at least 30 mobile  sites)  by the  end  of 2021.  In
                         • Nova: block C3600 (3600MHz-3700MHz)          particular,  Siminn  is  required  to  provide  5G  services
                         • Vodafone Iceland (Syn): block  D3600  (3700MHz-  with minimum  downlink  of 200Mbps to 90% of the
                         3800MHz).                                      population in Blonduos, Thorlakshofn and Egilsstadir;
                                                                        Nova  (Hellu,  Sandgerdi and Vestmannaeyjum); and
                         The regulator highlighted that the remaining 100MHz   Vodafone Iceland (Hvolsvelli, Siglufirdi and Grindavik).
                         in the band would be distributed at a later stage, as the   (May 3, 2020)
                         PTA will first monitor the development of 5G networks

                         The  Telecoms  Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI)   has been exacerbated by the launch of Reliance Jio in
                         has proposed  adding  an extra digit to Indian mobile   2016, who has bought a range of ultra-low cost data
                         numbers  to cope  with surging  demand  for  mobile   tariffs and handsets to the market, attracting over
                         connectivity. The move would see the standard Indian   330 million subscribers and becoming India’s biggest
        India            mobile number increase from 10 digits to 11 “Switching   telco in the process. However, with ARPU in the mobile
                                                                        sector hovering around $1.50, Reliance’s competitors
                         from 10 to 11 digits with first digit for mobile number
                         as ‘9’ would give a total capacity of 10 billion numbers,”   are struggling to break even. The Cellular Association
                         TRAI said  in its  recommendations to  the telecom   of India has written to the TRAI seeking discussions on
                         department. “With the current policy of allotment after   the viability of introducing minimum pricing legislation
                         70 per cent utilization, this would suffice till India has   “at  the  earliest”.  “Given  the  financial  pressure  on
                         seven billion connections,”  TRAI added. According   the sector and the fact  that  ARPU  and tariffs  of the
                         to a report  in The Economic  Times of India, also   Indian telecoms sector  are the lowest in the world,
                         claimed that machine to machine SIM cards, as well   floor pricing is imperative to ensure that the sector is
                         as  portable internet dongles  would be reallocated a   sustainable, and is in a position to bear the deferred
                         13 digit number, to prevent over use of the net 11 digit   spectrum  and  AGR  (Adjusted  Gross  Revenues)  dues,
                         numbers. India currently has around 1.2 billion active   while continuing  to invest in world class networks
                         mobile subscriptions,  making it  the world’s  second   and services,”  the letter from the COAI read. Earlier
                         largest telecoms market place, after China.    this year, Vodafone Idea, Bharti Airtel and Reliance Jio
                         (May 30, 2020)                    agreed to unilaterally kill off their very cheapest tariffs
                                                                        in an attempt to raise ARPU. (May 24, 2020) The Times of India
                         Key  players in  India’s  beleaguered telecoms  sector
                         have banded  together  to request  that  the Telecoms   A  long delayed WhatsApp move  to  launch a  mobile
                         Regulatory  Authority of  India  (TRAI)  implements a   payment service  in India  potentially  faced a  further
                         minimum pricing  rule  that would present  operators   hurdle, with the Competition Commission of India (CCI)
                         from offering  services below  a certain price.  India’s   reportedly probing  claims the  company  was  abusing
                         telecoms  sector has  seen its  average revenue  per   its market position.  Sources  told Reuters  the CCI
                         user (ARPU)  plummet in recent  years, as  operators   initiated an investigation following a complaint filed in
                         engage in a race to the bottom on price. The situation   March stating  WhatsApp was  bundling  its  payments

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