Page 125 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
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                         promised it  will  support  the delivery  of universal,   hardest to reach parts of the country. It also pledged to
                         decent broadband services, setting out funding rules in   work with industry to support a managed retirement of
                         Q1 and further assessing the reach of services in Q3.   services that rely on older copper networks.
                         It will work with the government to bring fiber to the   (May 4, 2020)

                         The FCC is voting June 9 on final auction procedures for   soon as possible. That’s one reason why we’re moving
                         handing out billions in rural broadband funding ASAP,   full speed ahead with the  Rural Digital Opportunity
                         with FCC Chair Ajit Pai signaling that is one reason that   Fund.” (May 18, 2020)
                         the FCC needs to push money out before it completes
        United           a  separate proceeding  for better identifying  where   The US’  telecoms regulatory  body, the Federal
                                                                        Communications Commission (FCC), has extended its
                         broadband is and isn't.  Pai said he has circulated a
        States           draft  for  those  final  procedures  to  his  colleagues.   Keep America Connected initiative through to the end
                         In  August  2019, the FCC voted to propose  handing   of June, according to a statement by its chairman. A
                         out over $20  billion in Universal Service Fund  (USF)   central pillar of the Keep America Connected initiative
                         subsidies  for rural  broadband  over the next decade,   is  the idea that  telcos should not disconnect  any
                         money that could go to cable broadband providers as   customers  from services due  to nonpayment of bills
                         well as telecoms.  The first phase of the program will   during the Coronavirus  outbreak.  FCC  Chairman Ajit
                         hand out $16 billion for census tracks where there is   Pai said that the move was necessary to ensure that
                         no service. In the second, $4.4 billion, plus whatever   millions of Americans retained access to connectivity
                         money is left over from phase one, will be available for   during the current COVID 19 pandemic. As part of the
                         building  out partially  served census tracts.  The  FCC   initiative, US telcos agreed not to terminate service to
                         has taken some criticism for handing out the $16 billion   any residential or small business customers because
                         before it collects better  broadband availability  data,   of their inability to pay their bills due to the disruptions
                         but Pai has pointed out that while the FCC concedes it   caused by the coronavirus pandemic; to waive any late
                         needs better data that is generally for areas that might   fees that any residential or small business customers
                         show service where there is none not where the data   incur because of their economic circumstances related
                         shows there is no service. He also points out that, in   to the coronavirus pandemic; and to open their Wi-Fi
                         the wake of COVID-19, getting  that  broadband  out   hotspots to any American who needs them. “Hundreds
                         to unserved rural areas ASAP is a priority. The Rural   of providers  have stepped  up  to the  plate to keep
                         Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) will be allocated via   Americans connected to communications services in
                         a two-phase, reverse, descending clock, auction. That   this time of need,” said Chairman Pai. “This includes
                         means carriers will bid on the right to use the funds to   the largest and some of the smallest providers across
                         build out broadband and voice to unserved high-cost   the country.  I  salute  them for making  broadband
                         areas, which are  generally  rural  areas, low  bid wins.    available to Americans who increasingly rely on it for
                         The  auction is scheduled  to begin  Oct.  29.  “Closing   work, school,  healthcare, and communicating  with
                         the digital divide is my top priority as Chairman, and   loved ones.  And  given our nation’s  current situation,
                         this auction is  our boldest  step yet to ensure that   I’m urging these companies to extend these important
                         broadband is  available  to  all  Americans,”  said  Pai  in   offerings—uninterrupted  service, waiving of late  fees,
                         announcing the item's circulation. “We’ve designed this   and continued  availability  of Wi-Fi  hotspots—until
                         auction to ensure robust participation, with incentives   June 30. Companies representing the vast majority of
                         for bidders to build high-performance networks so we   broadband and telephone subscriptions have already
                         get fast broadband to as many as six million American   agreed to this extension. I thank them for stepping up
                         homes and business that aren’t currently connected.   to the plate once again during this national emergency,
                         The COVID-19  pandemic  highlights the need  for the   and I encourage others to do so as well,” said Chairman
                         Commission  to continue  its work to ensure that all   Pai.
                         Americans have access to high-speed broadband as   (May 3, 2020)

                         Fitch Solutions predicted operators in Vietnam would   introduced  as  early  as  the middle of  this  year,  after
                         quickly  move  to  5G,  because  the  government  had   trials which commenced in May 2019. It expects the
                         prioritized the technology  and the nation sports   government  to boost  backing  for the  technology  by
                         mature handset  manufacturing  capabilities  which   creating test beds or through enterprise grants. Fitch
        Vietnam          offers advantages around  device costs. In a report,   Solutions  noted potential  delays to launches  due
                         the company  stated commercial  services could  be
                                                                        to  COVID-19  (coronavirus),  as  operators  reduce  5G

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