Page 124 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
P. 124


                         The competition authority told operators to remove all   is subject to change. As part of restrictions imposed
                         limits  on  consumers  switching  providers  within  five   on 17  March operators suspended  all  new number
                         days of the end of a state of emergency in the country,   portability requests for both fixed and mobile services.
                         having suspended rules as part of lockdown measures.   This allowed reallocation of resources to maintaining
                         The National Commission of Markets and Competition   network operation as  demand for connectivity
        Spain            said  once an  end to  emergency  measures related to   increased.  For  fixed  lines,  suspension  of  switching
                         COVID-19 (coronavirus) had been declared, operators   also removed a need to send engineers to physically
                         must increase capacity for number  portability  by  at   change  providers at  people’s homes. The  complete
                         least 15 per  cent per  day until they reached  levels   ban on porting to new service providers was eased in
                         available before the crisis. Spain’s state of emergency   April, replaced by specific limits placed on the types of
                         is scheduled to expire on 10 May, but has already been   transfers allowed and number  of switches  operators
                         extended twice from its original period and so this date   could perform per day. (May 1, 2020)

                         Ofcom  are proposing  to enable  greater  access  to   amendments to the original draft, published in January,
                         Extremely High Frequency  (EHF)  spectrum  in the   due to  the COVID-19 pandemic. The Plan of  Work  is
                         100-200 GHz frequency  range, given the potential to   designed to set out the watchdog’s priorities and work
                         support a range of new wireless services in the future.   program  for  the  new  financial  year.  In  a  statement,
        United           Other countries are also looking to use these spectrum   the company said: ‘Since consulting on our draft plan
                                                                        in  January,  the  coronavirus  pandemic  has  brought
                         bands,  including  the recent  decision  of the Federal
        Kingdom          Communications Commission to make them available   significant  challenges  to  the  sectors  we  regulate.
                         in the USA. By increasing access to this spectrum, UK   Much of the nation is working, learning  and keeping
                         innovators – and, in future, consumers – could benefit   in touch with family using  vital  communications
                         from international research collaboration, as  well  as   services from home. So reliable phone and broadband,
                         economies of scale as new internationally compatible   post and parcel  deliveries  and high-quality  TV and
                         devices are likely  to emerge. Ofcom believe these   radio programmes have never been more important.’
                         proposals would help position the UK at the forefront   The  plan has been  adapted  to take account  of the
                         of developing new services to use this spectrum and in   ‘exceptional circumstances’ that have unfolded since
                         doing so help deliver benefits to people and businesses.   the original consultation.  Ofcom’s work, it says, will
                         In light of responses to the consultation on supporting   be guided by  the following strategic themes this
                         innovation in the 100-200 GHz range, published on 17   year  (this  has  been  modified  to  include  only  those
                         January 2020 and updated on 7 February, Ofcom have   points pertinent to the Fiber  Systems audience):
                         published a further consultation on additional details   better  broadband and mobile  – wherever you are;
                         about the technical analysis underlying our proposals   fairness  for customers;  supporting UK  broadcasting;
                         and are  inviting any  comments  that  stakeholders   ensuring online communications work for people and
                         might have. The main content of this consultation is   businesses;  enabling  strong,  secure networks. The
                         as follows:                                    organization said  that  its  focus  will  be on delivering
                         •  Section  2 provides  an updated version  of our   the work  planned  in-full over the course  of the year.
                            Coexistence  analysis  with Earth Exploration-  But it will monitor the COVID-19 situation closely and
                            Satellite Services (passive) (Annex 6 to the January   keep plans flexible. In addition, an updated plan will be
                            2020  consultation),  containing  further clarifying   published  in September, alongside quarterly updates
                            information  about the assumptions underlying   on its progress. Amongst  the work to be carried  out
                            our  technical analysis.  All material in Section  2   this year, Ofcom will focus  on  supporting continued
                            which is  additional to  that  which was  published   investment  and  competition  in  gigabit-capable  fixed
                            in our January 2020 consultation (as Annex 6) is   and wireless services including fiber and 5G to meet
                            presented in grey boxes.                    continually growing demand. The organization said
                         •  Section 3 sets out further details of the coexistence   that  it  is  actively  supporting  investment  in  fiber
                            analysis which informed our January proposals.  networks, and will  conclude  its  Wholesale Telecoms
                         For the avoidance of doubt, this information does not   Fixed Access market review by April next year.  From
                         modify the proposals that Ofcom made in the January   a  wireless perspective, the regulator pledged  to  help
                         2020 consultation nor our underlying analysis. Ofcom   new wireless services launch, for people and industry,
                         welcome comments on the further information we are   including  5G.  This  is  to  ensure  that  the  market  has
                         releasing by 17 June 2020. (May 20, 2020)  the spectrum it needs to enable consumers to benefit
                                                                        from an improved  experience  and to market players
                         UK  communications  regulator,  Ofcom, has  published   to deploy innovative services and deliver economic
                         its Plan of Work 2020/21, which contains a number of   benefits for the UK. In addition to these areas, Ofcom

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