Page 135 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
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                         Telecoms  regulator the  Belgian  Institute  for Postal   the 3600MHz band, which will expire on 6 May 2040.
                         Services  and  Telecommunications  (BIPT)  has  Citymesh  Mobile  (owned  by  B2B  networks  provider
                         announced that the main phase of the auction of new   Citymesh  [51%]  and  RCS&RDS  [49%], of which Digi
                         5G spectrum (700MHz and 3600MHz) and existing 2G   Communications is the main shareholder) exercised an
        Belgium          and 3G frequencies (900MHz, 1800MHz and 2100MHz)   option at the end of March 2022 to obtain a reserved
                         has  concluded  after  three  weeks  of bidding,  raising   radio  spectrum  package  of 30MHz  duplex  in  the
                         more than EUR1.202 billion (USD1.264 billion) – some   various radio  frequency bands  for both  5G  and  2G,
                         EUR468.5  million  higher  than  the  reserve  price. In   3G and 4G applications against payment of EUR83.34
                         addition  to the  incumbent  mobile  operators Orange   million, enabling it to enter the market with an adequate
                         Belgium, Proximus and  Telenet,  two new entrants  –   spectrum package. The three existing mobile operators
                         Citymesh  Mobile and  IT services provider Network   also took up an option to acquire the radio spectrum
                         Research Belgium (NRB) – also succeeded in securing   reserved  for them against  payment  of EUR73  million
                         part of the available spectrum. Proximus spearheaded   each, in  order to guarantee  the  continuity  of their
                         the bidding, agreeing to pay a total of EUR491.1 million   current  services.  The  selected  candidates  must now
                         for  a  package  of  spectrum  in  the  five  bands,  while   submit  to  the  BIPT  no  later  than  5  July  a  common
                         Orange, Telenet and Citymesh also secured user rights   proposal per frequency band for the positioning of the
                         to frequencies in the blocks, bidding EUR321.5 million,   various frequency blocks, failing which an extra round
                         EUR264.4  million  and  EUR114.3  million  respectively.   of bidding will take place. The BIPT will now organize
                         NRB agreed to pay EUR10.97 million for a 20MHz block   a third procedure to allocate 90MHz of spectrum in the
                         of 3600MHz  spectrum.  User rights  will  be  valid  for a   1400MHz for a period of 20 years.
                         period of 20 years, with the exception of frequencies in   (June 21, 2022)

                         The  government  is  implementing  new  measures   rural  connectivity initiative  that  aims  to connect 500
                         to help  expand  connectivity  across  the  country.   villages  with  digital  infrastructure.  This  in  turn  will
                         Botswana’s  Minister  of Communications, Knowledge   provide internet access to clinics, schools, businesses
                         and  Technology  Thulagano  Segokgo  confirmed  the   and  municipal  buildings  in  previously  unconnected
        Botswana         government’s goal of extending the geographical range   regions.  The  government  also  plans  to announce  a
                         of mobile signal in the country, as well as pushing fixed   number of online government services in June this year.
                         services  to unconnected  rural  areas.  Segokgo noted   “Connectivity, like access to water, is simply a human
                         that the ministry was assessing the tariffs offered by   right,”  said  Segokgo.  “Such  efforts  and  commitment
                         operators and internet service providers to ensure that   will ensure that our citizens have access to government
                         “favorable  packages  [are]  accessible  to  consumers”,   services  around  the  clock, everywhere  and  anywhere.
                         and  added  that  the  government  would “strive  to look   This  will  bring convenience  to elders  and  eliminate
                         at other policy measures we can adopt to reduce the   unnecessary  visits  to  government  offices  and  also
                         input  costs  for  operators  and  in  turn  reduce  tariffs.”   spending several hours in queues.”
                         Botswana’s  government  is  currently  implementing  a   (May 24, 2022)

                         The  National  Telecommunications Agency (Anatel)   The  National  Telecommunications  Agency (Agencia
                         has  approved  a  60-day  extension  to  the  deadline  for   Nacional  de  Telecomunicacoes, Anatel)  approved the
                         launching 5G services in the 3300MHz-3700MHz band   sale of Oi’s V.tal unit (formerly known as InfraCo) on 5
                         for winners of frequency auctions in all state capitals   May. According  to the  watchdog,  the  transaction  will
        Brazil           and  the  Federal  District.  The  deadline  for releasing   take  place  in  three  stages:  firstly,  control  of  Globenet
                                                                        will pass to investment vehicles managed by the BTG
                         the commercial 5G frequencies has now been moved
                         from 30 June to 29 August 2022, while the deadline for   Group; secondly, control of V.tal will pass to Globenet;
                         activating 5G services with at least one base station per   and  finally,  Globenet  will  be  incorporated  by  V.tal.  On
                         100,000  inhabitants  of  each  capital  has  been  moved   25  January  2021  Oi  signed  an  exclusivity  agreement
                         from 31 July to 29 September 2022. Anatel disclosed   relating  to  the  sale  of  its  fiber-optic  InfraCo  unit. The
                         that delays in equipment supply had led to the extension,   contract was signed with Globenet Cabos Submarinos,
                         in  particular equipment used  to mitigate  interference   BTG Pactual Economia Real Fundo de Investimento em
                         in  satellite  stations  from usage  of the  3300MHz-  Participacoes  Multiestrategia  and  other  investment
                         3700MHz band, due to factors including shortages of   funds  managed  or controlled  by the  BTG Group.  The
                         semiconductors, lockdowns in China, limitations of air   staggered BRL11.4 billion (USD2.2 billion) transaction
                         transport and delayed customs clearance.       was  approved  by the  Administrative  Council  for
                         (June 6, 2022)                 Economic Defence (Conselho Administrativo de Defesa

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